... go and turn the original survival horror game into another craptastic teen action flick. That's right, today I saw an ad for the "Alone in the Dark" movie. In which I saw S.W.A.T. team members fighting monsters in a sewer, and some chick doing back-flips dodging lasers and crap. Now, I remember none of that crap happenening in the games. If you don't know, "Alone in the Dark" was the creator of the Survival-Horror genre of gaming. It is a personal favorite of mine, and I can't believe hollywood is ruining another great gaming liscense.
oh, heres the website incase you want to cry yourself to sleep.
EDIT: Oh, no wonder this sucks so much. It's made my the same asshole that ruined "House of the Dead". Yup, Uwe Boll is at it again, ruining another great game. HE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
Theres a Silent Hill movie being made, and the director or whatever is a big fan of the games (or someone that has a lot of infulence in its production)... i cant remember off the top of my head but theyre a famous writer, andyways here to hoping it turns out good since thats my personal favorite survival horror.
Wow that will be awesome, I love all the silent hill series. Its the only game that ever scared me lol.
Edit: heres the link: http://www.megagames.com/news/html/movies/silenthillmoviemakessense.shtml
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