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I just wanted to state that there is no such thing as a WoW clone. If, Rift, for example, "cloned" WoW, we might as we say that Call of Duty copied Duck Hunt. You shoot in both of them, but are they clones? No. Just because a game is similar, doesn't mean it's a clone, and unless you copy EVERY LAST DETAIL of the game, it's not a clone, a ripoff, a copy, or any other thing you want to call it. After all, where do you think WoW got it's idea from? That's right, other successful mmo's. And where do you think rpg's started? It all went back to one game; Dungeons and Dragons. We might as well be saying all mmo's ripped of Dungeons and Dragons.
My point: There is no WoW clone, rippoff, copy, or any other title. WoW is just top of the market right now of a major genre. Get over it.
dont try to fool yourself. Its one thing "copying" the game genre (?) of a game, and another copying the whole gameplay style of a game. What? you wasted your money on rift and now you try to "convince" yourself its not wow-like?
I've been watching so many people on this site whine "oh hurr durr thers no such thing as wow clone wow isnt original blah blah blah".
Just consider it a misnomer or something, you know what it means. To simply suggest that everything in Rift for example is not copied or borrowed or however you want to whine about it is silly. "WoW clone" can't possibly mean that you load up a game, and everything is a pixel perfect copy of WoW. Playing dumb on what it means is absolutely stupid.
It's simply an inaccurate name that got plastered on nearly every mmo to express that the game is unoriginal, and borrows or copies many of the larger focuses and concepts of WoW.
Quit playing dumb.
well, if we are going to conclude Rift is a WoW clone, then WoW is an EQ clone. Therefore, WoWClone=EQClone. So we should simply refer to all as EQ clones.
Most new games resemble WoW more than EQ... WoW clones.
Copying a succesful copy of a copy discuss! unlike Brittany Spears which WOW is the modern day equivalent - it wasn't the birth of the lovely choice we have now in MMORPG land ... many came before it and many of those old graphically challenged games bettered the sugar coated pop world of WOW for thrills n spills - but hey let's not forget it's only a game kids :)Love the dichotomy of asking a WOW centric player about any other game and it's shit but ask him if he likes Justin Beiber and is disgusted yet both essentially amount to the same sacharine MSG coated shit lol IMHO of course ! Back to RIFt though pleasantly 1st time in 15 years had devs actually proactive and that can't be a bad thing - ofc they can't fix all the whine leaks but they seem to give a shit .... Legend of Mir ftw lol
This thread is at least a clone, one just like it pops up once a week or so.
This thread is just laughable. Some of us understand the genre. A lot of polish and dumbing down and Blizzard caught their fish, sadly the fish are so sumb the community is appauling.
Some of us are lucky to have experienced real communities before the genre went downhill with the arrival of WoW. The fun and challenge are non existant anymore.
Legacy MUDs are more fun.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
I don't think of those type of games anymore as,"WoW Clones!"
I think of them as," WOW Clowns" as in," WoW you really are a Clown if you think you can fool me with that bad excuse of a game, like I can't see it's nuth'n but a money pit, shove it up your ass, you’re not getting a cent from me!"'s either that or go crazy watching this debate go on and on and on.......etc.
I mean we all get it, Bach didn't rip off Led zeppelin and Led Zeppelin didn’t copy Jet or whoever.
I personally believe that the term WoW clone is mainly used by those people where World of Warcraft was there first mmorpg and even there first multi-play and even for some there first ever computer game, these people are the ones who think of WoW as the first ever of all time, only latter on do they realize there was and still are whole genre of mmorpg games and communities which have come before and after WoW, I like to think of these people as Vault dwellers who finally found the door out or got kick out and now roam the wastelands, the only life they have known is the vault so anything new in their life they find or come across, can only be compared to life in the vault.
Just a thought.
A clone doesn't mean it copies a game in ever detail but more in style of the character development and quest style or any number of things (character slots, mail systems, radar views, map screens, travel systems, ect). The very fact that so many games are level based basically comes from the first eq (although the style existed long before eq) along with the class role system: melee/ranged/healer/tank which have become so ingrained in mmo's now that most don't even question those features and most likely feel it can't be a mmo without those features. Nor can they race through content unless it follows a familiar pattern. Beileve it or not there are other ways to build games but the average mmo gamer either can't or won't venture off into new territory which forces game companies to follow accepted game styles. So if your favorite game is called a clone its not really an insult necessarily but instead a statement of fact or a way to describe the game style. No reason to take it as an insult.
That's my deliemma for the time being then i found allods online which for me is pretty good WOW clone and the good thing is its free. well not honestly free but still its free to play.
For me a good WOW clone is allods online, loved the way it copied the core gameplay of wow.