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General: Top Five MMO Thanks



  • Wizardling6Wizardling6 Member Posts: 94

    Originally posted by Dinendae

    Originally posted by Wizardling6

    It is foolish to suggest one can simply ignore fast travel in an MMO if one wants to group up. What group will now wait while you run or ride to a summoning stone, instead of porting directly inside a dungeon? It's very very very very silly to suggest otherwise. Once direct porting and fast travel is added, it cannot be ignored by anyone but the solo player, and if one only ever solos what point is there to being in an MMO?

    That being the blindingly obvious case, I'm left wondering why people keep trotting this silliness out time after time... *shakes head*

        It's also foolish to suggest that travel options are going to lead to a simpler game, where everyone ends up with the same equipment and dps. Personally I always use the fastest travel means available, and I always will, but the poster I was replying to seems to have some problem with travel being easier. That is why I reminded them the option not to use it was there, but I never once said that it was a desireable option.


    Why is it foolish to suggest faster travel leads to a "simpler" game? Assuming you mean less social and more casual by "simpler", then it clearly does. Our experiences with games like EQ1 and WoW as fast/instant travel has been added show this to be very true. Are you trying to say MMOs have become more social, deeper and more likely to foster co-operative behaviour since fast and instant trvel has been added? I'd be very interested to hear of your expriences, since they seem to run contrary to most long time MMOers experiences.


    FYI - same equipment and DPS is not the point at all. Equipment and DPS is not socialising nor deep gameplay. What on Earth does that have to do with anything? *baffled look* If only loot and DPS matters to you why are you playing MMOs? SP Diablo will look after your needs.

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

  • Wizardling6Wizardling6 Member Posts: 94

    Originally posted by Dinendae

    Originally posted by Isturi

    I read and comprehend it just fine. OP eluded to the fact that because of this the game and I quote "became a little simpler (at least terms of travel.) I just gave a little extra thought to how much more simple certain games (WOW) have become and to what end will (WoW) get?

       The discussion here is travel. That's all. Going on about simpler games having all the same dps or gear is like comparing apples and oranges; one really doesn't lead into another. Once again, the OP wasn't talking about anything other than travel. he wasn't talking about making the raids/dungeons/quests so simple that everyone ended up with the same items, nor did he state that every class should (or even would) have the same dps. Heck, even other  'simpler' MMOs (WoW)  don't have that. Trying to use the OPs thankfulness for having more travel options as some kind of theoretical proof that everyone is going to end up the same is just silly.


    You're missing the point by miles. Are you a very new MMOer? What have equipment and DPS got to do with this discussion? *blink* *blink* And travel clearly affects player behaviour. It isn't just getting from point A to point B. It's about what happens on the journey and how people feel about the group depending on how much effort they invested in creating it, for example. So far as I can tell you're the only person mentioning equipment and DPS. How did you confuse fast/instant travel  dumbing down MMOs with loot and damage per second? *even more baffled* You're not making a lot of sense.

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

  • IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509

    Originally posted by Wizardling6

    Originally posted by Dinendae

    Originally posted by Isturi

    I read and comprehend it just fine. OP eluded to the fact that because of this the game and I quote "became a little simpler (at least terms of travel.) I just gave a little extra thought to how much more simple certain games (WOW) have become and to what end will (WoW) get?

       The discussion here is travel. That's all. Going on about simpler games having all the same dps or gear is like comparing apples and oranges; one really doesn't lead into another. Once again, the OP wasn't talking about anything other than travel. he wasn't talking about making the raids/dungeons/quests so simple that everyone ended up with the same items, nor did he state that every class should (or even would) have the same dps. Heck, even other  'simpler' MMOs (WoW)  don't have that. Trying to use the OPs thankfulness for having more travel options as some kind of theoretical proof that everyone is going to end up the same is just silly.


    You're missing the point by miles. Are you a very new MMOer? What have equipment and DPS got to do with this discussion? *blink* *blink* And travel clearly affects player behaviour. It isn't just getting from point A to point B. It's about what happens on the journey and how people feel about the group depending on how much effort they invested in creating it, for example. So far as I can tell you're the only person mentioning equipment and DPS. How did you confuse fast/instant travel  dumbing down MMOs with loot and damage per second? *even more baffled* You're not making a lot of sense.

      It behooves me that people can not get the meaning of a few words that are added to a thought after the thought is finished. All I was trying to convey was that the OP mention that he is thankful for the simpler forms of travel. Well fine usually in a conversation in a normal environment people sometimes add to an original thought in this case the thought of a mmo be a little more simplified by terms of travel now being a free thinker and a VETERAN in playing MMO games if you want me to list my credentials I will. Anyways being a free thinker I wanted to bring out the fact that if a MMO gearing my comments mostly to WoW since many in this community seem to agree that WoW has become more simplified oh wait is that the connection simplicity?? It seems so, Now I stated that if a games gets to simple once again gearing my comment to WoW it will eventually balance the game out to what degree? Everyone who has played WoW and I being a VETERAN in WoW knows that you get the same damn gear after running the same damn raid for the 30th time with your guild. Example ICC eventually everyone got the once eluded title "Kingslayer"and if you did not after at least 10 times you basically sucked or perhaps your guild sucked. So WoW in there superior wisdom heard all the crying on how hard ICC is and simplified thing in CATA to the point were green gear is better then purple gear from ICC so all those wasted hours in ICC for a stupid title that dose not even transfer over to CATA, So you simply have to do a few easy quest in CATA for beter gear OMG point made.

    Sorry that my brain works in a simple way for some to understand on this thread.


  • Wizardling6Wizardling6 Member Posts: 94

    I see. I was supposed to guess what you meant. Okay... Guess I'm not simple enough :-D

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by Wizardling6 

    Why is it foolish to suggest faster travel leads to a "simpler" game? Assuming you mean less social and more casual by "simpler", then it clearly does. Our experiences with games like EQ1 and WoW as fast/instant travel has been added show this to be very true. Are you trying to say MMOs have become more social, deeper and more likely to foster co-operative behaviour since fast and instant trvel has been added? I'd be very interested to hear of your expriences, since they seem to run contrary to most long time MMOers experiences.


    FYI - same equipment and DPS is not the point at all. Equipment and DPS is not socialising nor deep gameplay. What on Earth does that have to do with anything? *baffled look* If only loot and DPS matters to you why are you playing MMOs? SP Diablo will look after your needs.

       Since you cannot seem to comprehend, let me break it down even more simply: I did not have a problem with fast travel, the person I replied to did. You are going off on tangents that are not related at all to the discussion. Once again, the person i replied to believes that since the author was grateful for multiple travel options that made travelling easier, somehow that is going to equate to everyone having the same equipment and dps.

       As for my experiences in MMOs? I've been playing them since 1998, though I focused more on EQ (Rodcet Nife) than AC and UO (both of which I tried but didn't care for). When the Planes of Power wexpansion launched, travel did become easier. However easier travel did not make everyone suddenly have the same dps or equipment. Did caster travel options become redundant? Yes.  Did redundant travel options make everyone suddenly do the same damage or have the same exact gear? No.

       That is what we were discussing, not easier travel options leading to a breakdown of community. You hopped into a discussion, apparently had no clue of what was being discussed, and went off on a tanget. Discuss faster travel lessening a game's community if you wish, but don't use discussions not even related to your topic as proof. Try actually reading what was posted, and the post it was in reply to, before posting next time.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • DinendaeDinendae Member Posts: 1,264

    Originally posted by Isturi

      It behooves me that people can not get the meaning of a few words that are added to a thought after the thought is finished. All I was trying to convey was that the OP mention that he is thankful for the simpler forms of travel. Well fine usually in a conversation in a normal environment people sometimes add to an original thought in this case the thought of a mmo be a little more simplified by terms of travel now being a free thinker and a VETERAN in playing MMO games if you want me to list my credentials I will. Anyways being a free thinker I wanted to bring out the fact that if a MMO gearing my comments mostly to WoW since many in this community seem to agree that WoW has become more simplified oh wait is that the connection simplicity?? It seems so, Now I stated that if a games gets to simple once again gearing my comment to WoW it will eventually balance the game out to what degree? Everyone who has played WoW and I being a VETERAN in WoW knows that you get the same damn gear after running the same damn raid for the 30th time with your guild. Example ICC eventually everyone got the once eluded title "Kingslayer"and if you did not after at least 10 times you basically sucked or perhaps your guild sucked. So WoW in there superior wisdom heard all the crying on how hard ICC is and simplified thing in CATA to the point were green gear is better then purple gear from ICC so all those wasted hours in ICC for a stupid title that dose not even transfer over to CATA, So you simply have to do a few easy quest in CATA for beter gear OMG point made.

    Sorry that my brain works in a simple way for some to understand on this thread.

       In most normal conversations, when you reply to someone you are commenting on what they posted. You went off on everyone having the same DPS and Gear, which is not a symptom of more travel options or simpler travel options, but rather of people eventually acquiring the same gear over time. Welcome to MMOs. More travel options didn't make that happen, people running the same raids repeatedly did. Even then there is still variation, since WoW (like EQ before it)  is a game dependent on acquiring gear.

       The only way to change people having the same stuff is to continuously add more and better gear (a.k.a. the gear treadmill), but even that doesn't help as people will eventually acquire that as well. That's all besides the point though; once again, more travel options has nothing to do with your discussion. You seemed to have focused on the word simpler, and totally ignored that he was only speaking of travel. Now if you wanted to make a post on MMOs being simpler now, and in particular WoW, you should have started a thread on the subject (or just posted in one of the many threads that already exist on the topic) rather than trying to use one of the author's opinions as a springboard for a post that had absolutely no bearing on the original topic.

       I'll leave you with a last bit of advice: Stop trying to pump yourself up in your posts, it just looks silly. Just make your point and, if you wish, reply to any replies.

    "Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan

  • DLangleyDLangley Member Posts: 1,407

    Hey guys lets cut out the baiting and snide remarks. Don't insult another user's intelligence. Thanks.

  • Wizardling6Wizardling6 Member Posts: 94

    Well, regardless of other user's intelligence, it's just about established fact amongst long time MMO players that fast/instant travel lowers the social, exploration, and 'random happenings' elements of MMOs. About the only people I've seen dissenting on that score are the... creatures infesting the WoW forums who do nothing but whinge all day long that XYZ takes more than five minutes/required them to do more than just faceroll to complete :-)

    I make light of them, but seriously - I think the matter of being thankful for faster travel (and the author of the above article is explicit that it's faster travel options he's especially thankful for) comes down to whether you consider the downsides of fast/instant travel less important than the upsides. For me - I'd rather have a better social atmosphere, more random happenings, players more invested in harder to assemble groups. I'll settle for slower travel and less groups as a result, in order to get better ones. YMMV and that's fine if it does :-) Just don't try and tell me fast/instant travel hasn't had drawbacks. It most obviously has.

    I think what riles long time players more than anything is seeing an influx of ultra-casuals, people who miss the RPG part of MMORPG and worse miss the multiplayer part of MMORPG and treat it like a solo game, and devs willing to compromise a game's vision to try to suck up to the larger casual market - all adding up to our favourite MMOs being dumbed down.

    Aside from the fanatics and the seriously stuck up, I doubt many of us care about casual MMORPGs existing as such, heh. We just get pissed when our favourite MMORPG starts out more complex and conducive to social play and what many people think of as hardcore (though not necessarily inaccessible - which is different), and is slowly but surely 'casual-ised' in ways that water down or outright ruin the original vision. Let there be casual MMOs able to be played in bite size chunks and soloed all the way through. Just let them be other games, not ours please.

    Again I point out that companies like Turbine have shown niche MMOs can survive and be profitable, if only the devs and their investors can get over their property not being another WoW. Someday another MMO will overtake WoW, but it makes more sense to me in the meantime to try to differentiate yourself and aim for the niche markets (which if you look at the numbers are actually pretty substantial) - hardcore, PvP, something other than the holy trinity of tank, healer and DPS, etc. Hell, maybe if devs took some chances instead of always copying the established market leaders, then they might come up with the next WoW. Or at least a game that takes a noticeable chunk out of WoW's playerbase. Because I look at many of the current batch of MMOs, and I'm left wondering - why bother playing this? It's just WoW/EQ/DAoC/etc re-done *yawn* You know? :-)

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

  • Micro_angelMicro_angel Member UncommonPosts: 87

    Thanks to you for writting

  • IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509

    Originally posted by Micro_angel

    Thanks to you for writting

    Hear Hear thanks to the OP for a fine thread.


  • TerminatusTerminatus Member Posts: 104

    Cross-Server interaction...

    Eve is a rare game indeed now that most of the MMOs tend to FORCE-split servers by region (NA/EU).


    In the old games (UO, EQ, etc) i could play freely at any time with anyone, i was free to make my decision and i could go back on it at any time).

    In WoW i hit a hard wall... i wanted to play with my US guild friends of old but as an European i couldn't unless i had one of them buy an US version of it and send me the serial. We did that.

    But after 1 year of playing in US raiding times, i got an job that required me to stay awake on EU work hours, so raiding in US times were out of the question.


    Saddly with the forced regional server separation, i couldn't play with the ppl in my new "free time" window (the EU guilds) and there were no "Daytime" nor "Late Night" raiding guilds (1 or 2h before/after the usual raiding times is NOT "Daytime" or "Late Night"!) and few ppl to play with... so i had to Abandon my US account and start a brand new EU account.


    3 years later my working schedule changed and i couldn't log at all from 7pm to midnight (EU rading times) and i was back to the same point i had been years earlier but now on the other side. Saddly i didn't had the patience to do another "fresh start" in the US servers and i eventually became more of an solo'er dinging alts left and right... until i eventually quit WoW 2 years later.


    Cross-Server interaction ---> Needs to be more like EVE (where everyone can play with everyone) instead of inter-server groupings that tend to "loot all because they can't catch you"... and none of that US/EU server crappola that WoW/LotRO/etc have.

  • TerminatusTerminatus Member Posts: 104

    wtf?? messed up post and no edit/delete :(

  • huskerman34huskerman34 Member UncommonPosts: 252

    Originally posted by Death1942

    if you read it carefully it was the number one reason for mmo is "Players". None of this would be possible without the keyboard jockeys out there investing time and money  and heart ache in playing these MMO.



    I'm just gonna throw it out there but if you thanked the suits with the money...why did you not thank the people that spent years of their life toiling away at a computer to make the games that you play (Developers) and then bare the brunt of the backlash when the suits retarded decisions come to light and the fanbase goes nuts (or goes away, in that case the suits are the ones yelling at you).


    Edgar F Greenwood

  • gordiflugordiflu Member UncommonPosts: 757

    Talking about the Lotro hybrid model.

    I guess you are aware that the Lotro store is not only selling cosmetics or quest packs.

    It's selling stat boosts, gear, deeds, no-cooldown potions, crafting materials and anything you may think of. It's gone "pay to win" all the way.

  • DerWotanDerWotan Member Posts: 1,012

    5. Expanded Traveling

    Well this killed the open world and danger of travelling feeling leading to some sort of rail zones (best example Warhammer Online). So I don[object Window]t think thats something one sohould be thankful for.

    4. Cross Server Interaction

    TBH couldn[object Window]t care less if my RL buddies are playing on a different server oh well theres icq, ts you name it.

    3.) New Subscription Models

    Making customers pay a monthly fee + having item shops esp. Lotro = huge rip off why are you thankful for that? Lotro never did that badly just Warner Brothers thought they would need more and more money (becoming greedy) and now the game is pay 2 win.

    New modells that are based on huge rip offs are evil not good.

    2.) Investors

    They are the reasons former great studies are getting canned, bought out and ripped off in every possible way. Investors, shareholders are responsible for the dark age of our genre.  Also these bastards are never hold accountable ifs poor designers, developers and independent companies that are getting canned because those ***** thought it would be cool to clone a game for the xt time and making it even more easy.

    There is no place for suits, investors and shareholders in this industry. They came fast they have to go fast again.

    I[object Window]m thankful for studios such as CCP, Mojang, Starvault, Aventurine  you know independent ones with a VISION not based on idiotic analysts plans, shareholders interests!

    1. The Players

    This point I agree with without players no game though not every game has to be for everyone :-)

    We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!

    "Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play."
    "Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."

  • ZorgoZorgo Member UncommonPosts: 2,254

    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Ceridith

    Cross server interaction has been executed terribly in some cases. A shardless system is the best, in the sense that every player is a part of the same general gamespace, like Eve.

    Poorly done however, is WoW. While yes, BG and dungeon queues have gone much faster with the addition of cross-server instancing, it's also dealt a heavy blow with regards to community and player behavior. It's created a system where players are randomyl dumped into groups with random people from other servers whom they've have not, nor will likely again, encounter.

    This is bad for two reasons. Firstly in that it's encouraged poor behavior such as ninja-looting, being a jerk, afking, etc, because there is less consequence as it is with people from different servers who cannot easy follow up with 'community' conseuqneces. Secondly, if you do happen to end up in a group with people who are good and/or fun to talk to, chances are you won't get to do another instance with them again, and can't talk to them without adding them to your realID which some people are hesitant to do because of the whole real name thing.

    Bingo. Couple that with the fast travel options and gameplay mechanics designed to reduce player dependency and downtime and you've got the terrible communities of most modern MMO's.

    But what I'm thankful for, well, despite the continued underachievement of almost every MMORPG in the past 5 years, there are still people willing to keep trying to bring us newer, better games.  Who knows, one day they may actually even get one right.

    You guys are remembering a reality that stopped existing. Hour long travel times and no cross server interaction created ghost worlds where it was impossible to find people to play with within your given play schedule. It hasn't been more immersive without those features since 1999 or 2000 - just empty.

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