Sort of an odd system. There's nothing for "no" votes.
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
It was a mix, but personally i think its a bit rigged, multiple voting on 1 thing and it plans to finish on the day of the 10th anniversary, patches like this take time planning and development so if they release it on that day it's likely that they meant for it to happen regardless.
Sort of an odd system. There's nothing for "no" votes.
There's a rumor its just a hoax in an attempt to break a world-record off some sorts...
However, if that truly is the case, theyre gonna have A LOT off rage.
It was a mix, but personally i think its a bit rigged, multiple voting on 1 thing and it plans to finish on the day of the 10th anniversary, patches like this take time planning and development so if they release it on that day it's likely that they meant for it to happen regardless.
l0l point being if it is a hoax, im seriously going to quit. Bye 2 subscriptions + My family will prob quit too, so make that like 5 Subs.
J. B.