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Only reason im not playing right now is because of maintence. I didn't pick it up till my friends had it for a while but i can honestly say i am addicted to it hard. I haven't felt this way in a long time about a game since being burnt out on wow. The class system is amazing, the pvp bgs are fun, the rifts are fun, the quests don't make you want to stab your eyes out.
Reporting for spam. You just made one of these threads.
My theme song.
Yes i tired too as well but you beet me to it, we keep geting multiple I love this spam threads. To bad we can multiple report somebody.
Just call his mother, she will remove his internet. WOW like YEA hot STUFFFS
I agree, rift is a very solid game. Though it brings nothing really new or revolutionary to the table, it's fun... and more importantly, it works!
Emberlord ~ Defiant to the End!
Wholeheartedly agree, Really enjoying Rift so far (only up to level 18 thus far enjoyed every session). Yet to encounter many nubs in the game, love the rifts/invasions, and haven't encountered much in the way of bugs (just some very very minor frame rate increase when there were dozens of people battling an invasion).
So far so good, I just hope they release content fast enough to keep the rabid 'must get to max lvl now' brigade happy.
Proud Master CH -
Proud FORMER Master CH...
my toon was untimely converted into something more Star Warsy
So they got a rule to not post I love the game threads on the games forums? That sounds odd. I am with you OP. The game is pretty fun and is definitely starting to break people of these solo habits.
Strange I wouldn't have guessed from your nickname.................
I reported for spamming the same thread over and over again. We already had a nice one going and then he reposted a new one.
My theme song.
Well so far i am enjoying it very much after 4 years in that other game we will not talk about lol. But i am sure you can guess what it is. I am playing a healer and really like the rifts alot. I am seeing lots of team work with other players that i have not seen in a long time. So far i would give it a 2 thumbs up.