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No one is sure if this was a bug or onw of the "scripted" attacks that just went awry... but here you go:
Still cannot believe the level of AI on this... the current big-bad boss of the game...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Maybe that was the reason the server was brought down for a little over 2 hours.... For a "fix".
But the video shows the awesome AI, a floating Kimuru ( dont remember him having levitating powers) not moving outside of a 20 foot circle. It also shows floating people. Or did the Kimuru stack a people wall as a defence vs his attackers??? I also love how when he hits people they just fall through the boardwalk. If I was a loyal fanbot of SV I would not take videos and post them on youtube.
According to the GM staff, it was a bug and an accident. Whenever people would fish up a certain fish...the Greater Kimuru would pop wherever that was. It happened in Moh-ki as well.
The stacks of people are the guards that were being called to kill it. Since the guards are meant for instakilling players and not Greater Kimuru's...they just stacked up one on another. To be fair, the AI isn't designed for the bridge area. (livestream)
The War Z Shenanigans(youtube)
Mortal Online Vids
if you played you know that the floating people (the people getting throwned into the sky) is his stomp attack that bounces you into teh sky adn you take fall damage
he then has a attack that pulls you in by teleportation and drops you on the ground a punch attack that pretty much kills you
[mod edit]
HAHAHA..... Thanks SV
I win!!! LOL@U