Not to be a hater or anything but I left WoW and I wasnt even paying for it. My friend was. Thats how repetitive and boring that game is now, even with the "increased difficulty" its still easy as hell.
It would help if Blizzard would have more than 2 difficulty/excitement factors: Encounters having hell of a lot hitpoints, and encounters hitting hard as hell. They should plug their heads out of their arses and start making interesting encounters instead of just raising the hp/hit slider. Make the encounters do special moves and be interactive. I guess it's too much to ask at 2011.
This response alone gives me the idea that you dont know anything about the latest raid content, if you think its all about increased hit points and stats then its not a stretch to think you haven't raided at all in WoW.
I wasnt talking about World of Warcraft raids, I was simply talking about World of Warcraft. In fact, only way to meet a bit more interesting encounters in this game are raids, that's true. Too bad it's raids only, giving that hp+autoattack feeling for the rest of the game.
I've played wow since it was released, most of tbc, couple of months wotlk and two weeks Cataclysm. From the beginning to the end I havent seen interesting encounters outside raids, besides the "ooh ooh first time feeling" which was awesome. That is why my game time has dramatically lowered every expansion untill Cata gave the nails for the coffin, proving Blizzard had used all their ideas long ago. Simple encounters was fine when it all started because it was all new and dandy, recycling the same stuff after 6 years however is not. Ofcourse, unless you want to repeat the same stuff with different textures, which is just fine for whoever likes it, I'm not anyone to tell others what they should like.
I'm not saying it's a bad game, ofcourse, it's only a bad game for the old players who assume expansions would bring something else to the game besides expanding land mass, amount of levels and amount of dungeons.
LOL - what a hilarious response. I basically read it as
"Oh crap, this guy pointed out how I was wrong. Okay I know, I will try and change the meaning of my original message so I will still seem right. Yeah!"
Also, I like the part where you said I'm not saying it's a bad game, ofcourse, it's only a bad game for the old players who assume expansions would bring something else to the game besides expanding land mass, amount of levels and amount of dungeons.
What do you expect them to do? Add in a first person shooter mechanic? Maybe space flight?
I can compare your expectations to trying to make a car sail like a boat. WoW is WoW. The game's core will always be the same. Like it or leave it, don't bash it for following the same formula it was created with.
Translation: WoW is perfect and anyone who says otherwise is stupid!
WoW is far from perfect and if a better fantasy mmo came along, I would be playing it. But, that isn't the case
Some of the things WoW still struggles with:
1)Class balance in Pve.
2)Class balance in Pvp.
3)Updated abilities that work at max level (85) but make the came incredibly unbalanced from 1-84. An example of this would be Sub rogues capable of 1 shotting all other classes in the 20s-50s brackets.
4) A vote kick system that needs reworking in pick up groups for random dungeon queues.
5) Text glitches for honor and conquest vendors - currently the price levels for pvp weapons are incorrect, yet purchasing the items deducts the correct currency amount.
6)The large amount of gold selling spam - players are simply to lazy to report them so they ignore them.
7) AFK's in BGs having no really punishment to repeat offenders.
8) New quest designs, while very great, are hard to track if you leave the zone and forget where the quest giver is. Due to no longer having major quest hubs like in previous expansions, you need to SEARCH for the quest givers which is a pain for how large the new zones are.
9)Locks are OP. They are.
10) Connection issues still affecting players (granted, this is to be expected after the huge amount of new content added - tweaks are coming)
These are the only things I could name off the top of my head, but there are more. HOWEVER, despite these problems, I thing game is still great.
Problem is the dungeons are the only thing left in WoW. The entire rest of the game has been lobotomized beyond belief and that is the main reason I quit! I need more substance than constant dungeon running which was something I hardly ever did anyways....
LOL, in other words, their direction went from Everquest for idiots. To we are stretching for content, so this is what we're doing to try to keep you idiots paying.
It does seem like they are trying to stretch things out longer this go around. The new ex-pac was pretty content-light, the re-tooling of the world was for the long term more than anything, it had to happened ex-pac or not. No new classes, just more races and reduction of class limits. The talents had to be reworked because of extending the level cap, the old system was getting a bit long in the tooth and, like the old world, was probably impacting player retention (new and alts).
I am not saying WoW is DEAD or anything like that but they seem to be trying to light the other end of the candle. Not much for end game and they're poking their casual players with a stick as well. With as much money as they make you figure there could be weekly releases of minor content. Heck, when I was leveling to 85, all my gear looked exactly the same on my toons, asides from the tint. How much more would it really cost them to add some variety. From a dev's point of view they know by now they are working on place holder stuff you only wear because you have to until you hit end game. But that was pretty much the ex-pac as a whole, it's all just tinted versions of WoW. When I was learning the new Dungeons everyone would say, "Have you fought X, he's like X." And then we'd pull.
It was polished though, and phasing didn't bug me too much. Speaking from experience I usually quest solo unless it's required, then I ask a guildie. Usually it's just plain quicker, xp-wise and time-wise to plug through. I also enjoeyed the streamlining of quests, the fed-exing of the old days was a bit much, sure it "opened" up the world to new players but meh, after 20+ times you could give a rat's ass if someone needed a magic toenail.
I also liked the trimming of trash in dungeons, let's face it, most of those things are pugged now and sometimes you just wanna get out. Trash mobs can only learn so many tricks without becoming mini-bosses. I'm rambling... yeah I canceled my sub after I got three of my toons to 85. Heck I still have a bunch stranded at 70, so each expac I level less and less alts. I guess they sold me the ex-pac, so they did something right.
WoW is far from perfect and if a better fantasy mmo came along, I would be playing it. But, that isn't the case
Some of the things WoW still struggles with:
1)Class balance in Pve.
2)Class balance in Pvp.
3)Updated abilities that work at max level (85) but make the came incredibly unbalanced from 1-84. An example of this would be Sub rogues capable of 1 shotting all other classes in the 20s-50s brackets.
4) A vote kick system that needs reworking in pick up groups for random dungeon queues.
5) Text glitches for honor and conquest vendors - currently the price levels for pvp weapons are incorrect, yet purchasing the items deducts the correct currency amount.
6)The large amount of gold selling spam - players are simply to lazy to report them so they ignore them.
7) AFK's in BGs having no really punishment to repeat offenders.
8) New quest designs, while very great, are hard to track if you leave the zone and forget where the quest giver is. Due to no longer having major quest hubs like in previous expansions, you need to SEARCH for the quest givers which is a pain for how large the new zones are.
9)Locks are OP. They are.
10) Connection issues still affecting players (granted, this is to be expected after the huge amount of new content added - tweaks are coming)
These are the only things I could name off the top of my head, but there are more. HOWEVER, despite these problems, I thing game is still great.
Problem is the dungeons are the only thing left in WoW. The entire rest of the game has been lobotomized beyond belief and that is the main reason I quit! I need more substance than constant dungeon running which was something I hardly ever did anyways....
It does seem like they are trying to stretch things out longer this go around. The new ex-pac was pretty content-light, the re-tooling of the world was for the long term more than anything, it had to happened ex-pac or not. No new classes, just more races and reduction of class limits. The talents had to be reworked because of extending the level cap, the old system was getting a bit long in the tooth and, like the old world, was probably impacting player retention (new and alts).
I am not saying WoW is DEAD or anything like that but they seem to be trying to light the other end of the candle. Not much for end game and they're poking their casual players with a stick as well. With as much money as they make you figure there could be weekly releases of minor content. Heck, when I was leveling to 85, all my gear looked exactly the same on my toons, asides from the tint. How much more would it really cost them to add some variety. From a dev's point of view they know by now they are working on place holder stuff you only wear because you have to until you hit end game. But that was pretty much the ex-pac as a whole, it's all just tinted versions of WoW. When I was learning the new Dungeons everyone would say, "Have you fought X, he's like X." And then we'd pull.
It was polished though, and phasing didn't bug me too much. Speaking from experience I usually quest solo unless it's required, then I ask a guildie. Usually it's just plain quicker, xp-wise and time-wise to plug through. I also enjoeyed the streamlining of quests, the fed-exing of the old days was a bit much, sure it "opened" up the world to new players but meh, after 20+ times you could give a rat's ass if someone needed a magic toenail.
I also liked the trimming of trash in dungeons, let's face it, most of those things are pugged now and sometimes you just wanna get out. Trash mobs can only learn so many tricks without becoming mini-bosses. I'm rambling... yeah I canceled my sub after I got three of my toons to 85. Heck I still have a bunch stranded at 70, so each expac I level less and less alts. I guess they sold me the ex-pac, so they did something right.