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Finnish Rift guild?

A.BlacklochA.Blackloch Member UncommonPosts: 842

Is there one already?

Has anyone been planning one?

I'd love find more finnish players, since I'm kinda tired of playing with random heroes and spitting english into voip all the time. Just... As long as the guild has at least +18yrs requirement.


  • roberto57roberto57 Member Posts: 23

    Originally posted by Mortemia

    Is there one already?

    Has anyone been planning one?

    I'd love find more finnish players, since I'm kinda tired of playing with random heroes and spitting english into voip all the time. Just... As long as the guild has at least +18yrs requirement.

     I have seen Fenno and Kaleva people in beta.

  • VokanVokan Member Posts: 1

    Finnish?  I hasnt even started.


    Sorry, to make up for being a smart ass, I did a search on the game forums and came up with this.

    Happy Hour

    In short in English, we're a small Finnish speaking guild and we're possibly looking for a few select players. Our main focus is running small groups and roaming while clearing whatever pve we find worth our time. Our core is made out of former WAR players from the guild Libertalia on DBM and Exodus on Eltharion (world's first tchar'zanek kill), while all players have roots in older MMO's. We had a stint in Aion under the name Happy Hour and picked up some players from there aswell.

    Old WAR/Aion players might recognize my name in addition to names like mokah, chade, pitstelo & betrayed for example.

    PvP will be a major focus for us.

    Side/faction is undecided, preferably we'll want to be with the underdogs, as experience from other MMO's has taught us that it's a lot more fun since you get pvp everywhere.

    Edit: atm it looks like we'll be going guardian to avoid being on the zergling side.

    The rest will be in Finnish since the guild is after all aimed for those who speak Finnish;


    Maalina on melko pieni kilta, quality over quantity niin sanotusti. Pelaajia killassa on tällä hetkellä about 15?

    Zergikillat ei kiinnosta, ne on koettu ja nähty ja se meno on ollut tasapaksua paskaa. Pelataan melko hc asenteella eli jos casuaali on enemmän sun makuun niin turha hakea.

    Ventti on ehdoton vaatimus ja toimiva mikki on iso plussa. Ikää saisi olla jonkun verran, killan keski-ikä pyörii siinä 22+ paikkeilla. Jos olet kovin nuori niin kannattaa myös olla hakematta. Kokemus muista mmo'ista, etenkin pvp puolesta, on toinen iso plussa.

    Mitä tarjotaan;

    - kilta joka osaa pelata, ei mitään sählääjiä vaan kokenutta porukkaa

    - organisoidut groupit missä jengi osaa omat classit

    - organisoitua pvp'tä, usein pari jätkää vs zergi ja voittajana toisella puolella, PvP tulee olemaan iso osa killan toiminnasta

    - rentoa menoa ja rajatonta paskanpuhumista ventissä

    Mitä vaaditaan;

    - aktiivisuutta, niinkuin mainitsin ei olla casual kilta. Ei tosin naurettavuuksin mennä, on meilläkin porukkaa jotka käy koulua ja duunissa, mutta semmosta levu-viikossa-menoa ei katella.

    - ollaan "vanhempaa" porukkaa, ainakin mmo-mittakaavalla, eli jos ikää on alle 16 niin jatka selaamista. Tosin henkisestä iästä en rupea kommentoimaan.

    - ventti eli ventrilo, ehdottomasti pakollinen etenkin pvp mätöissä. Mikki ja sen käyttäminen on iso bonus.

    - kokemusta muista peleistä, etenkin pvp painoitteista, on plussaa.

    Contact: #hh.rift on quakenet, privaa yowza'lle


    HH in Beta 5:

    HH in Beta 6:

    Some old vids:

    Happy Hour in Aion:

    Exodus in WAR:

    Libertalia in WAR:




    Posted by Zumi on 27 Jan.  Sorry, no link to a website.

    New finnish guild Talotaikurit is looking for new members!

    We are on Cloudborne (PvP) server on guardian side.

    If you want to join /who talotaikurit and check if someone is online to invite you!

  • AstraeisAstraeis Member UncommonPosts: 378

    Originally posted by Mortemia

    Is there one already?

    Has anyone been planning one?

    I'd love find more finnish players, since I'm kinda tired of playing with random heroes and spitting english into voip all the time. Just... As long as the guild has at least +18yrs requirement.

    Have a look at Rift Zone it has the largest database of Rift guilds and best search function of them all.

    Only three Finnish guilds in the database though.

    It takes one to know one.

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