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Role Play Worlds - The Gor Grid

Tal Goreans Free and slave alike,

The purpose of this post is to finally, after 2 years in the making, announce the opening of Glorious Ar in Role Play Worlds (formerly TGG The Gor Grid). Ar covers ten (10) Sims, has cylinders that rise probably higher than its tarns will fly, a beautiful theater, Stadium of blades and tarns. The Grand Avenue leading to the Central Cylinder is incredible to say the least with areas ready for role play merchants all along the way and with some lovely living quarters on the second level above the merchants.  There are of course many cylinders and many, many more builds ready for role-play.  All Ar needs now is for like-minded people who love to role play to come in and set up their homes and their story lines.  We are hoping to get some of you more well-read, more experienced role players to come and help us on this journey.  We are sure we do not have it right in all instances, and do not mind constructive criticism or an offer of a helping hand on this journey of ours.

 We are, like many of you disillusioned maybe? Fed up with pew pew? Want to try to represent the books as close as we possibly can in our attempt here?  Then don’t start itching all over at the thought of maybe starting over with your avatar, come, make your smexy self as good as you can with some freebies to start out with, then you can go to The Sunset Mall and purchase if you wish from our merchants there new skin, clothing and the like to avoid the trauma of ‘fixing up your image’. We can all relate to that and absolutely ‘hate’ it ourselves.  But it only hurts for a short time and truly Goreans must be brave.  ((attempt at some humor here))

Our grid has been a labor of love, there has been dreams shattered and brought back, friendships established, a working camaraderie between new friends all over the grid, low and high spirits, wants and desires, the full range of human emotions that go with us from our real life into a virtual fantasy world.  But, still we remain faithful to the project that is Role Play Worlds.

Want to be a part of establishing the leadership of Ar?  We have need of all castes, then a council will be established, from the leader of each high caste who is picked by their caste to vote on who will ‘lead’ Ar in role play worlds.  

you can check that out at

Panther Lair

In the other hand we upgrade the platform, here are the new features:

  1. We migrated from servers into new ones adjusted to the actual grid size but keeping in mind the high performance and reliablity.

  2. You can use Second Life Viewer 2 and/or Mesh Beta VIewer safely on rpw.

  3. The whole platform was upgraded to v 0.7.  This has tons of fixes and several new features you will enjoy like:

  • Meshes Implementation: Now you can use meshes on rpw, this is a new topic for several of us, so we will make documentation about it on the fly. (You'll need SL Mesh Beta Viewer until Imprudence implements it)

  • Projected Lights: You can project lights and textures over any surface like you would on in real life with a projector. (You'll need SL Mesh Beta Viewer until Imprudence implement it)

  • Removed the 6 lighst restrictions by scene. Now every light emiter will work and be displayed no matter if you have 100 lights together. (You'll need SL Mesh Beta Viewer until Imprudence implement it)

  • Media on a prim: This is interesting, for example, you can surf a web page, write on a forum, create a web account FROM A PRIM! like if this one would be your computer screen. (You'll need SL Mesh Beta Viewer until Imprudence implement it)

  • Lightshare: We already had this feature long time ago, but we included it in this list. Sims owners can now configure the sky, ambience and water settings for their sims. Most people know this feature on SL just to take pictures, but on SL was only on the viewer side, but on RPW this setting is region wide, and any user that lands in your sim will see your setup. (Requires Imprudence Viewer)

  • Offline Inventory works now as it should be and notify you that the item has been stored for a later delivery

  • Groups Improved: The groups work much better now, especially the Share to Group option, so now if a prim is shared with the group, the group members can edit the prim, take it away, etc. Additionally you can manage the groups off world on the web site under "My Avatar Settings" - "Groups", and see the group news,  ban users, leave groups, etc.

  • Dual Accounts Simplified: Before users had to go to a different web site (  to create and manage the avatar account that was different than the forum or shopper account (created at  Now you manage your avatar account inside your user account by going to "My Avatar Settings"  Icon as the one show below:

From here you can change your avatar email and password, as well the Offline IMs and Groups off world features.

  • New Forum: A faster, reliable and flexible one. Now with the latest post on the forum on several pages for your quick access

  • New Points System: This is a nice feature where users earn or lose points based on their activity on the website as well as for each referral. The points can be donated, purchased, etc and the main goal of it, is to help users without paypal to win some specials, where if you reach the amount of points needed you will win fom 2 to 3 months free on a Sim or a Package.

  • Web site simplification: Now each user has a "Home Page" from where you have quick access to all the different user options, as well some information was removed from the site in order to make it clean and easy to surf.

  • Profiles:  Now profiles are working completely, tho you will need to redo your profile again, as the upgrade didnt pull the profile info from the old database.

  • Search Engine:  Now the Search in world works as it should, and you can teleport to each region or parcel you locate in search.

  • New Loginscreen: A better styled and more informative loginscreen with direct links to the popular regions.

  • Tons of Bugs Fixed:  Several bugs have been fixed in this upgrade, Textures loading time and rezzing time, Faster Teleports, Faster Sim Cross, Improved Estate Manager feature, and much much more.

I hope to see you guys in world!!!!


Safe paths

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