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Farewell, old Azeroth!

Thanks for being good for 6 years. It contained so many memories in the whole three expansions.

First Version. (I would rather call it 'Era of Chaos', if you dont mind)

Level Cap: 60

Final Bosses and main dungeons

Onyxia in her Lair, Ragnaros in Molten Core, Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, C'Thun in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and the Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas (lvl 60)

I was a student in colleage at the time World of warcraft released. So once I got World of Warcraft , I know that would be my game. I deleted my chacarters in MU, maple story and some other MMOs, and put all my free time on WoW,

In this version, we can see a guild that contain more than 500 players. Also that's the first time, we realized how important the teamwork is. We learned how to use addons. We also learned how to keep yourself alive in 40 players' raid.

Do you still remember your first guild? Have you forgotten the feeling when you finished the FD with your teammates? Can you still remember the honour of getting 'Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal' (lols. I was the guildleader before.)

PS: That is still my favorate version exactly.

The Burning Crusade

Level Cap: 70

Final Bosses and main dungeons:

Magtheridon and Gruul, Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan, Zul'jin in Zul'Aman, Archimonde in Hyjal Summit, Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Cavern, Kael'thas in Tempest Keep: The Eye, Illidan in Black Temple, and the last boss Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau

This time, Blizzard finally realized, that's really hard to find 40 players for a raid. So the number of players been reduced to 25. But I still like 40 ones personaly.

We've got two new races. Horde finally found their own holy auras and blessing, Alliance knew what are those 4 sticks (totems) for as well.

I dont know much about this version. I've afked for my double degrees and graduation

So to me, this version is filled with regrets, Like disbanded my guild, which was the biggest guild in my server at the time; missed the last chance to get Amani War Bear, etc.

Btw: Archimonde is the biggest failed, the worst boss ever, nearlly all of players were using bug to kill this stupid boss, and Blizzard didnt do nothing to fix this bug.

Wrath of The Lich King

Level Cap: 80

Final Bosses and main dungeons: Do you think that's necessary to post the list of boss here?

A chain of things happened to me during this time: found a job and got promoted, finally found a new girlfriend who wont yell at me while I'm playing WoW, my new girlfriend became to my ex cuz she finally realized I'm totally a nerd and broke up with me, bought a new house in LA, ...

Ok, that's back to the topic. In this expansion, I was addicted to collect different kind of mounts, pets and achivement.

Because I cant afford to spent too much time with MMOs, so I learned how to play WoW with other games together with my double screens. Now my max multi-games number is : 4. XD.


A beginning of the new challenge...

Finally, if you love WoW, vote for it:

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