It always makes me wonder why people that hate the topic post so eagerly. Surely there is a Rift or WoW forum here on that would be a better use of your time?
I got an email about the Rift open beta this morning and guess what time it starts? Yes, you guessed it, 10am PST on the 15th, or the same time as Fippy Darkpaw is hoped to be up and running. I think Trion know this server is causing ripples. They know that people are pissed with the triviality of modern MMOs and they're trying to do something about combatting it. Why not run about in a modern MMO world instead of heading back to the past is what they're saying from where I'm sitting.
Word to Trion: if you want to combat it then make a game that's not a trivial pile of poo.
I'm semi-reluctant to suggest this but I can't help feel it may be the case.
Is Fippy Darkpaw server a big, fat hope for MMOs?
By that I mean a hope for us that are sick of the direction this genre is taking to lame, linear, simplistic and solo MMOs, of which Rift is the latest and poorest. For years a lot of us have been calling out for something new and invigorating. Vanguard promised it but things never panned out, but many of us rode that bandwagon for months, or years. I also think it was the first major source of being player burn that people speak of so frequently.
SOE seem to be seeing something here. They actually really seem to be doing their damnest to make this server an expereince that the community have been calling out for and they put the server up date back two weeks to give them a headstart on Rift. I can only think that that is planned and that they hope they may be able to snag people on the fence.
Okay further broad generalisation now. If this server really takes off, and I mean fills up fast and keeps people entertained for a long time, then does that spell out a message to the devs that are making games now? Does it say 'we exist'? Does it prove once and for all that there are a lot of people wanting something...better?
What does this server's hype tell SOE about the project that is EQNext?
soe isnt doing this to try to save the genre you psycho they are doing it because the last handful of progression servers they made to try to save the dying playerbase failed after raiding guilds powered through to current gameplay in a month or less.
have fun in dead eq1 land for a month or two.
ill be happy in rift, thanks
The last progression server took 28 months to catch up tp the regular servers not 1. Get a clue.
It always makes me wonder why people that hate the topic post so eagerly. Surely there is a Rift or WoW forum here on that would be a better use of your time?
I got an email about the Rift open beta this morning and guess what time it starts? Yes, you guessed it, 10am PST on the 15th, or the same time as Fippy Darkpaw is hoped to be up and running. I think Trion know this server is causing ripples. They know that people are pissed with the triviality of modern MMOs and they're trying to do something about combatting it. Why not run about in a modern MMO world instead of heading back to the past is what they're saying from where I'm sitting.
Word to Trion: if you want to combat it then make a game that's not a trivial pile of poo.
The last progression server took 28 months to catch up tp the regular servers not 1. Get a clue.