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I guess I am one of those weirdoes who actually enjoyed leveling more then the end lvl grinds.
When you do it once, you can still try the other faction, but after that it gets boring if you like going through zones, and instances, reading the story and so on, as you have done it all before.
That is why I was happy to hear when they said that they will change all of the zones and the quests, as that would mean I can level a new character, which is what I like.
so my question is, have the zones, the story and the questlines really been changed that much that it would be a whole new eperience leveling a character?
or in more simpler terms, how much has it changed?
Many zones have changed quite drastically, while other zones have changed very little like elywnn forest on the alliance side. The stories and questlines all have been modified in some way to reflect the changes in the timeline, and Id say about 85% of the quests are brand new with a more steamlined design that keeps you moving throughout the zone.
If your looking for a huge dramatically different experience you might be pleasantly surprised or extremely disapointed depending on the type of quester you are. If you are the kind of person that likes a streamlined story that quickly moves you from one quest hub to another then you might be pleasantly surprised by the changes.
But, if your the kind of the quester that likes to grab your 15-20 quests all at once and knock them out in whatever fashion you see fit, then you might be disapointed because you will not be able to do that to much anymore until you get into the later levels.
The current quest system requires that you complete the questlines back to back in order for you to progress to the later quests in that zone (hence streamlined). Its all one complete story per zone and I dont think you can pick and choose what quests you want to do, you must start from the beginning of the zone and follow it to the end. It is very restricting yes, but the overall storylines are very engaging and fun so in my opinion its not as bad as it sounds.
My overall opinion of the changes is that Im enjoying them, I personally love the design they have adopted for the 1-60 experience and think it was a change that was greatly needed because the old zones started to really show their age. If you dont like the streamline design then you will probably hate it and I would recommend you get the trial to see the questing for yourself.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
I'm not a huge WoW fan but I did reactivate for the low level content and it's nice. They reworked like everything. Quests are grouped up for you to eliminate the need for a quest guide. The story line flows. The events are cool. Almost everything has changed. Try it out.
I think this is a good assessment of the questing changes.
You could see it as streamlined or as playing on rails. It's subjective, of course, as Activm points out. I usually play a sandbox game with a lot of freedom, so I can't compare WoW and that game. I just play WoW for what it offers and I'm having fun. I think of it as an interactive story. I don't really feel a grind from 80-85. I've made it to 84 in about 4 days and I'm a casual player.
Regarding leveling new or low level characters, I think it will be fun at least up till going to Outlands. I have a 52 mage and a 42 shaman I'm working on and I just feel a sense of dread about going through that portal again to Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh....ugh...
But I understand the xp has been increased so the leveling will be faster through that part if you have already spent a lot of time there. Then, hopefully you won't get tired of Northrend.
That's the part where I hesitate, getting from 60-78 when you can re-enter the new Cata content.
That about nails it. Elwyn changed a bit, in that it seems to bring you to Stormwind much faster, and instead of fighting kobolds you're defending the abbey from the Horde. But as Acvivm says, the biggest changes occur a bit later. Westfalls quests, for example, are almost all new.
I am not a big end game raiders either, I got the expansion and started a new toon, because I enjoy the levelling experience. I am enjoying the newish feel and the quests very much. Totally worth the cost IMHO.
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
Here's roughly what I've run up through lvl 40 thus far:
Worgen Starting area 1-15. Entirely new story.
Darkshore 15-25. Old areas destroyed. Some of the threats are increased. Horde has a fairly sizable foothold now in the north. The questline leads up to helping Malfurion. Really COOL.
Ashenvale. Started this area but wanted to work on some rep. Ran SFK, new baddies and a better storyline (IMO). Blackfathom Deeps wasn't drastically changed. Still just as long and painful. Wailing Caverns, more of the same.
Nothern Stranglethorn 27-33. Greatly enhanced questing. Same quests but they've made the quests so they update to prevent you from running around nearly as much. My favorite questline was the new raptor baby questline.
Booty Bay (Cape of Stranglethorn) 33-37. Personally my FAVORITE FAVORITE run. You get in with the pirates and then you have a giant finale in Booty Bay that is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cooler IMO. Lets not forget the Pirates V. Ninja quest. It made me laugh.
Western Plaguelands 37-40. This area has not been completed but thus far the story is AWESOME. People I remember taking down in Strat make n early appearance. Fun times thus far.
Every zone I have been in, on the Alliance end of things, has changed. Up until it is time to hit Outlands, thats all the same. And Elwynn is totally different. Where is Hogger? Oh yeah, they moved him, now he is a badass elite inside the Stockades....
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
Yea /agreed they revamp most of the low lvls quest and its really fun. The Updated graphics really look good and fresh.
Pardon my English as it is not my 1st language
Yea... mind what Eli says... it's VERY important.
If you enter an area, you are entering a STORYLINE. You go in grab a few quests and start the STORY. You don't really get the option to jump in and out of areas anymore. Blizzard ALSO points you in the direction of the NEXT STORY when you're done the line. It is FAR from an open world do what you want. If you don't like reading the story or actually participating in the world it may not be for you. MANY quests are linked together so that if you don't complete one, you may not see the followup. It's a shame but it makes those REALLY good gems of quests that much more amazing when they occur.
Like I'd said before, it's like your 40 year old wife after 6 months of hard time at the gym.
Yeah, but now she looks better than she did when she was 20.
I think it's worth it. The updated stuff alone at the low level will keep you busy for a while. It's like that wife comment and a breath of fresh air.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
I think almost all the zones had their quest greatly enhanced. It's much for focused now. You don't walk into any camp and have 15 different quest givers with ! above their heads. If you quest threw a zone, you'll probably never have more than 5 quests in your log at any one time.
As far as geography, it is much more hit and miss. Some zones barely changed appearance... but some of the little changes are very cool. Durator barely got changed, but one of the big changes is the thunderlizards were drowned. The thing that really impressed me is how much the quests and geography play off of what was there before the Shattering, each zone really feels like the story 'advanced' rather than just changed.
Two characters so far - vastly different experiences:
Gnome Priest (currently 70, but played through 58 in Azeroth).
New Dun Morogh. New Loch Modan. New Wetlands. Meh Arathi Highlands. Pseudo Hinterlands. New Western Plaguelands. New Eastern Plaguelands. New Badlands. Pseudo Searing Gorge. New Burning Steppes. Mainly New Swamp of Sorrows. Pseudo Blasted Lands...
Human Hunter (currently 55).
New Elwynn. New Westfall. New Redridge. Meh Duskwood. Meh Stranglethorn Vale. Meh Dustwallow Marsh. New Thousand Needles (boat is a trip - wish you could use it elsewhere). New Tanaris. New Un'goro Crater. Same ol' Silithus (will likely end up having to head to Blasted Lands or elsewhere to get to 58 - there is a portal to BL from Cenarion Hold, so they knew this).
With the Gnome Priest, I ran through the quests and also did random dungeons. It had a nice flow to it and played through somewhat quickly (somewhat disappointed with that, but the pacing was good regardless). I could not do random dungeons with the Human Hunter. The guy was already outleveling the content for the current zone before even getting halfway done with the quests. I gave up on STV and moved on to DWM. I gave up on DWM and moved on to TN. The pacing was good to an extent there again, before it died once more in Tanaris.
The Gnome Priest was fun, and the reason that I stopped her at 70 to roll the Human Hunter. The Human Hunter has felt like work. This has left me questioning the desire to roll a Night Elf Mage to go through the "NE Experience"...
With the two toons, obviously I could have gone through different zones - but I wanted to follow the path set by the NPCs - going where they wanted me to go. With the Call boards in cities, I could have easily gone another route with the Hunter that might have been more fun.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
The areas up to about level 51/52 are revamped. A lot of them are good (Thousand Needles is a trip). Elwinn Forest hasn't changed a lot though but most of the other starter areas have changed. Once you get into the level 50 areas do the changes sort of stopped. There are a few changes up there but a lot of it is really familiar (Silithus, for example, is exactly the same as it was before). For $15 it probably is worth it to see all of the new lower level stuff.
So.. if you are level 50.. before the revamp.. are you required to go back and do newbie quest to "phase" in the new world? hmmm
I would just level a brand new character to experience the new stuff. If you are level 50 there is no point revisiting the lower level stuff.
zone level ranges have changed too
EQ2 fan sites
I hated the linearness at first, thinking blizzard took away my freedom, I mean it wasn't a super free roaming game in the first place, but still I was disappointed. I was leveling my Worgen, and Gilneas is a 100% on rails game no denying it, but then I went to darkshore, thought it was too, but then I took my level 85 to Darkshore, and I realized it truly wasn't on a rail, lol. The idea that you had to go from this quest hub to this quest hub, wasn't actually true, you could start from the bottom and go up, you could do the shatterspear thing first, jump to Malfurions quests, jump to Auberdine survivors, jump all over the place, you can completely never touch the Lor'danel quests and do 90% of the quests in Darkshore, they just streamlined it, they didn't actually literally say "You can't do this!" They basically made it easier to follow the story, they didn't actually make you have to do it if you don't want to.
No. All the level 1-60 zones are similar to Darkshore (except Gilneas), you don't have to do one story to do another story. I don't know about the level 80-85, as I've only done Hyjal, and it seems like there isn't as much freedom, unlike Darkshore where it is just percieved to be linear, Hyjal seems like it really is linear.
-I want a Platformer MMO
There's only one potential change I care about: Did Goldshire get nuked? If it's a smoking crater I may have to resubscribe.
well, if you are honest with yourself, she does not look better than when she was 20 (you also have seen many more attractive women since then), but she has definitely learned a LOT how to make the best of what she has. Her makeup is superb and she is much more experienced in all areas of your communal life (yes, even sex, of course), leading to a more satisfying marriage.
Now does that means the neighbour smocking hot 20 years old does not attract you? of course she does, but you are left thinking "does she knows to do all that my wife does?" and the answer is "probably not, she will be good at X or Y, but not at the whole package".
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Said I was going to come back after toying around with the NE side a bit... and well, I want to take back some of my complaints over the Human zone path at this point.
So much of Teldrassil is wasted with how quickly they get you off the tree and out to Darkshore. Darkshore is the typical directed to each hub as you go along - but once again like with the Human toon, my NE outleveled the content pretty quickly. When I was done with the zone, I was 3-4 levels higher than the toughest mobs I was being asked to frag... without doing any randoms - just straight questing.
...the thing that perplexed me the most was this:
After the Battle for Darkshore... nothing. No go here...there...anywhere. It just stops, leaving you at the Grove of the Ancients. Went back to Lor...nothing. Yep, there is the Hero's Call to go to Ashenvale in Darnassus... but for it just to stop like that at GotA was kind of...well - lol, did I win? Did I win WoW at 22 as a NE Mage when my other toons had to get to 80 before Cata?
Yes, having played WoW off and on since Vanilla's beta - have to figure that I was going to head on down the road... but for a new player - this is kind of ridiculous. Even the tedious Human zone pathing kept you going until it dumped you back in the Blasted Lands.
It is a trip to me how the order of things has changed.
My preference had been Human, Night Elf (Draenei), and then Dwarf/Gnome. With the Shattering, it is now Dwarf/Gnome, Human, and then Night Elf (Draenei)....
...will have to see if getting to Ashenvale and later changes that in the least.
edit: the other thing that I forgot to mention was how woefully undergeared my NE was as he began his adventures in Darkshore. I ended up buying the vendor armor...because the guy was all but naked and dying if he tripped over a crab on the beach.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
So yeah, level 27 in Ashenvale. 7-8 levels higher than the mobs for the quests. I finally gave up on it. I do not know why the Gnome/Dwarf route was so... excellent would be the word that comes to mind. The Human route in hindsight was only slightly botched in comparison to how bad the NE route has turned out to be.
What is it like on the Horde side?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
I've followed all your descriptions reagrding the revamped level-system with alot of interest and want to jump in with a basic question here.
In my years of leveling countless toons, i always like the possibility to switch or skip the zones containing quests for the same level-range.
Say i didn't like doing Tanaris this time, i went for the HInterlands. If i didn't want to quest the south of STV, i went for Feralas instead. Couldn't stand doing Desolace two times in a row, i quested in another lvl30+ zone instead. Same with Winterspring/Silithus, Felwood/Ungoro etc etc. Most level ranges had a minimum of 2-3 zones to pick one from and quests from green to red where open and available everywhere.
Reading what you guys report about the new, heavily streamlined levelsystem and about not being able to jump right into a zone at will, i wonder if picking your own zone or switching zones within a certain level-range is still possible as it was before?
The flightpaths can be annoying. I did give up on trying to do the quests in the zone with the NE as I said, so I skipped ahead to zones - only to find that the flightpaths were broken. For some of them, I was able to find them. I skipped down to Stonetalon. Skipped down to Desolace. Skipped down to Feralas. Always facing the same issues.
Finally I said forget it, and decided to head to Dustwallow/Theramore. It was the same issue though. Figured I was good enough to hit up Thousand Needles... but I had not done the prereq - so I had to hunt that down with a long swim through the Needles... but then it all kind of fell into place, aside from the fact that I was already too high for the zone.
Figure I should head to Tanaris to see what is going on there.
It is odd how well everything played out through the Dwarf/Gnome experience. It is odd how even though the Human one was pseudo bad... this Night Elf thing has been a nightmare.
At this point though, figure I am just going to queue random dungeons while farming herbs until I get to Outlands at 58...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%