btw, being hacked in wow only takes you about a week to get your stuff back (happened twice to me, yes my passwords sucked *G*), being hacked in most other games results in you buying a new account or changing games
just a thought.
Serious company like Blizzard can fix this without you need buy extra code in case of hacking the are atm lead mmogame company and the cant guarantee costum security that is lame and the only answer the say it is your fault...
Blizzard can and should guarantee that costum dont get hack instead the sale "hack secure" so get more money
I have been hack and have wait 6 hours to GM answer me and then i have email and wait 5 days before reset make password alot of wait time just to gave you reset code so you could change password
How come the author of this article says he never gave his account info to anyone, and at the same time says his friend Josh calls him telling him to check his account because it was hacked. This is all Bulls**t
I have had both my NCsoft and Blizzard accounts hacked in the last 6 months. I had both suspended indefinently and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Playing: PO, EVE Waiting for: WoD Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
I have had both my NCsoft and Blizzard accounts hacked in the last 6 months. I had both suspended indefinently and i wouldn't have it any other way.
That sounds suspicious. 1 I can understand but with 2 I would seriously check my security. The chances of getting both hacked with no keylogger or similar is slim to nun, so I would seriously use add aware and a online virus scanner like housecall go through it, so you don't get any other accounts hacked.
Not saying that it is your own fault or anything like that, just tipping you off that other stuff you have might be compromised as well so be careful. Hackers can steal worse things than a Wow account, like your actual bank account.
eh my wow acount has been hacked 4 times and that 4th call i made the rep said he didnt believe i hadnt given my pass out anywhere think i had bought gold way back bouta year after it came out but not sure how that would make me a target for that kinda thing but only thing i could think of that started it so i gave up i wasnt playing the game anyway the last 2 times it happend
Did they steal your credit card info? No? Then no one has access to blizzard servers. You got keylogged. Moving on.
And no. I have no keyloggers and have never had a keylogger. i could get into how I know this and what precautions I have in place to avoid them but, I feel you would have no clue what I was talking about.
You don't have to have a CC# in the system to have an account. There are game time cards you buy to keep your account going. Maybe you've seen them?
Khm... I regularly clean computers, that are "protected" and "updated" (at least users says so) ... but at the end I find many nasties on it. Just need to use right tool. Never say never.
And despite network security is my job in company, happend once in past that I was disctracted enough I have clicked that F..ING phishing email saying my account is used for gold selling and i should log in immediately. Realised mistake sec later and rushed to change password, for precaution also contacted Blizz. At end no problem, but could end differently. And few times played on public computer. But as precaution changed always password immediately upon returing to home. Now would not do this anymore.
Besides many people is using passwords to easy to guess.
Etc etc ... So my best guess is for sure is not intentional from Blizz if Blizz to blame. But, yes, there are bad employees ... and could be at times also this problem ... but in majority of cases im sure is user to blame.
Good side of coin. Blizzard have one of the best and faster supports out there (not that I was always happy). And have not heard were not able to recover some player gold or alts if was not his fault. And happend to me I have deleted 2 bank alts in past years that I forgot had also full bank of money. All was recovered efficiently and fast.
About dongle ... unfortunately is not avail in my country, otherwise would use. Wow mean to much to me not to take all precautions. :-)) At least I'm using complicated password and I'm playing only on dedicated computer for wow at home. :-)
YOu got keylogged and you have an anti-virus that didn't detect it. Almost all this "hacking" come from China, it's about time Blizzard stopped them from connecting entirely by blanket banning all Chinese IP addresses (Codemasters did this with LOTRO and it helped a lot)
If someone had access to blizzards servers why in the word would they steal all these selective accounts? They wouldn't, that's why. They would just steal ALL of the accounts. That is assuming that's what they were after. I for one, if I was going to commit a crime of that magnitude, would not care about your WoW account, as it is THE LEAST VALUABLE THING ON THE SERVERS. I would personally head for everyones personal info and or CC info. Those are much more valuable than your crappy WoW account.
There are many reasons these people may go after the accounts and not the CC numbers.
1. They don't have access to the CC #s. There are strict rules associated with storage of credit card information that if companies don't comply with can get their ability to accept credit cards taken away, huge fines, and/or blacklisted by credit card companies.
2. If you're a gold seller it makes a lot more sense to take thousands of dollars worth of "product" from accounts rather than steal credit card info that will be invalid within a few hours and easily tracable.
Use common sense. Blizzards servers are not comprimised. You did something dumb and don't want to admit it or can't believe it can happen because you are Mr. Amazing tech savey guy. You got with it.
You know... a month ago I would have been right with you. It sounds crazy to think that Blizzard would have a breach since the merger and not know about it or be able to fix it.... that was until I created a new trial WoW account to test out the new starting areas to see what had been changed.
With a brand new email address and brand new account I received my first spam mail within an hour of making the account. Could this be a considence? Sure, but it seems very fishy.
This, of course, does not prove anything, and I'm not trying to say that anyone has access to the encrypted passwords for each account. But isn't it possible that somehow these people are getting a hold of the email addresses and then brute forcing the passwords from there?
The funny thing is that the number of WoW subscribers hasn't really changed since the merger but the reports of accounts being compromised has increased 10 fold.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
I havent logged on WoW for 4 years. I have never ever had it installed on any of my current PCs. Yet all of a sudden I have begun to get phishing mails about my wow account in the past few months.
How did they know my login name and my email when I have never ever entered it on my PCs? And how did they know I had a WoW account with that login when I have never ever used it on any of my computers?
No the security leak must be at Blizzard because I haven't had the info on my computers at all.
People keep saying this...but it is simple really, hackers could of got your info years ago...they hold on to the info until they need it. It's simple really they get 5 peoples info on average everyday, but they only mess with one account a day, and other variations of the sort.
Its for sure that Blizzard take part in this weird game.
I am a IT security specialist and my own windows system i used for playing WoW is so damn secure BUT even me got my account hacked.
Blizzard restored anything in good amout of time, i think they do a snapshot before they sell your login.
This will happen sooner or later to anyone who denied to buy the Bli$$ard Authenticator stuff, thats for sure.
If you own an android "powered" mobile phone, you can d/l the Battle.Net Authenticator for free from market and bind this to your account. No need to pay them extra for some piece of plastic + 2 wires...
LOL to those that think you did everything safely, but still got hacked.... The only way to get hacked, is to have some sort of malicious software on your computer, or to have accidentally given out your information on a website. Sorry, but those are the only ways possible for your account to have been hacked. I've had several friends get hacked, all of them accidentally giving out info, or downloading malicious software... Don't be dumb kids... opened the door to hackers as it involved account changes, giving players a reason to think Blizzard might contact them about their account.
Any official announcement about the need to look at or change your account or password opens the door to hackers who can send emails which sound genuine about the need to go to their dodgy site to fix the issue.
Aion has a pin system that cant be hacked cause u dont use the keyboard and the buttons move around.
Oh yeah and its also a way better game.
He, he, he, ... good joke. :-)) At this moment I can remember only 1 even "better" game, FFIV.
Lol you must be Uber noob. You probably never played Aion past lvl 20 or never at all. and anyway my point was that NC-soft made a bulletproof Pin system that blizzard couldnt do in 8 years... LOL
What a surprise. It's been well know for sometime now that there must be some type of leak or hole in Blizzard's account servers. Because even accounts with an Authenticator have been broken into.
But as always, they are god, they can't or haven't done anything wrong. One word of advice, if you want to play on a secure server. Then don't buy from Blizzard.
That rant has no place on the front page...I dont give a flying fuck about who got hacked in what game, becouse its always the same thing: "Oh those evil bastards at X screwed me over. They had to, cause my PC is absolutely clean and im an IT genius that would never allow myself to be hacked." and add a conspiracy theory.
If someone had access to blizzards servers why in the word would they steal all these selective accounts? They wouldn't, that's why. They would just steal ALL of the accounts. That is assuming that's what they were after. I for one, if I was going to commit a crime of that magnitude, would not care about your WoW account, as it is THE LEAST VALUABLE THING ON THE SERVERS. I would personally head for everyones personal info and or CC info. Those are much more valuable than your crappy WoW account.
There are many reasons these people may go after the accounts and not the CC numbers.
1. They don't have access to the CC #s. There are strict rules associated with storage of credit card information that if companies don't comply with can get their ability to accept credit cards taken away, huge fines, and/or blacklisted by credit card companies.
2. If you're a gold seller it makes a lot more sense to take thousands of dollars worth of "product" from accounts rather than steal credit card info that will be invalid within a few hours and easily tracable.
Use common sense. Blizzards servers are not comprimised. You did something dumb and don't want to admit it or can't believe it can happen because you are Mr. Amazing tech savey guy. You got with it.
You know... a month ago I would have been right with you. It sounds crazy to think that Blizzard would have a breach since the merger and not know about it or be able to fix it.... that was until I created a new trial WoW account to test out the new starting areas to see what had been changed.
With a brand new email address and brand new account I received my first spam mail within an hour of making the account. Could this be a considence? Sure, but it seems very fishy.
This, of course, does not prove anything, and I'm not trying to say that anyone has access to the encrypted passwords for each account. But isn't it possible that somehow these people are getting a hold of the email addresses and then brute forcing the passwords from there?
The funny thing is that the number of WoW subscribers hasn't really changed since the merger but the reports of accounts being compromised has increased 10 fold.
Another funny thing. On both the old email address I used to use for WoW, or the one I made to be used only with WoW later on I never got any spam or phishing emails. None.
I did get my account hacked about 6 months ago, got it fixed and bought an authenticator.
A couple days ago though, some how, some hopeless GREEDY douche got a hold of my Credit Card # (no I didn't have any keyloggers, nor have I fallen prey to a phishing site, i don't even buy stuff of the internet, and I don't really browse the internet, I really just play my game, and check my email without clicking on any links in those emails, and visit this site.) and they charged up to around 800$ of random shit from blizzard. You think getting your account hacked is bad...just wait till this happens to you! It really makes me just want to quit the whole MMO subscription scene all together.
I'm still in the process of trying to get a hold of blizzard to try and get this sorted out, so far i've canceled my card, and contacted the fraud department at my bank. The blizzard phonelines are ALWAYS full so it's sooooo damn hard to get through! it's ridiculous! I would rather have my wow account hacked than my bank account!! I Hate greedy people with a passion!!!!!!!!
Serious company like Blizzard can fix this without you need buy extra code in case of hacking the are atm lead mmogame company and the cant guarantee costum security that is lame and the only answer the say it is your fault...
Blizzard can and should guarantee that costum dont get hack instead the sale "hack secure" so get more money
I have been hack and have wait 6 hours to GM answer me and then i have email and wait 5 days before reset make password alot of wait time just to gave you reset code so you could change password
Once more... For all members of, that includes staff, there's a "My account has been compromised" tread...
How come the author of this article says he never gave his account info to anyone, and at the same time says his friend Josh calls him telling him to check his account because it was hacked. This is all Bulls**t
I have had both my NCsoft and Blizzard accounts hacked in the last 6 months. I had both suspended indefinently and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
That sounds suspicious. 1 I can understand but with 2 I would seriously check my security. The chances of getting both hacked with no keylogger or similar is slim to nun, so I would seriously use add aware and a online virus scanner like housecall go through it, so you don't get any other accounts hacked.
Not saying that it is your own fault or anything like that, just tipping you off that other stuff you have might be compromised as well so be careful. Hackers can steal worse things than a Wow account, like your actual bank account.
eh my wow acount has been hacked 4 times and that 4th call i made the rep said he didnt believe i hadnt given my pass out anywhere think i had bought gold way back bouta year after it came out but not sure how that would make me a target for that kinda thing but only thing i could think of that started it so i gave up i wasnt playing the game anyway the last 2 times it happend
also another good xmas movie Grimlins
Heres your teeth back!
Khm... I regularly clean computers, that are "protected" and "updated" (at least users says so) ... but at the end I find many nasties on it. Just need to use right tool. Never say never.
And despite network security is my job in company, happend once in past that I was disctracted enough I have clicked that F..ING phishing email saying my account is used for gold selling and i should log in immediately. Realised mistake sec later and rushed to change password, for precaution also contacted Blizz. At end no problem, but could end differently. And few times played on public computer. But as precaution changed always password immediately upon returing to home. Now would not do this anymore.
Besides many people is using passwords to easy to guess.
Etc etc ... So my best guess is for sure is not intentional from Blizz if Blizz to blame. But, yes, there are bad employees ... and could be at times also this problem ... but in majority of cases im sure is user to blame.
Good side of coin. Blizzard have one of the best and faster supports out there (not that I was always happy). And have not heard were not able to recover some player gold or alts if was not his fault. And happend to me I have deleted 2 bank alts in past years that I forgot had also full bank of money. All was recovered efficiently and fast.
About dongle ... unfortunately is not avail in my country, otherwise would use. Wow mean to much to me not to take all precautions. :-)) At least I'm using complicated password and I'm playing only on dedicated computer for wow at home. :-)
Aion has a pin system that cant be hacked cause u dont use the keyboard and the buttons move around.
Oh yeah and its also a way better game.
He, he, he, ... good joke. :-)) At this moment I can remember only 1 even "better" game, FFIV.
The funny thing is that the number of WoW subscribers hasn't really changed since the merger but the reports of accounts being compromised has increased 10 fold.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
People keep saying this...but it is simple really, hackers could of got your info years ago...they hold on to the info until they need it. It's simple really they get 5 peoples info on average everyday, but they only mess with one account a day, and other variations of the sort.
-I want a Platformer MMO
Its for sure that Blizzard take part in this weird game.
I am a IT security specialist and my own windows system i used for playing WoW is so damn secure BUT even me got my account hacked.
Blizzard restored anything in good amout of time, i think they do a snapshot before they sell your login.
This will happen sooner or later to anyone who denied to buy the Bli$$ard Authenticator stuff, thats for sure.
If you own an android "powered" mobile phone, you can d/l the Battle.Net Authenticator for free from market and bind this to your account. No need to pay them extra for some piece of plastic + 2 wires...
LOL to those that think you did everything safely, but still got hacked.... The only way to get hacked, is to have some sort of malicious software on your computer, or to have accidentally given out your information on a website. Sorry, but those are the only ways possible for your account to have been hacked. I've had several friends get hacked, all of them accidentally giving out info, or downloading malicious software... Don't be dumb kids... opened the door to hackers as it involved account changes, giving players a reason to think Blizzard might contact them about their account.
Any official announcement about the need to look at or change your account or password opens the door to hackers who can send emails which sound genuine about the need to go to their dodgy site to fix the issue.
He, he, he, ... good joke. :-)) At this moment I can remember only 1 even "better" game, FFIV.
Lol you must be Uber noob. You probably never played Aion past lvl 20 or never at all. and anyway my point was that NC-soft made a bulletproof Pin system that blizzard couldnt do in 8 years... LOL
Its so funny to see how all those fanbois defend the holy cow of blizzard.
On the other way, you blame companies like McD if you burn your lips on a hot coffee only because you are to stupid to know that hot coffee is hot.
There is a leak at blizzard, or its common at blizzard to sell infos to get an advance (selling useless authenticators).
Thats my point - now send me a warning for declaring my statement.
What a surprise. It's been well know for sometime now that there must be some type of leak or hole in Blizzard's account servers. Because even accounts with an Authenticator have been broken into.
But as always, they are god, they can't or haven't done anything wrong. One word of advice, if you want to play on a secure server. Then don't buy from Blizzard.
Problem solved.
Blame those lazy ass gold buyers for all the rampant phishing and hacking.
That rant has no place on the front page...I dont give a flying fuck about who got hacked in what game, becouse its always the same thing: "Oh those evil bastards at X screwed me over. They had to, cause my PC is absolutely clean and im an IT genius that would never allow myself to be hacked." and add a conspiracy theory.
OP said that "I never gave any of my account info to anyone."
If the Op did not give his details out, how did Josh know and phone him to say:
“You might want to check on your WoW account because I think it’s been hacked.”
Is there somewhere all hacked accounts are listed or does it say so in game that a particular user had been banned/hacked?
Another funny thing. On both the old email address I used to use for WoW, or the one I made to be used only with WoW later on I never got any spam or phishing emails. None.
I did get my account hacked about 6 months ago, got it fixed and bought an authenticator.
A couple days ago though, some how, some hopeless GREEDY douche got a hold of my Credit Card # (no I didn't have any keyloggers, nor have I fallen prey to a phishing site, i don't even buy stuff of the internet, and I don't really browse the internet, I really just play my game, and check my email without clicking on any links in those emails, and visit this site.) and they charged up to around 800$ of random shit from blizzard. You think getting your account hacked is bad...just wait till this happens to you! It really makes me just want to quit the whole MMO subscription scene all together.
I'm still in the process of trying to get a hold of blizzard to try and get this sorted out, so far i've canceled my card, and contacted the fraud department at my bank. The blizzard phonelines are ALWAYS full so it's sooooo damn hard to get through! it's ridiculous! I would rather have my wow account hacked than my bank account!! I Hate greedy people with a passion!!!!!!!!
i get phishig e-mails on all my 3 mails accounts and i have never played wow.
In all of them i get somethink like and asking me to login for account security.