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For anyone who hasn't played yet here are a few tips for when you begin.
1. Make a toon, I have a preference but I won't say it here, and get through the starting area ASAP.
2. Roll Defiant if you are into PvE, roll Guardian if you PvP.
3. Once out of the starting area do not quest. Immediatly hit the rifts as they pop. keep rifting until you get 225 little planar tokens and 5 blue corrupted tokens. Then buy blue gear with them from the Rare Planar Items Dealer.
4. Now start collecting mats for your skills. By now you should be level 10 and ready for Black Garden. Work your chosen skills until they are 50.
5. Go to the main town and get the PvP quests and then Q for Black Garden. Just hit K. Also get your crafting dailies while in town. Normally I would puke after saying the word "dailies" but in this game they are really a must and give immediate tangilble benefits.
6. Pwn
7. Turn in PvP quests and go back to collecting mats and questing (if you do quests) until level 13.
8. At 13 you can start killing mobs that drop mats for the next level of crafting ( I like Runecrafting/Outfitter/Butcher).
9. Work your crafts and Q for more BGs.
10. At 15+ you can now chose your PvE, PvP or mixed path.
11. Don't look back!
just curious, but are you even enjoying the game Power playing this way??
I disagree with about 90% of that. but if it works for you, Go for it.
This isn't power playing. This is cutting through the mindless crap of questing. Crafting rocks in this game. PvP and rift rewards rock. If you want to jump through an npcs hoops for a piece of gear that you will out craft in the next 20 minutes go ahead.
I don't see a story line past "rifts are invading our country...defend it!"
Disgree? Fine. But my little guide will save time and effort. I am in grad school and although I like good fiction, IT AINT HERE.
PvP is my bag.
I dont agree with this style of playing at all. Weird. It seems to me you are missing a lot of the story line and forgetting completly about the questing.. Oh well. To each his own.
i am so curious about this. What is your justification for rolling these specifics??
By the by, I wasn't trying to flame you just curious if you were enjoying the game with that playstyle, or was just trying to power through to get to end game stuff etc.
this is just such an odd guide.
I never crafted once and have excellent gear from the planar vendor or sometimes purchased off of the Auction House.
I did do a lot of rifts. Did a bit of questing.
Why craft anyting if there is planar gear that is better or the drop here and there? Money is easy to come by so there is usually something on the AH worth buying, sometimes cheap. Swords are really expensive so I ended up purchasing axes with great stats for hardly anything.
As far as doing all this before 13, I think one can blow through 13 by doing rifts or questing without having to craft once. And I'm not clear why guardian over defiant for pvp other than I've heard the guardians work together more than defiants on my server. Maybe this is all across the board?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Lets say this ridiculous thread gains some traction and we go hypothetical for a minute.
If you enjoy pvp... and you all roll guardian... who are you going to pvp against?
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
The OP has a good idea.. Thats basically how I play so far on weekdays (after 8-10 hour work day). But At launch and the following weekend I did take time to explore and quest and take in all the sights and sounds. If your limited on time the OP guide has merit... but please dont forget to enjoy yourself... otherwise youll get burnt out really fast.. Or atleast I would personally
I haven't lost a BG as Guardian...Haven't won a BG as Defiant.
lol.. Ummm, yeah it is champ.
It kills me as to why people play games this way. But hey rock on with your "Veruca Salt" style of gaming. To each their own, I guess...
Well I guess everyoen should Roll a Defiant if the PvP then.....
Why should I role a Guardian if I PvE?
The Guardian/Defiant (PvP/PvE) shows the OP is playing on his own server/planet. But if he likes playing the way he does good luck to him.
As far as warfronts go, from my experience Defiants are doing better in some but worse in others consistently. I don't know why this is the case.
The point is that defiant usually outnumber guardians so BGs will pop faster if you are on the less populated side.
You should have called this the "Quickie PVP Beginner's Guide". No thank you.
This is horrible advice.. hoard everything don't spend your money or planarite or corrupted shards on anything as any gear you get can easily be replaced. Hitting rifts is fine and using your mats to level skills is fine as well.
My advice would be to obviously hoard your currency..
Don't buy artifacts
If you don't have the pre-order mount, buy only one mount until 40
Don't buy gear no matter how rare it is
Last advice is.. have fun with the game.. don't power level like I did or you will be burnt out at level 32 (like me) this will probably change from player to player but have fun with the game.. You aren't going to be first to 50.. or 2nd.. you won't have a chance in being anything amazing from the beginning.. enjoy the game for what it is.
What a terrible thread, beggars belief why anyone would want to compartmentalise levels 1-15 in this way. I could produce a list similar to this on how to get to 50 efficiently, but i'll be damned if im going to ruin the game for anyone in this way.
Ignore this guy, go out, get lost, waste your cash, die loads, make mistakes and, most importantly, explore the game and have some fun doing so
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
This is a useless guide really. Having survived a headstart with a 10hrs wait in queue, you don't need to do any of these but play normally and you'll be just fine.
Not really a beginner's guide. More of a munchkin guide. Thanks anyway, though.