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As probably one of THE coolest jobs in the world, the Community Manager is the first stop for fans who wish to have their voices heard by the big cheeses in gaming towers. Now that the Community Team for Star Wars: The Old Republic, has seen some new arrivals, we thought it would be a great opportunity to find out a little more about the people behind the Bioware avatars on the forums.
This is where YOU come in. We are giving fans the opportunity to put their question to any member of the community team for SWTOR. All you need to do is either post your question in the reply thread on our website OR on the official forum. The closing date for questions will be Thursday 20th January @ 11pm GMT. Please try and ask just one question, or if you have already posted, simply edit your old question. The question format should be along the lines of
*insert name of Community member* - Question
But please note, this Q&A is NOT for questions relating to SWTOR itself. Questions about their favourite characters/classes etc are fine.
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Deleted my response. I misunderstood the purpose until reading it more carefully.
There Is Always Hope!
Can't access that thread on the swtor forum...
Its too bad anyone with anything remotly interesting to say/ask has been banned from their official forums.
You mean the majority trolls and critics that only say ...
THIS SUCKS without explanation , THIS GAME FAILS or write a WALL OF TEXT that says fans are idiots .
Well i dont know , i think they do a excellent job on there forums , and more often then not have i broken cardinal rules in heat of discussions , and gotten reprimanded for it .
So dont take me for a saint , i sometimes just state my piece of mind .
And I will accept the punishment for it .
But saying cause they say those interesting things that you love to hear , isn´t creating a good community envoirement .
Proof? Would love to see it. Yep, I didn't think so.
I've been twice reprimanded for "flaming" someone. I don't feel bad about it since they were of the trollish sort that could not back up their statements and when it was pointed out, would answer along the lines of "Yea huh!". I too am willing to accept responsibility for my actions and only ask that those trolls that repeatedly get reprimanded take their bans like an adult or go the heck away. Personally I know a couple of people that were banned. Followed their posts and saw that at least 75% of them were trolling. They got what they deserved, even if they are my real life friends, and when they complained I told them so.
In the end what I am trying to say is that I don't find that most people who are banned actually have anything interesting to say OR add to the conversation, just like your post that I quoted. So seeing them silenced for their immaturity is actually a blessing for the community as a whole.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
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