I have plenty of faith in the company, none in SWTOR because they made SW into WoW with light sabers. And I'm being honest here, the game play, the faction fighting, the class system, etc are all part of the WoW clone genre. Bioware should of made SWTOR as unique as KotOR, but they didn't.
So the whole Sith vs Republic factions came from WoW?
The Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Imperial Agent, Trooper all came from WoW?
The VO dialogue for every NPC and player for all quests with multiple choices that change the quests and story came from WoW?
The 200 hours of unique storylines for each class that details the entire class from SW lore came from WoW?
The fact that group quests can be completed differently for the same quest depending on the group make up with different VO dialgue for each class is from WoW?
The fact the the dev's have stated that the game will be KOTOR 3,4,5,6......10 came from WoW?
I know what your are trying to say, but the game play will be very different from WoW. But yes, they are both themepark MMO's.
As the thread askes. I have faith that BW will make the RPG story, as in KOTOR, feel very unique. The story will feel nothing like WoW.
Anyone trying to say that this game is going to be a WOW clone is just talking out of their ass.From the gameplay I've seen there isn't a single part of it that screams WOW. This would be like saying Burger King is a McDonalds clone because it sells burgers,fries,salads,soda and has a drive thru. Oh, and don't forget they also have breakfast along with a huge sign in front of the restaraunt. Puh-leeze..
Far as having faith goes, I don't place faith in anything but my religion. I think the better word to use in this situation is "trust." I've played KOTOR and everything looks good so far for this game, but I'm not going to blindly trust a company that hasn't ever ran an MMORPG before. I'll wait for the reviews along with what others say before I make the plunge.
I'm actually in it for a different reason then most here, the choices in the game and the allingment system itself. (yes i'm shallow in that point) everything else to me is gravy.
As for the topic at hand? I respect BW probably more then any other company out there for releasing products that are fun and engaging to me. No reason to start thinking they won't here. Companies can always have problems but until they do i'm going to continue buying everything they are selling as i've yet to be let down by them.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I have plenty of faith in the company, none in SWTOR because they made SW into WoW with light sabers. And I'm being honest here, the game play, the faction fighting, the class system, etc are all part of the WoW clone genre. Bioware should of made SWTOR as unique as KotOR, but they didn't.
Riiight. And gw2 is just wow with public quest loops. Cause we've both played these games already and are able to pass judgement even though they arent finished or released yet.
Game doesn't need to be released to know its a POS. Just watching the devs hype up STWOR lets me know the game is a POS. I mean, really, you want every character to be epic? Thats your selling point? Come on.
Lol. Right, devs hyping up SWTOR. I guess you haven't been around the hypes of AoC and WAR where the devs really went all out to fuel the hype flames.
Me, I respect the way how in contrast ANet and Bioware people only release information when they're certain a feature has made it for sure ingame, pretty much a down-to-earth approach. Sure, they'll be enthusiastic about the game they're developing and in this way 'hyping it up', but I prefer the way they release information more than what I've seen with former MMO's and their companies.
Regarding OP, Bioware has a good track record, even though making MMORPG's is a tricky business to get it right, they're one of a few companies I have a degree of trust in that they can deliver. Still, I'd personally have preferred it if SW:TOR would have had more the look & feel of the Mass Effect series.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I got alot of expectation because bioware is pretty much pure rpg and is gonna have great lore for their mmo and all their games ive been playin their games since baldurs gate and icewind dales. I dont expect it too trample wow least not right away im expecting a highly story driven game like bioware said in one of their article old republic pretty much gonna be a kotor part 3,4 and 6 all in one and its gonna grow its gonna be persistant alot of wow players are gonna hate it because its gonna be very story driven from what i can see and any hardcore bioware fan will love it.
BioWare is my favorite games developer of all time. When I first started getting into PC gaming, (to a point where I could be called a PC gamer), I had the likes of Baldur's Gate to discover. Unbelievable, that's pretty much how I felt at the time. Then Neverwinter Nights, then Knights of the Old Republic, then Mass Effect, and Jade Empire.
Amazing track record. The only company that left an impression with me that early in my gaming days, was Blizzard, with Diablo. Though Blizzard barely even makes games. They've had Diablo, and Warcraft.. neither of which are very exciting at this point. I remember playing Diablo, then playing Baldur's Gate and thinking .. "How did I ever play Diablo with it's overwhelming simplicity and lack of any story."
All that said, I still have my doubts. Everything about TOR feels "off", to some degree. Whenever I see blogs on it, videos, or articles.. I always get a strange feeling. It doesn't have that BioWare signature to it, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm also not a fan of instancing, and limited environments. Though, if BW can bring it to a shining polish, it will be okay. Though, it's sad, with all their success, resources and money, they could have made something spectacularly epic and unique. Like what Vanguard's dream was, only sci-fi.
Im confident they will release a great game. However ,like a lot of others here, im anxious to hear more about the mmo elements of this game. Id like to see some large scale pvp and raiding info/videos. And id like to see some hub cities with a hundred or so players buying,selling,and trading.
I think many would like to see this and clamoring for it, but you can't expect to see such things until they are in beta, no? Thankfully they do appear to be getting ready for beta.
Bioware games owned:
Baldurs Gate + expansion
Baldurs Gate 2 + expansion
Neverwinter Nights + expansions
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 1 & 2
I came late to computer gaming, I didn't own my first computer until 35, and the first game I got was Baldurs Gate. It blew me away, I loved it and I've been a good customer to Bioware ever since, and they have yet to let me down. I do indeed trust Bioware and I trust them enough to buy TOR as soon as it's out.
That said, anybody can fail. I don't expect them to fail with TOR, but I don't totally discount the possibility. So far I have no reason to believe they will fail with TOR. Sure there's a thing or two I don't like(cartoon style), but that's going to be true of any game.
I have plenty of faith in the company, none in SWTOR because they made SW into WoW with light sabers. And I'm being honest here, the game play, the faction fighting, the class system, etc are all part of the WoW clone genre. Bioware should of made SWTOR as unique as KotOR, but they didn't.
TOR is only a WoW clone in so much as any themepark mmo is a WoW clone. That doesn't mean they'll play the same way, just that they have the same elements that have been in mmo's since EQ. Quite frankly I don't expect the average WoW player will like TOR. The story will play too heavy a part for the average WoW player. The leveling will be too slow for them. The average WoW player wants to rush to get to the end game, story is meaningless to them. Roleplaying is meaningless to them. They are more likely to mock a roleplayer, while I expect TOR to cater more to the roleplaying crowd. Lightside, darkside, what do they matter to the average WoW player, they just want to get to the action. The average WoW player is all about instant gratification, and I don't really think TOR will give it to them, at least not in the way they might like. Yes, the two games will share a lot of the same mmo elements, but they are still two different games. Each with it's own flavor.
I emphasize the term 'average' because there are a lot of players that play WoW that don't really fall into this category. Many play WoW because they aren't satisfied with anything else and WoW gives them something to do while they wait for something better. That's where I stand right now. I'm playing WoW, waiting for something better. I'm also playing, and replalying my favorite single player games while I wait.
I am an admitted Bioware fanboi. There are very few developers that I put as much trust in as Bioware. As a matter of fact, I can't think of any off hand.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
BioWare isn't my favorite developer, but I do enjoy some of their games. Well, most of them anyways. I have faith that they are capable of creating fun, engrossing games. They are one of the best developers in the RPG genre, to that, I don't think anyone can truly deny. Their engines have been used in a number of other RPGs that were top sellers to. Its not like BioWare is a novice developer here, so I take comfort in knowing that.
To do what? To make a good singleplayer game, sure.
Do I have faith or trust in them to make a good MMO?
No one can do that anymore... the Investors would gut it before Alpha testing into a piece of trash because a real MMORPG(FPS) costs too much money to maintain long term...
...and, even if the Investors dropped the ball, and the Devs did get lucky and make a real MMO... the Players we have now playing in the genre would destroy it, that is *if* we could keep the marketing people from trashing it with their stupid cash shop sales email campaigns.
The MMO genre is dead. It's just Devs pulling a paycheck scared they are going get canned if they use their brains, glitz and marketing, fast profits, and disappointed customers that used to be players.
There is nothing left in this genre worthy of "faith" or "trust". Just like Christmas.
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!" ............... "I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. " __Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__ ...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
I have plenty of faith in the company, none in SWTOR because they made SW into WoW with light sabers. And I'm being honest here, the game play, the faction fighting, the class system, etc are all part of the WoW clone genre. Bioware should of made SWTOR as unique as KotOR, but they didn't.
Riiight. And gw2 is just wow with public quest loops. Cause we've both played these games already and are able to pass judgement even though they arent finished or released yet.
Game doesn't need to be released to know its a POS. Just watching the devs hype up STWOR lets me know the game is a POS. I mean, really, you want every character to be epic? Thats your selling point? Come on.
Just curious: For those of you blindly following the BioWare label, can you tell me the members of your favorite Bioware game's tean that are working on SWTOR? I see a lot of people from other failed MMO experience on the roster, but I've yet to see the real visionaries that brought us the good games we're all accustomed too. I feel this is more EA slapping a "BioWare" sticker on a special ed class, and letting the fanboys generate the hype. Just how I'm seeing things, here...
Oh, and which one of your precious BioWare prodigies had the brilliant vision of putting rail-based space combat in an MMO? Think a promotion is in order...
Liked all those titles. I have faith in them to make a good quality SPRPG.
I don't have any faith in them to make an MMORPG that I would actualy want to play/sub to as an RPG. Everything I've read them say abou TOR's design makes it something that I might be interested to pickup, play the first 30 days...and then put on the shelf and not play...kinda like I've done with thier SPRPG's.
I have the opposite of faith in EA and Lucas Arts.
However, I'm not a Star Wars Fan.... I liked the origional triolgy quite a bit.... pretty much hated all the prequels and when I picked up the actual star wars novel that Lucas wrote....thought it was an example of some of the most god awful writing I've ever read.... well aside from anything written by Stephen King.
Before you answer that, what games of theirs do you own? Of those games, which do ya like?
I own....
Baldurs Gate 1/2 w/expansions....luved these games. Two of my all time favorites.
NeverWinter Nights w/expansions plus Infinite Dungeons....luved the game. Didnt pick it up until diamond edition, and it was a steal for 20 bucks.
KOTOR....luved the game. If not a top 25 of mine, then it is close.
Jade Empire....have the PC deluxe version besides X-Box version. ONly played thru X-box one, and not thrilled with. For the 10 buck purchase price, I have no complaints.
DA:O plus Expansion/all DLC....luved this game.
ME1 plus the 2 DLCs....one of my favorite games of all time. In the top 5 range.
ME2 plus all DLC....top 5 or so all time favorite. I didnt like what was streamlined from ME1, but taking the product on its own merits, it was simply amazing.
So by my count that is 7 out of 8 games(not counting expansions/DLC), that I own, that I have absolutely luved. Not to mention that 4 of them are firmly in my all time top 25....and possibly 5(would have to really make up a list to see if KOTOR was epic enough). If not top 25, then top 30 for sure.
So to answer the question in OP....yes I have total faith in BW. Barring something named Sonic, I will buy any game they make until such time I feel totally ripped off for my money.
Anyways thought it would be interesting to understand where folks feelings about BW come from, especially if you look at it from standpoint of their prior experience with BW games.
I had the original Baldurs gate series, the NWN games KOTOR and haven't owned but have played most of the latest games by them. I don't pray to a Bioware statue or anything but I do believe them capable of making an entertaining game that could keep me hooked.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I am a huge fan of Bioware. I own the majority of their SPRPG's, what I'm not a fan of is EA. EA is like an MMORPG cancer. I don't believe it's possible for any developer to release a decent game with EA's involvement.
Bioware is a top notch gaming company. The have never let me down with a single player game. To be honest the only single player games i play anymore are Bioware games.
Do I have faith they will make a MMO that will please MMO fans??? absolutely not because if there is one thing I have learned over the years is pleasing a healthy number of MMO fans is not easy.
I hope they prove me wrong as I think the company deserves all the success in the world.
Playing: PO, EVE Waiting for: WoD Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
Anyone trying to say that this game is going to be a WOW clone is just talking out of their ass.From the gameplay I've seen there isn't a single part of it that screams WOW. This would be like saying Burger King is a McDonalds clone because it sells burgers,fries,salads,soda and has a drive thru. Oh, and don't forget they also have breakfast along with a huge sign in front of the restaraunt. Puh-leeze..
Far as having faith goes, I don't place faith in anything but my religion. I think the better word to use in this situation is "trust." I've played KOTOR and everything looks good so far for this game, but I'm not going to blindly trust a company that hasn't ever ran an MMORPG before. I'll wait for the reviews along with what others say before I make the plunge.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
To answer the OP...
If a single dev that worked on WAR 1.4 is involved in ToR then I have 0 faith in this game.
I'm actually in it for a different reason then most here, the choices in the game and the allingment system itself. (yes i'm shallow in that point) everything else to me is gravy.
As for the topic at hand? I respect BW probably more then any other company out there for releasing products that are fun and engaging to me. No reason to start thinking they won't here. Companies can always have problems but until they do i'm going to continue buying everything they are selling as i've yet to be let down by them.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Own DA1/2(on preorder), ME1/2, BG1,2,2 exp, NWN1/2 (all exp), KOTOR 1 2 (although 2 is technically Obisidian's game), Jade Empire
Haven't been disappointed yet so yes, i have absolute faith that Bioware games are good.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Lol. Right, devs hyping up SWTOR. I guess you haven't been around the hypes of AoC and WAR where the devs really went all out to fuel the hype flames.
Me, I respect the way how in contrast ANet and Bioware people only release information when they're certain a feature has made it for sure ingame, pretty much a down-to-earth approach. Sure, they'll be enthusiastic about the game they're developing and in this way 'hyping it up', but I prefer the way they release information more than what I've seen with former MMO's and their companies.
Regarding OP, Bioware has a good track record, even though making MMORPG's is a tricky business to get it right, they're one of a few companies I have a degree of trust in that they can deliver. Still, I'd personally have preferred it if SW:TOR would have had more the look & feel of the Mass Effect series.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Don't like any bioware games...so none.
a lot of faith and a lot of expectation
afterall KOTOR is one of my favourite game ever
I got alot of expectation because bioware is pretty much pure rpg and is gonna have great lore for their mmo and all their games ive been playin their games since baldurs gate and icewind dales. I dont expect it too trample wow least not right away im expecting a highly story driven game like bioware said in one of their article old republic pretty much gonna be a kotor part 3,4 and 6 all in one and its gonna grow its gonna be persistant alot of wow players are gonna hate it because its gonna be very story driven from what i can see and any hardcore bioware fan will love it.
SWTOR really looks like EA/LA show more like Bioware, I still got alot of faith for games like Dragon Origin 2, Mass Effect 3, Bioware's new shooter.
BioWare is my favorite games developer of all time. When I first started getting into PC gaming, (to a point where I could be called a PC gamer), I had the likes of Baldur's Gate to discover. Unbelievable, that's pretty much how I felt at the time. Then Neverwinter Nights, then Knights of the Old Republic, then Mass Effect, and Jade Empire.
Amazing track record. The only company that left an impression with me that early in my gaming days, was Blizzard, with Diablo. Though Blizzard barely even makes games. They've had Diablo, and Warcraft.. neither of which are very exciting at this point. I remember playing Diablo, then playing Baldur's Gate and thinking .. "How did I ever play Diablo with it's overwhelming simplicity and lack of any story."
All that said, I still have my doubts. Everything about TOR feels "off", to some degree. Whenever I see blogs on it, videos, or articles.. I always get a strange feeling. It doesn't have that BioWare signature to it, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm also not a fan of instancing, and limited environments. Though, if BW can bring it to a shining polish, it will be okay. Though, it's sad, with all their success, resources and money, they could have made something spectacularly epic and unique. Like what Vanguard's dream was, only sci-fi.
We'll see.
Having faith in Bioware, many not be important; it's trusting Bioware's partners, EA and LA, to do the right thing that is porbably key.
EA is like the Dark Side, it taints everything it touches.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I think many would like to see this and clamoring for it, but you can't expect to see such things until they are in beta, no? Thankfully they do appear to be getting ready for beta.
Bioware games owned:
Baldurs Gate + expansion
Baldurs Gate 2 + expansion
Neverwinter Nights + expansions
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 1 & 2
I came late to computer gaming, I didn't own my first computer until 35, and the first game I got was Baldurs Gate. It blew me away, I loved it and I've been a good customer to Bioware ever since, and they have yet to let me down. I do indeed trust Bioware and I trust them enough to buy TOR as soon as it's out.
That said, anybody can fail. I don't expect them to fail with TOR, but I don't totally discount the possibility. So far I have no reason to believe they will fail with TOR. Sure there's a thing or two I don't like(cartoon style), but that's going to be true of any game.
TOR is only a WoW clone in so much as any themepark mmo is a WoW clone. That doesn't mean they'll play the same way, just that they have the same elements that have been in mmo's since EQ. Quite frankly I don't expect the average WoW player will like TOR. The story will play too heavy a part for the average WoW player. The leveling will be too slow for them. The average WoW player wants to rush to get to the end game, story is meaningless to them. Roleplaying is meaningless to them. They are more likely to mock a roleplayer, while I expect TOR to cater more to the roleplaying crowd. Lightside, darkside, what do they matter to the average WoW player, they just want to get to the action. The average WoW player is all about instant gratification, and I don't really think TOR will give it to them, at least not in the way they might like. Yes, the two games will share a lot of the same mmo elements, but they are still two different games. Each with it's own flavor.
I emphasize the term 'average' because there are a lot of players that play WoW that don't really fall into this category. Many play WoW because they aren't satisfied with anything else and WoW gives them something to do while they wait for something better. That's where I stand right now. I'm playing WoW, waiting for something better. I'm also playing, and replalying my favorite single player games while I wait.
I am an admitted Bioware fanboi. There are very few developers that I put as much trust in as Bioware. As a matter of fact, I can't think of any off hand.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
BioWare isn't my favorite developer, but I do enjoy some of their games. Well, most of them anyways. I have faith that they are capable of creating fun, engrossing games. They are one of the best developers in the RPG genre, to that, I don't think anyone can truly deny. Their engines have been used in a number of other RPGs that were top sellers to. Its not like BioWare is a novice developer here, so I take comfort in knowing that.
"How much faith do you have in Bioware?"
To do what? To make a good singleplayer game, sure.
Do I have faith or trust in them to make a good MMO?
No one can do that anymore... the Investors would gut it before Alpha testing into a piece of trash because a real MMORPG(FPS) costs too much money to maintain long term...
...and, even if the Investors dropped the ball, and the Devs did get lucky and make a real MMO... the Players we have now playing in the genre would destroy it, that is *if* we could keep the marketing people from trashing it with their stupid cash shop sales email campaigns.
The MMO genre is dead. It's just Devs pulling a paycheck scared they are going get canned if they use their brains, glitz and marketing, fast profits, and disappointed customers that used to be players.
There is nothing left in this genre worthy of "faith" or "trust". Just like Christmas.
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!"
"I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. "
__Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__
...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
Faith is all you need lol hey bioware star wars Sci-fi MMO thats not eve lol im so there beats the crap out of fantasy
The troll is strong in this one.
Just curious: For those of you blindly following the BioWare label, can you tell me the members of your favorite Bioware game's tean that are working on SWTOR? I see a lot of people from other failed MMO experience on the roster, but I've yet to see the real visionaries that brought us the good games we're all accustomed too. I feel this is more EA slapping a "BioWare" sticker on a special ed class, and letting the fanboys generate the hype. Just how I'm seeing things, here...
Oh, and which one of your precious BioWare prodigies had the brilliant vision of putting rail-based space combat in an MMO? Think a promotion is in order...
I own Baldurs Gate 1&2, ME1 & DA:O
Liked all those titles. I have faith in them to make a good quality SPRPG.
I don't have any faith in them to make an MMORPG that I would actualy want to play/sub to as an RPG. Everything I've read them say abou TOR's design makes it something that I might be interested to pickup, play the first 30 days...and then put on the shelf and not play...kinda like I've done with thier SPRPG's.
I have the opposite of faith in EA and Lucas Arts.
However, I'm not a Star Wars Fan.... I liked the origional triolgy quite a bit.... pretty much hated all the prequels and when I picked up the actual star wars novel that Lucas wrote....thought it was an example of some of the most god awful writing I've ever read.... well aside from anything written by Stephen King.
I had the original Baldurs gate series, the NWN games KOTOR and haven't owned but have played most of the latest games by them. I don't pray to a Bioware statue or anything but I do believe them capable of making an entertaining game that could keep me hooked.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I am a huge fan of Bioware. I own the majority of their SPRPG's, what I'm not a fan of is EA. EA is like an MMORPG cancer. I don't believe it's possible for any developer to release a decent game with EA's involvement.
Bioware is a top notch gaming company. The have never let me down with a single player game. To be honest the only single player games i play anymore are Bioware games.
Do I have faith they will make a MMO that will please MMO fans??? absolutely not because if there is one thing I have learned over the years is pleasing a healthy number of MMO fans is not easy.
I hope they prove me wrong as I think the company deserves all the success in the world.
Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.