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1. I noticed that you no longer pick your background at the begining of the game, which i like. If I resub should I reroll?
2. Can I build a house as a solo character or do I need to be in a guild to do so?
3. What are the most important improvements since launch?
Thanks to anyone who will take the time to answer these questions.
1. You really don't have to reroll seeing how it's so easy to change your skills and stats. It won't take more then a few hours to max out your stats, and it won't take more then a few days to max out any type of skills.
2. Yes, you can build a house as a solo character. You don't need a guild. It's just expensive to build a house, and if you build it in a bad guilds neighborhood they may try to destroy it. Just make sure your neighbors are friendly.
3. Well, there's been massive improvements since launch. I would say the most important are better server stability, ironed out the bugs with rubberbanding and desync in PVP, and MUCH better graphics.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
now from a non fan boy.
1) no need to rerol unless you have an exact idea of what type of character you want. once you know it will be pretty easy and fast to reroll.
2) you can build a house as a solo but you will need to find a player that has an architect character to place it for you.
3) wile there definately have been improvements since launch in all aspects server stability is NOT one of them. they have fixes screen dragging, they have fixed pets, they have fixed and balanced weappons(no more machine gun bows) and magic, they have definately improved graphics, they have implemented a prediction system for combat ( not a fan here) and they have fixed quite a few of the major dupe and general exploits even if they sometimes do temporarely come back with new patches. they have implemented fishing, and butchering. they have also started to implement risar invasions as a bit of pve aspect of the game.
server stability however has been absolutely horrible in the last 3 weeks. it was so bad a week ago that the server was crashing every hour and would stay crashed anywere from 20 to 40+ minutes. wile only slightly better now, it's still regularly going down every 4 hours or so. this for me personaly has been so frustrating that i'v sadly decided to take a second brake from the game untill they fix this.
for a game that has been out 9 months such horrendous server stability is just unexcusable.
Dude seriously what game are you playing?
OP please read the official forums AND these ones before you take that quote at face value. The server has been horrendous. Also the rubberbanding and interpolation/dysynch issues are still prevalent. The only thing I would agree with are the graphics.
Here are some short videos that I took personally in the last week or so:
And here is another one taken by a longtime player:
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Thanks for all the advice. I think I'll play the trial for a few days to decide if I should re-sub. I like how you start with no skills and gain them as you go.
Hope to see you guys in game.
good luck man. i gave up on the trial.
took forever to down load.
crashes durring char creation, and if u hurry past that, only ever got 4% loaded into the game, and can u guess what happened?
sometimes the saved char would be there, other times it wouldnt. it was crazy. i hope u have fun though.
Don´t listen to the haters or the fanboys. Try it out yourself. {Mod edit} I´ve taken a brake from MO myself, but I still have my sub and will continue to support SV cause MO has alot going for it that other MMOs don´t have. Even though it´s bugged and have a shaky server. But nice to see someone that at least tries the game out for themselves first and makes up their own mind. If you check the MO forums, most new players, not all, you haters out there, actually loves the game.
Most new players enjoying the game? Most of them can't even play it because the server is never up. The MO forums are full of new people saying the state of the game is terrible.
To OP :
Trial is the best idea. Give it a go and see if it's for you. Don't for eg take the advice of someone who has decided the game is in no fit state for THEM to play but wants YOU to pay and play (such as the above poster and quite a few others).
The same question can be asked of you...
{Mod edit}
If you do not wish to be called a troll, then please show every "massive improvement" SV has made since launch.
Just seeing what username509 claimed, server instability and desync are both still very much in the game. All you end up is with "MUCH better graphics", which is kind of ironic since Henrik blames Epic for every single problem they face, except when there's some volcano ash or WoW making it hard.
Uhh, what road? I do play MO, and therefore am in a position to talk about the current state of the game. I find it hard to believe that you still play, considering how bad you repeatedly say it is. So, of course, we have the same situation we've had for a year: people who don't play the game but still think they are in a better position to talk about it then people who actually play. In that vein, I could list a whole bunch of improvements, but what will happen is, like what happened to username509, people will call me a liar because - even though you don't have the personal experience - you're confident that you know more than me about it.
I posted 3 videos of my "personal experience" in the thread above. I also documented my Journey Back in another thread. My PERSONAL experience is that the server went down as much as 3 times per hour last weekend. My PERSONAL experience is that I saw and videoed people popping all over the screen. My PERSONAL experience is that I saw and videoed people flying and rubberbanding back.. ALL of this PERSONAL experience has been documented recently and is available for anyone to check out.
So.. if your PERSONAL experience is that the game has a stable server and has no lag/interpolation/desync issues... well that would be interesting as the documented proof says otherwise.
Yeah.. could you go and make a video of the server NOT crashing for 3 hours? Probably, but simply reviewing the server status thread will show that server performance has been horrible. It was so bad that yesterday the Forum Moderator had to lock the status thread.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
{Mod edit}
What? People with subs running out can't possibly be playing and therefore having thoughts of MO? What you actually have is an on-going situation where people who actually did have an active sub, just don't have one anymore. Seems that the trial didn't change much there either.
Just list those improvements, if you want to seriously discuss things around here, not just trying to offer some lip service. Let's see what they're actually worth and how long it took to get them done. Also how much non-beta time it took to make these changes (meaning there was a sub going while long-time problems were being solved).
Perhaps you missed one of the many threads related to the SV moderators deleting negative posts....
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
{Mod edit}
The server is still rubbish, it has always been bad, it just got a lot worse now that trials opened and like 100 more people entered the server. Ever thought that the server was doing better because there was just so few players left?
So somehow you are claiming that the videos where we charge each other and port all over the place is due to MY computer? Even though everyone in the area had the same problem. Interesting concept and it explains much....
Since you still have an active account how about you meet me in game and video it? We can get on Ventrillo and record it. The whole thing. I'll even make a new character for you! Then we can hear the live talk during the video!
Heck why not make new characters TOGETHER! Then we can video and show the whole experience!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
We might as well tell the OP that you are one of the blind fanboys then too. You have only 2 posts that aren't about Mortal Online under your belt, and of course every single post you have about MO is made with rose-colored glasses.
The server is still rubbish, it has always been bad, it just got a lot worse now that trials opened and like 100 more people entered the server. Ever thought that the server was doing better because there was just so few players left?
It was a joke, take a breather kid...
@lahuzer: It really does boggle the mind....
Funk I am playing the same game you are playing. You know the one that has let me greif the ever loving shit out of people since the free trial has started. The one letting me go red with my yellow delete and do it again. I have been playing with old buds in Fab and with some thieves. They push people out of town and I kill them and they loot. Or they find people in town with low health and I kill them and they loot them. I go red. Delete. Make a new yellow. Got to love them SV coding skills.
I am with Rawlz also please state these vast improvements. Your "I am right and you are wrong because I say so" shtick is getting old.
Now stay on topic do not go to my personal character. I could be like you and say "sounds like a very smart person, paying for something you are not using". But I won't
Now stay on topic do not go to my personal character. I could be like you and say "sounds like a very smart person, paying for something you are not using". But I won't
Oh lol I meant calling me real mature. The "exploiter" stuff does not bother me. I think every single person in MO has exploited in some way or another. By doing it on accident because something is always broken or on purpose.
For instance. There has been many weight bugs. I am sure when some player noticed that he is carrying double his limit he did not do the morale thing and delete half the stuff in his inventory. So that would make him or her an exploiter.