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the people vying for the change were close friend's of the GM's, i quit this game, simply cuz i wont play a game with a god character who just goes around and helps out his buddies when he's supposed to be working, zentia GM's are garbage and need to be fired before ill even consider playing this game again
this game has been running in china for years never once needing a PvE server, nor making a change that disgruntles 50% of the population
This isn't China. The West isn't nearly as big on PvP as the East is. In order to succeed, the game needs to be localized, which probably explains the change you mentioned.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
ScorpionFrog recently got banned so he is a little pissed off. He used to cry on the forums about everything. Don't pay attention to his dramatics.
It's not like the whole game is pve have a choice between pve and pvp server, i dont see a problem here.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
pve server is quite good. if u wanna pvp u can exploit the bug. with the bug i find the pve server a very balance between pvp and pve. Only hardcore criminal will trigger the bug and pk u.
what bug?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
the 1 you can forced attack on player by using aoe dmg to dmg them or so i heard
Oh ye that..
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Bunnies were here.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I absolutely adore this game. *Of Course* I find the cute graphics appealing, but beyond that Zentia incorporates a pretty intense PvP system. The 'dodge' function allows for player skill to compensate for gear/level gaps! While I sorely miss gear-drop PvP, I suppose the lack of it is best at this time given the small playerbase. As far as the afformentioned claims of harassment go.. Channel got it right . In any PvP game, if you don't want to be KoS'ed don't run your mouth in a blatant attempt to piss people off lol
- Lolichan
Of course you would adore this game, being a little lap dog running around drooling after the chinese exploiters and all. Have fun w that unifangirl. At least you guys will have something to do in game now that they patched in more content. The player base has voiced their opinion on this game - and they have quit.