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For those of you looking for an honest Preview/Review...



  • DrinkFeckDrinkFeck Member UncommonPosts: 189

    It's funny, prior to it's release, I was fairly active amongst these forums expressing my opinions on the developers, state of the game and Masthead in general. I was branded a "troll" for claiming the game wasn't ready for release, my opinion wasn't valid simply due to the fact I wasn't a huge fan of what Masthead had produced. I spent a vast fraction of my spare time testing their game well before the majority of you even knew closed-beta was in progress, largely due to the fact I wanted it to succeed - it was different afterall.

    It's highly amusing to see a majority of the 'fan bois' that were here, defending the game, blasting the critics and the naysayers, have now drastically changed their opinion and can't talk enough shit about the game if they tried.


  • FireForkFireFork Member Posts: 64

    Anyway, i love it so far,

    Fist day

    • many bugs that i can live with and still play

    • world is stunning IMO!!!

    • Server lag is less than start what i have heard ingame but i don't know if they still run debugger on the server/client ?

    • FPS lag is more hard to tell, have beween 15 - 60 fps jumping up and down with same camera angle.

    And for the community NOT the general mass but chat is about PvP, like VERrrrrRYYYYY childish "you noob" cheater chicken and noob noob noob and more noobs.



    Anyway, im inside and i will stick to it for a long long time ( and a piece of paper over the chat

    is not the solution, just activate system tab and all is nice and quiet) 





    Have a nice day

  • OddzballOddzball Member Posts: 31

    Thanks folks. I appreciate the remarks, good or bad. Oh and my grammar is not that bad.. jeez, besides thats why i have an editor.

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