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Just curious because I am thinking of trying DF...
...anyway...Are there good and long wars between guilds that go on? Guild politics and the like?
I'm just wondering because stuff like that (warring guilds/alliances/betrayal) are fun to me.
Thank Ya's
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
There are still wars going on and all, but as far as politics, those wars have lost their meanings and are more to show-off your e-peen size than anything else. But sieges are still fairly common, so if that's what you're looking for go for it and you should enjoy DarkFall.
On the other hand, if you're looking for something a lot more political, EVE is the way to go.
One last thing, if you're going to try DarkFall (There's a Free Trial), I suggest you wait for the next patch which *should* be released this week I believe. It will bring quite a few changes and trying out the game too early will mean less time experiencing the changes brought by this rather important patch.
best pollitics of any game. sure they might not be that meaningful, but the wars are pretty passionate. alot of rivalry between clans and on going hatred and propaganda ;D I haven't played df in a while but I still check up the politics every now and again, still hate certain clans with a passion.
main thing which makes it better than any other game(except maybe eve) is there is only 1 server so you've familiar with almost every clan in the game. plus the territory control means clans compete for citys, meaning resources, good bind spots and mostly bragging rights. check out the pollitical maps or =us1
My blog:
EU is currently involved in a large war between ZAgenda and Sun (to large, wealth and powerfull alliances). But if you signup now you will most likely have to wait until the next wave. Server wide conflicts comes in long term waves. There will be slience for a long time and then BAM wartime until everyone runs out of money and materials then it gets quite again.
as it should be in my mind, events worth having are ones that take awhile to build to
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Thanks a bunch...I wanna try it even more now...gonna go download it now...
Thanks again guys
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
Best politics of any game. A lot of meaningless nutcupping in large alliances though.
(Uzik ibnYaraq in game. Always willing to help.)
Having followed the EU politics since launch, these are good times.. The oldest powerhouse in darkfall, SUN, is steamrolling every holding of the e-thugs of zagenda. Much drama on the forums. Mainly it's just zagenda members grasping straws as their holdings disappear.
Thanks everyone...I DL'd the trial...gonna check it out tonight
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
What race and server are you thinking about playing?