The only reason i consider playing wow is because i believe(or want to believe xD) that is one of the few games that have smooth fast paced and responsive pvp which is kinda balanced around 1v1(which is the most important think for a competitive game). Its smoothness and simplicity also make it a little more fun in unfair/team/mass pvp
why oh why are you looking for 1v1 in a MMO? it exists and it's...okay. But by God, this this the department where non-mmo's excell. Games like...Starcraft (RTS) or Mortal Combat for example (sorry, I'm old. I don't know what the 2010 alternative is)...these games are balanced on a razor blade.
MMO's...try to be balanced but aren't too great at it. It's simply a typicall MMO weakness the 1v1. Blizzard admitted that WoW isn't balanced 1v1 or even 2v2 well enough to justify competitive pvp at that level.
again, liking mmo's with pvp is fine but...dont pick an mmo just for PvP. the video game industry has a ton of non-MMOs with much stronger 1v1 than any mmo can ever achieve.
Just because it's massive, doesn't mean it's best option.
Hmm good question, why i prefer mmos. I complete agree about what you said and i have played quite a few good pvp games but mmos seem to have something different
Heres a list of thinks that might be or not be true, just guesses
-I am pretty sure thats counts for me too, the killing, not winning. Killing a player that his character is virtually close to you is exciting, i cant really explain it psychologically but its true for many pvpers. Killing, a dead body on the ground, slain by your character which holds a weapon
-wow imo as blizzard said isnt that well balanced, its simply cant be or its really almost impossible, but compared to most games with new shiny graphics and ridiculous animations its very good pvp because of its smoothness
-Customisation, each person has some differencies, appearance/stats etc, you cant be always sure untill they attack
-I like warrior/mage etc fights theme, i simply like it, sword battles, spells. Dueling, i just loved when i have good 1v1 fights tjat take long(either win or lose it doesnt matter, was playing global agenda, we were both heavy weapons class, and we were fighting in melee, after some time we were both like 2% health, i did the mistake of not shielding at an important second and lost, i still liked the battle, didnt get annoyed, i lost by my mistake but it was a fair battle)
-unfair fun pvp, in case you are bored you can always have fun in unfair pvp also called ganging or raping xD(group pvp can also be fun, like camping a dungeon[i remember camping antharas lair port with a big group of players to prevent anyone from going inside])
-I am also a fan of unorthodox tactics, trying to not being predictable and customisation helps at that(but it doesnt work that well in mmo pvp, or at least low lvl pvp, in top level pvp everyone pretty much expects you to use the top build order or build)
-Fast paced action, not just shooting is something really nice, especially charging/blink that make you move through the world at an instant. if its used effectively and fast can be a good advantage
-Current rts are not real strategy games, at the top level at least they are about micro and macro and spam. strategy exist but nowhere near real strategy with depth, its simply not effective in top level(ruse was the only game i found real strategy inside, deception adds helped in fooling your opponent, leading him into a trap and then ultimately counter him, it was an effective plan)
-Fighting games are too. how can i say it, predictable, you know what the enemy characters can do and you know what you can do its just a matter of speed and reflexes
-fps they are very good and i like them, 1v1 isnt really seen but they are very good competitive games
-racing- i dont like cars, i want to get a huge hammer and use it at every car i see in front of me xD
So i guess the reason for me its mostly the theme
Might just be me, but isn't this the same thing?
Not trying to be a donkey, just wondering.
Personally, when I PvP, I need a reason, but lucky for me I can find one almost everytime. I would prefer a good roleplay reason, but we know THAT will never happen...
Not since the introduction of the FPS players, and the chumps that spell things with numbers and Z's...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I felt bad, my wife was kinda pissed so I gave it one last shot.
I log on and create a Troll Druid.
The New starting troll area looks good, the water effects around the island are impressive.
The entire reason i decided to play was for a single/co-op rpg experience and the troll starting island was delivering that.
Through the island the story telling was good, the visions the troll leader showed you of the new warchief were cool and the story was good up to the final battle along side Npcs...
My issue with the whole troll experience was that the initial story just ended... they just drop you off on the shore and you quest like you did before the revamp as if cata never happened.
My wife was happy that I atleast liked the troll starting area but understood when i explained everything blizzard could have done to make the troll story more engaging and actually immerse the player the entire time.
I explained how Tubine did it in Lotro with the epic ring quests and how i expected a dev house like Blizzard to make an experience that matches or exceeds that of that game.
Yet they didnt, they ended the story and the trolls fell back in line and i went to the warchief, got some souless quest as if nothing had happened on the starter island.
SO there you go, I gave it a shot and I would also like to remind you people that im not some loser college kid im a casual player with a life going through a starting area or the initial 1-15 areas takes a couple sessions so i would appreciate it if you stopped saying i only spent an hour in game as of right now wow took almost two days of play from me and atleast 10 hours.
I'm not going to judge if you like the game or not, but really it seems you are a story person and like how lotro presented its story better. I like wows story (I know wow's isn't that good, but I'm a wc3 dork, so it makes me like the story more then I probably normally would). I personally don't think you can convince a story oriented person to like another game if they already said they don't. I would loved if Vol'jin kicked garrosh's butt, and they seperated from the horde, but they can't do that.
What I would like to know is...are you and your wife still having naughty time as much since you exposed your dislike?
SO there you go, I gave it a shot and I would also like to remind you people that im not some loser college kid im a casual player with a life going through a starting area or the initial 1-15 areas takes a couple sessions so i would appreciate it if you stopped saying i only spent an hour in game as of right now wow took almost two days of play from me and atleast 10 hours.
Hey Rock, I'm going to keep it short. I had a similar experience as you last week. Tried the game again with a few friends, went into it with a completely open mind, I actually really WANTED to like the game because I wanted to play through and see all of the new areas, quests, dungeon finder, etc... Unfortunately I could only stand playing for about 12 hours total. Most of that time was trying to find a race/class combo that didn't completely bore me to tears.
I don't know what it is, I just prefer LOTRO to WoW. I don't understand how it hasn't done as well or better than WoW. I guess that's just my personal opinion not lining up with the masses. In the end I decided to stick with playing LOTRO with 4 less friends than I had playing 2 weeks ago. I actually enjoy playing that game.
TL:DR Version: If you didn't like the game 2 weeks ago, you are probably not going to like the game now.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Too bad it didn't work out. On the bright side, the OP may have dodged a bullet by avoiding playing with his spouse, at least from my personal experience.
I am just wondering what mmo is smoother and more responsive than wow? For me, that is the main draw of wow and what turns me off of most other MMO's that I play. My characters in other mmos always seem to be running in jelly by comparison.
I was a huge WoW supporter during beta and the first while after release. It was a great game with great things coming down the pipe. Blizzard was (and to be honest) is a company that still makes great games. But I can't help but notice the stench, the very taint of Activision and their "money first, players later" influence on WoW now. The expansions were nothing like originally planned. Hero Classes were not supposed to be "only" the Death Knight, but was supposed to give players further development for each of their chosen classes. They were supposed to be able to select from two different hero classes per regular class. Sadly, that went down the tube. Another aspect was the RTS part of the game which never got developed first nor last.
Now, say what you want about "wow tards" and all that junk, but this community owes a LOT to World of Warcraft. It is responsible for getting this genre to the masses and making MMORPG a house hold word. But I can't help but feel that WoW is almost in it's downward spiral? Not saying it's dead, but just....not the revolution in gaming it once was.
I spent three good years on WoW and there was much fun to be had. The only other game to keep me longer was EQ, and that was only because community mattered more (you HAD to group after all....cept for F'in Necros! /shakes fist) and there really was no alternative.
I've moved on to EvE Online now and with the announcement of the elimination of Learning skills on the 14th of December, I think you'll see a lot of players check that game out and what it has to offer. Why am I mentioning EvE? Because it's a great game that has made it easier to start playing, but would be easier again to pick up if they would only take a page out of WoW's play book and make the game super easy to pick up and let it get more complicated from there.
I don't hate WoW, I just find it sad that it hasn't realized the potential that it could have.
You didnt try, you went in wanting to hate it so you did and you found any excuse to do so.
All of your complaints amount to - bad graphics, bad animations and level 10 beginner quests are too simple.
Congratulations, you spent $5 and an hour just to prove you still hate WoW.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Who cares, he didn't like the game. If it were sooo great his post might have been, I was looking to dislike this game, but I found myself loving it. But it wasn't so get over it, the OP doesn't like WOW. Not everybody likes it, deal with it.
You didnt try, you went in wanting to hate it so you did and you found any excuse to do so. All of your complaints amount to - bad graphics, bad animations and level 10 beginner quests are too simple. Congratulations, you spent $5 and an hour just to prove you still hate WoW.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Is It that hard to believe that someone could come away with such a negative opinion of wow? I've never spoken badly about Wow's journey. I've even recommended wow as a good leveling, altaholic type game. I don't know how you got the idea that I wanted to hate a leveling experince that I originally enjoyed for almost three years. It's well known that my issue with wow is it's endgame and considering I only purchased vanilla wow I would assume that I would have a good time reexploring the new Azeroth and then moving along to another game at 60. I was kinda excited to see what they did to the old 1-60 world but simply found my experience unenjoyable. Sorry if that makes me a hater or a troll lol.
i also agree with OP. WoW is really looking really really old. i was hoping Cata would bring substancial graphics upgrade but nope, not going to happen.
having said that ,it's still one of the only games to date that keeps draging me back every time i leave for greener pastures. the combat is still the smoothest i'v seen to date and there is just soo much to do. nostalgia plays a big part i'm sure. i'm not a pver, i actually hate pve but i am an avid pvper. simple yet extremely polished= great fun. everything else i try just ends up feeling like a bad version of WoW.
interesting flamebait... i like it. will i immerse myself in it... not really. but i do give the baiting 2 thumbs up, i played lotro, and its the same thing... to a degree. to play a game to make someone happy is not a healthy reason to play, its like chasing parked cars... and if you wanna find issues with anything you will.. my car has a scratch on the lower left fender.... my aunt whined about it for hours. no 1 sees it but her.
No game is fun at the lower level, none, kill the rat, get reward kill another and another. move on to a what ever..
wow scales the graphic down as best as they can so everyone can play it..
but again i am walking from the flames.. gonna go play wow, then maybe some lotro or gw.. or black ops...
I still applaud Blizzard for their efforts and accomplishments with this game but I reached the end of my line shortly after TBC. I don't rush to end game and think I only had one character max level when TBC launched and I never got him to max again. A few years ago I tried a new trial and had the same feelings even way back when so I know it wouldn't be much different now. I like the idea of new races in the game and almost wish I could still garner the same feeling from playing wow that I used to so I could give it a spin but I just remember the feeling I got last time too well.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
While it's good you tried it, I do think throwing outdated this and that about the game isn't very fair for a game 6 years old, of course it is!.
The fact is the game was released more than half a decade ago and will be showing wrinkles regardless of what Blizzard does. Anything they do to improve the engine must be done with great care as to not alienate the pre-existing base.
I suggest any of the few who have yet to play WoW keep an open mind about that part of the game, it's an old game and graphics/animations shouldn't be taken into consideration, unless you really hate the cartoony graphics and that has more merit then throwing out the fact that it's old.
You know what amazes me.. All the fans saying how great things are.. but when it comes down to the details of end game.. Yes, we are talking about the ID system hamster wheel grind for badges, I have NEVER once read a post from anyone, even the pro-WoW fans defend that game mechanic and tell us how great it is.. Am I the only one to notice that?
I also expected the graphics to be improved some in the "new" version of the old zones. I have everything on Ultra but I am still streaming the client. that could be part of the problem. Even with higher textures though. . . not sure. I am going to give it another shot and likely roll a horde druid.
I also expected the graphics to be improved some in the "new" version of the old zones. I have everything on Ultra but I am still streaming the client. that could be part of the problem. Even with higher textures though. . . not sure. I am going to give it another shot and likely roll a horde druid.
nope, it's not the streaming. the only noticable graphics update it's some of the water effects, everything else is pretty much the same as Wotlk.
Ech never mind. I just saw a troll in cat form. . . picture a night elf cat with big bright blue hair added on top. . .this is the stuff that kept me away after BC launched.
The picture doesn't look toooo bad but in game. . ack. I will keep p[laying and see what happens. Enjoying playing a Tauren Druid again (my first char at launch)
Ech never mind. I just saw a troll in cat form. . . picture a night elf cat with big bright blue hair added on top. . .this is the stuff that kept me away after BC launched.
The picture doesn't look toooo bad but in game. . ack. I will keep p[laying and see what happens. Enjoying playing a Tauren Druid again (my first char at launch)
I liked the cat form it was the bear form that looks horrible. Also the Copy and paste job they did with moonkin form is kinda sad. You would expect more from a Dev team with unlimited funds. I mean 13 million people play wow shouldnt it be not only the greatest playing game but also the best looking? You know what would be wonderful? if blizzard even used a fraction of that money and rebuilt wows graphics engine make the games graphics match that wonderful art work shown during the loading screens in game. That would be something.
I liked the cat form it was the bear form that looks horrible. Also the CPU and paste job they did with moonkin form is kinda sad. You would expect more from a Dev team with unlimited funds. I mean 13 million people play wow shouldn't it be not only the greatest playing game but also the best looking? You know what would be wonderful if blizzard even used a fraction of that money and rebuilt wows graphics engine make the games graphics match that wonderful art work shown during the loading screens in game. That would be something.
I don't think that's possible. You can't just upgrade the graphics of some things and leave the others. It would look really bad. You would have to upgrade/redo the entire game. Might as well make a new game. Which probably they are.
Originally posted by Rockgod99 Originally posted by Papamac Originally posted by Xiaoki You didnt try, you went in wanting to hate it so you did and you found any excuse to do so. All of your complaints amount to - bad graphics, bad animations and level 10 beginner quests are too simple. Congratulations, you spent $5 and an hour just to prove you still hate WoW.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Is It that hard to believe that someone could come away with such a negative opinion of wow? I've never spoken badly about Wow's journey. I've even recommended wow as a good leveling, altaholic type game. I don't know how you got the idea that I wanted to hate a leveling experince that I originally enjoyed for almost three years. It's well known that my issue with wow is it's endgame and considering I only purchased vanilla wow I would assume that I would have a good time reexploring the new Azeroth and then moving along to another game at 60. I was kinda excited to see what they did to the old 1-60 world but simply found my experience unenjoyable. Sorry if that makes me a hater or a troll lol.
You didnt try and reexplore or experience anything. You only came to criticize and degrade. If you did try and experience the new leveling you wouldnt have given up on your first time back in the game after 3 quests because of "bad graphics". You even compare WoW level 1-10 area to LotRO epic ring quests. Are you serious?! When was the last time you did a beginner area in LotRO? How about you do the Elf level 1-10 area again and you come back and tell me how EPIC the quests there are. Or tell me how engaging the messenger quests in the Hobbit area is.
Maybe you arent a troll or a hater. Because your comments make you sound like a graphics whore. The kind of person that only cares about pretty shiny graphics and nothing else.
You didnt try, you went in wanting to hate it so you did and you found any excuse to do so.
All of your complaints amount to - bad graphics, bad animations and level 10 beginner quests are too simple.
Congratulations, you spent $5 and an hour just to prove you still hate WoW.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Is It that hard to believe that someone could come away with such a negative opinion of wow? I've never spoken badly about Wow's journey. I've even recommended wow as a good leveling, altaholic type game. I don't know how you got the idea that I wanted to hate a leveling experince that I originally enjoyed for almost three years. It's well known that my issue with wow is it's endgame and considering I only purchased vanilla wow I would assume that I would have a good time reexploring the new Azeroth and then moving along to another game at 60. I was kinda excited to see what they did to the old 1-60 world but simply found my experience unenjoyable. Sorry if that makes me a hater or a troll lol.
You didnt try and reexplore or experience anything. You only came to criticize and degrade.
If you did try and experience the new leveling you wouldnt have given up on your first time back in the game after 3 quests because of "bad graphics".
You even compare WoW level 1-10 area to LotRO epic ring quests. Are you serious?! When was the last time you did a beginner area in LotRO? How about you do the Elf level 1-10 area again and you come back and tell me how EPIC the quests there are. Or tell me how engaging the messenger quests in the Hobbit area is.
Maybe you arent a troll or a hater. Because your comments make you sound like a graphics whore. The kind of person that only cares about pretty shiny graphics and nothing else.
Personally after trying a human I have to say I am more impressed playing a Tauren. Someone mentioned that the graphics are easier on the eyes as a "monster" type of character and this might be very true. What is dissappointing though is the vast number of "collect 7 feathers" and kill 9 quillboars etc. I am having fun though. . lets see how I feel when I get ganked for the first time by a level 70 character with no chance to fight back.
Why even post anything like this OP? Not everyone is going to like the same things. It's not the end of the world if someone does/doesn't like World of Warcraft. Ya'll need to smile a bit more. Here's some inspiration Seriously, I do not think anyone cares wether you or your wife share gaming taste.
Well this is a discussion forum, and I like to share. It's obvious you care enough to post in my thread so I guess it served it's purpose.
I can understand you. There is no denying WoW is a good game for what it is, a themepark. But at one point, doing quests and more quests just gets boring. All that awaits you at endgame is raiding or making another character and doing more quests. And the graphics are dated...or maybe too cartoony for me, if some would prefer that. I don't have that much of a problem with the environment, but many races look really silly. The Dwarves and Undead come to mind (the running animation of the Undead when they are wearing words for it).
There is nothing wrong with prefering another kind of game, not everyone likes WoW . It's a good game but I am hoping that by next year, there will be other good games coming out.
No one told you? if everyone in the world doesn't sub to WoW soon before 2012 the Mayans predicted that the world would end.....and Blizzard is the messiah....we must praise and get on our knees to is the one and only true messiah
I would like to thank all who posted in this thread. You have entertained me greatly this morning. I leave you all with this little bit of advice. If another persons opinion of a video game sends you in a emo-raging fit you may have a problem, might be time to back away from the PC. Have a great day everyone, I know I will
Might just be me, but isn't this the same thing?
Not trying to be a donkey, just wondering.
Personally, when I PvP, I need a reason, but lucky for me I can find one almost everytime. I would prefer a good roleplay reason, but we know THAT will never happen...
Not since the introduction of the FPS players, and the chumps that spell things with numbers and Z's...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I'm not going to judge if you like the game or not, but really it seems you are a story person and like how lotro presented its story better. I like wows story (I know wow's isn't that good, but I'm a wc3 dork, so it makes me like the story more then I probably normally would). I personally don't think you can convince a story oriented person to like another game if they already said they don't. I would loved if Vol'jin kicked garrosh's butt, and they seperated from the horde, but they can't do that.
What I would like to know is...are you and your wife still having naughty time as much since you exposed your dislike?
-I want a Platformer MMO
Hey Rock, I'm going to keep it short. I had a similar experience as you last week. Tried the game again with a few friends, went into it with a completely open mind, I actually really WANTED to like the game because I wanted to play through and see all of the new areas, quests, dungeon finder, etc... Unfortunately I could only stand playing for about 12 hours total. Most of that time was trying to find a race/class combo that didn't completely bore me to tears.
I don't know what it is, I just prefer LOTRO to WoW. I don't understand how it hasn't done as well or better than WoW. I guess that's just my personal opinion not lining up with the masses. In the end I decided to stick with playing LOTRO with 4 less friends than I had playing 2 weeks ago. I actually enjoy playing that game.
TL:DR Version: If you didn't like the game 2 weeks ago, you are probably not going to like the game now.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Too bad it didn't work out. On the bright side, the OP may have dodged a bullet by avoiding playing with his spouse, at least from my personal experience.
I am just wondering what mmo is smoother and more responsive than wow? For me, that is the main draw of wow and what turns me off of most other MMO's that I play. My characters in other mmos always seem to be running in jelly by comparison.
I was a huge WoW supporter during beta and the first while after release. It was a great game with great things coming down the pipe. Blizzard was (and to be honest) is a company that still makes great games. But I can't help but notice the stench, the very taint of Activision and their "money first, players later" influence on WoW now. The expansions were nothing like originally planned. Hero Classes were not supposed to be "only" the Death Knight, but was supposed to give players further development for each of their chosen classes. They were supposed to be able to select from two different hero classes per regular class. Sadly, that went down the tube. Another aspect was the RTS part of the game which never got developed first nor last.
Now, say what you want about "wow tards" and all that junk, but this community owes a LOT to World of Warcraft. It is responsible for getting this genre to the masses and making MMORPG a house hold word. But I can't help but feel that WoW is almost in it's downward spiral? Not saying it's dead, but just....not the revolution in gaming it once was.
I spent three good years on WoW and there was much fun to be had. The only other game to keep me longer was EQ, and that was only because community mattered more (you HAD to group after all....cept for F'in Necros! /shakes fist) and there really was no alternative.
I've moved on to EvE Online now and with the announcement of the elimination of Learning skills on the 14th of December, I think you'll see a lot of players check that game out and what it has to offer. Why am I mentioning EvE? Because it's a great game that has made it easier to start playing, but would be easier again to pick up if they would only take a page out of WoW's play book and make the game super easy to pick up and let it get more complicated from there.
I don't hate WoW, I just find it sad that it hasn't realized the potential that it could have.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Who cares, he didn't like the game. If it were sooo great his post might have been, I was looking to dislike this game, but I found myself loving it. But it wasn't so get over it, the OP doesn't like WOW. Not everybody likes it, deal with it.
I have to agree with this poster's assessment. The OP sounded like it was written by somebody who was looking for things to dislike about the game.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
i also agree with OP. WoW is really looking really really old. i was hoping Cata would bring substancial graphics upgrade but nope, not going to happen.
having said that ,it's still one of the only games to date that keeps draging me back every time i leave for greener pastures. the combat is still the smoothest i'v seen to date and there is just soo much to do. nostalgia plays a big part i'm sure. i'm not a pver, i actually hate pve but i am an avid pvper. simple yet extremely polished= great fun. everything else i try just ends up feeling like a bad version of WoW.
interesting flamebait... i like it. will i immerse myself in it... not really. but i do give the baiting 2 thumbs up, i played lotro, and its the same thing... to a degree. to play a game to make someone happy is not a healthy reason to play, its like chasing parked cars... and if you wanna find issues with anything you will.. my car has a scratch on the lower left fender.... my aunt whined about it for hours. no 1 sees it but her.
No game is fun at the lower level, none, kill the rat, get reward kill another and another. move on to a what ever..
wow scales the graphic down as best as they can so everyone can play it..
but again i am walking from the flames.. gonna go play wow, then maybe some lotro or gw.. or black ops...
I still applaud Blizzard for their efforts and accomplishments with this game but I reached the end of my line shortly after TBC. I don't rush to end game and think I only had one character max level when TBC launched and I never got him to max again. A few years ago I tried a new trial and had the same feelings even way back when so I know it wouldn't be much different now. I like the idea of new races in the game and almost wish I could still garner the same feeling from playing wow that I used to so I could give it a spin but I just remember the feeling I got last time too well.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
While it's good you tried it, I do think throwing outdated this and that about the game isn't very fair for a game 6 years old, of course it is!.
The fact is the game was released more than half a decade ago and will be showing wrinkles regardless of what Blizzard does. Anything they do to improve the engine must be done with great care as to not alienate the pre-existing base.
I suggest any of the few who have yet to play WoW keep an open mind about that part of the game, it's an old game and graphics/animations shouldn't be taken into consideration, unless you really hate the cartoony graphics and that has more merit then throwing out the fact that it's old.
You know what amazes me.. All the fans saying how great things are.. but when it comes down to the details of end game.. Yes, we are talking about the ID system hamster wheel grind for badges, I have NEVER once read a post from anyone, even the pro-WoW fans defend that game mechanic and tell us how great it is.. Am I the only one to notice that?
I also expected the graphics to be improved some in the "new" version of the old zones. I have everything on Ultra but I am still streaming the client. that could be part of the problem. Even with higher textures though. . . not sure. I am going to give it another shot and likely roll a horde druid.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
nope, it's not the streaming. the only noticable graphics update it's some of the water effects, everything else is pretty much the same as Wotlk.
Ech never mind. I just saw a troll in cat form. . . picture a night elf cat with big bright blue hair added on top. . .this is the stuff that kept me away after BC launched.
The picture doesn't look toooo bad but in game. . ack. I will keep p[laying and see what happens. Enjoying playing a Tauren Druid again (my first char at launch)
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I don't think that's possible. You can't just upgrade the graphics of some things and leave the others. It would look really bad. You would have to upgrade/redo the entire game. Might as well make a new game. Which probably they are.
Is It that hard to believe that someone could come away with such a negative opinion of wow? I've never spoken badly about Wow's journey. I've even recommended wow as a good leveling, altaholic type game. I don't know how you got the idea that I wanted to hate a leveling experince that I originally enjoyed for almost three years. It's well known that my issue with wow is it's endgame and considering I only purchased vanilla wow I would assume that I would have a good time reexploring the new Azeroth and then moving along to another game at 60. I was kinda excited to see what they did to the old 1-60 world but simply found my experience unenjoyable. Sorry if that makes me a hater or a troll lol.
You didnt try and reexplore or experience anything. You only came to criticize and degrade.
If you did try and experience the new leveling you wouldnt have given up on your first time back in the game after 3 quests because of "bad graphics".
You even compare WoW level 1-10 area to LotRO epic ring quests. Are you serious?! When was the last time you did a beginner area in LotRO? How about you do the Elf level 1-10 area again and you come back and tell me how EPIC the quests there are. Or tell me how engaging the messenger quests in the Hobbit area is.
Maybe you arent a troll or a hater. Because your comments make you sound like a graphics whore. The kind of person that only cares about pretty shiny graphics and nothing else.
Why even post anything like this OP?
Not everyone is going to like the same things. It's not the end of the world if someone does/doesn't like World of Warcraft.
Ya'll need to smile a bit more. Here's some inspiration
Seriously, I do not think anyone cares wether you or your wife share gaming taste.
Personally after trying a human I have to say I am more impressed playing a Tauren. Someone mentioned that the graphics are easier on the eyes as a "monster" type of character and this might be very true. What is dissappointing though is the vast number of "collect 7 feathers" and kill 9 quillboars etc. I am having fun though. . lets see how I feel when I get ganked for the first time by a level 70 character with no chance to fight back.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I can understand you. There is no denying WoW is a good game for what it is, a themepark. But at one point, doing quests and more quests just gets boring. All that awaits you at endgame is raiding or making another character and doing more quests. And the graphics are dated...or maybe too cartoony for me, if some would prefer that. I don't have that much of a problem with the environment, but many races look really silly. The Dwarves and Undead come to mind (the running animation of the Undead when they are wearing words for it).
There is nothing wrong with prefering another kind of game, not everyone likes WoW . It's a good game but I am hoping that by next year, there will be other good games coming out.
No one told you? if everyone in the world doesn't sub to WoW soon before 2012 the Mayans predicted that the world would end.....and Blizzard is the messiah....we must praise and get on our knees to is the one and only true messiah
Deh plane boss deh plane
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP