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How to stop crashing on Xsyon on Vista & 7 among all other games and programs.

WiengWieng Member Posts: 29

Ok Here goes it. Please read all info if you are crashing on programs this goes for Vista and Windows 7.

1.Open windows update.

2.Click View update History.

3.In here Scroll down look see status on every update you have. Look for "Fail".

If you see a Fail! Scroll threw the list make sure this update didn't install again and was successful.If not right click on this failed update and click "View Details".Then click on the link under "More Information".This is where you will find that update and manually install it.

Repeat this proccess for all failed up dates then do a restart.

4.After this restart go back to windows update and click on "Check for Updates" again.

If you get more updates  after updates go back into "View update History" and make sure all was successesful. If one failed repeat step 3 above.

Then repeat step 4. till there are no more updates and you have them all successfully.

Then make sure you have the latest Video driver for your card. Make sure all motherboard drivers are up to date.Be sure to go download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from microsoft.

Restart pc check Windows update one more time.If no more updates at this point run Xsyon as administrator. Xsyon should run perfectly fine.

This is best under a new install.

Reasons for this action's. For some reason when windows does it's update it says every thing went fine and theres no more updates. This is far from the truth. Some files can and will fail 6 out of 10 times when this happens certain updates can't finish cause they require the failed up date and other updates that require the failed ones want work properly any more. This is whats causing all your problems for many other games and programs you have.

Just a beta tester that took the time to run threw find what was going on behind alot of vista and 7 issues I've been reading about and personally exsperianced in game's on my own system that had these exact same issues. After all this I discovered others had same issues including every pc in my family that installed these 2 OS's. So I did steps above on there's and  all are working top notch with no crashes.

Hanging in vista and Windows 7! Could be the new programs and system to handle kernal memory for vista and 7. I Know superfetch is part of this but turning it off doesnt fix this issue. Will microsoft fix this in the future no clue.This is a issue that will have to be takken up with microsoft.

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