I played VG for a long time, and I whole hearily feel that, at it's release, Vanguard was well ahead of it's time compared to other MMO's that were out. It's reactive combat system, huge amount of UNIQUE classes, open sandbox style world, and difficulty level were all outstanding. (I say "UNIQUE" classes because vanguard was the first MMO where each class wasn't just a bunch of Skills + Mana bars = class. Bards had to craft unique songs to mix with their skills, Monks and disciples had the JIN system they had to build up as they progressed through a fight, Paladins had Valor points for selflessly saving team mates in danger, Dreadknight's Dread countance, ect ect. Each class felt different than the last, and wasn't just a buncha lighting bolt / heal buttons)
Like many people have stated here in this thread, VG was released too early. It ran out of funding.... but thats unfortunatly the price you pay for trying to take on such a hard and unique project like Vanguard. Lame companies like Blizzard make simplistic, unoriginal games that don't really do anything new or special, but since they're designed to be simple, family friendly, and with LOW system requirements, they sell well... whopty doo... I play PC games for bleeding edge technology. If I wanted watered down simple games i'd go play the CrapboX or a POS3.
Sigil and it's team were making a product of increadible depth and detail, everything from size of the massive free to explore world, dozens of starting cities, tons of classes, a new style combat system, boats, flying mounts, interactive crafting, deplomacy system...... the game was simply under-funded for how big of a project the devs were trying to put out.
I give these kind of PC game devs credit where credit is due. They weren't making another boring clone of WoW or other RPGs, they were trying to do something massive, and they knew that systems at the time would have a hard time handling the game, they knew funding would be tight, they tried anyway, and for this I think they should be thanked for at least trying.
We need more devs like that in ALL types of games, not afraid to make a true PC game, not coddled or watered down for console ports, not afraid to try something new. It's these people that make PC gaming great, and what lead to innovation that pave the way for bigger and better games in the future.
Vanguard is dead, has been for a long time, and honestly all it would have needed was just a few more months of funding to fix hitching/loading/crashing issues and to launch with level 50 end game raid content like the game has now, and it would have drawn in and kept a LOT more subscribers then it had.
I wish vanguard had gotten the launch it deserved, but it didn't it, and it was a damn shame
QFT... i'd add something else.. but.. you pretty much said it all
Will it make a difference to SoE? probably not. Ok almost deifnitely not. But it certainly can't make things worse.
Even better though, it would give Vanguard some life for a little bit. Most that play it like it but the low population hurts enjoyment of the game. At least this way people could experience some of the amazing dungeons theyve created.
I like this thought, and I find it incredible rude and arrogant by the amount of people who want a game to die. Just because you don't like it, and you think its a complete failure, doesn't mean everyone else should think that way. What is the problem with a small amount of people enjoying the game and trying to keep it going? What many people here basically are saying - niche games shouldn't exist, which is just horrible. If anything you should admire the dedication, and it doesn't affect you in anyway if they try or not so why complain about it ?
I thought I had my last hoorah in vanguard, I have been thinking more and more of having another go, and this would be the perfect opportunity. So yes I'm in.
But I do understand a lot of the concerns and why many people are saying no, and I worry myself, but I'm naive and even if its highly unlikely this will have any affect, miracles do happen. And 15$ is not exactly a lot, and even with a low population I enjoy vanguard and could justify the 15$. Also I don't have this hatred for soe, but I still think they are doing much wrong though.
Oh what a dream it would be if a company like the ones who are owning istaria came along and was able to buy vanguard. That is my game dream, together with the old warhammer online would suddenly come alive again.
Maybe we should start a donation to buy vanguard instead ?
It's SOE's fault this game is dying. No updates in more than a year. I can't believe they are still charging $15 for this game even though they are not putting anything into it.
When I tried this game, it was so fun. I really liked it. I would've subbed for it and played it for longer if SOE didn't leave it to die. SOE are the worst MMO company. Even NCSoft deserve much more respect than SOE.
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Yeh...Smed made some comment about DCUO charging a monthly fee instead of the F2P model...and he said that by charging a fee, players can be assured of constant content updates and better customer service.
So yup....by charging players a fee in Vanguard we can all rest ssured that there will be updates in Free Realms, EQ, EQ2, and DCUO.
And really....not many players actually "wish" for a game to die...they just see the writing on the wall and wonder what SOE is trying to do here...besides ripping of the few players that pay for Vanguard.
Yeh...Smed made some comment about DCUO charging a monthly fee instead of the F2P model...and he said that by charging a fee, players can be assured of constant content updates and better customer service.
So yup....by charging players a fee in Vanguard we can all rest ssured that there will be updates in Free Realms, EQ, EQ2, and DCUO.
And really....not many players actually "wish" for a game to die...they just see the writing on the wall and wonder what SOE is trying to do here...besides ripping of the few players that pay for Vanguard.
It's unethical what SOE is doing.
WEll at least we still get updates in EQ2, this past year they ben few, and far in between. I cant speak for eq1 as I not played that game in over 5 years.
Vanguard does not even have one dev. The way I understand it the eq2 devs double up to help vanguard, however no updates in over a year for vanguard.
Smed made the statement saying as long as there are enough player paying, they will keep the server up, so they must be above the threshold for running the server. However they are not taking what they are erning to reinvest that into the game.
It is a true shame, but the truth of the mater is soe could care less about vanguard, and it looks like eq2 is headed that way now that smed put all his goodies in the duco basket.
As much as I loved so much of what Vanguard was supposed to be and sincerely wished it had succeeded, I sadly voted No. Given the direction SOE has gone with EQ2 since implementing a cash shop, any renewed interest in Vanguard would just mean a higher focus in a cash shop. They seem to be done with creating amazing expansions and content. After 8 years with them, I just won't play SOE games any longer.
If another company picked it up and supported it, however, I'd definitely give it another try.
This game is dieing not because of lack of update its the lack of players if more people suddenly started playing then soe would have a reason too start updating the game problem was so many bugs from the beginning and everyone got mad and left now most the game breaking bugs are gone and still nobody wants too give it a shot anymore so why should soe put resourses into a dieng game when they can keep there key games alive so i vote yes mainly because i think we need too give soe a reason too wake up again.
As much as I loved so much of what Vanguard was supposed to be and sincerely wished it had succeeded, I sadly voted No. Given the direction SOE has gone with EQ2 since implementing a cash shop, any renewed interest in Vanguard would just mean a higher focus in a cash shop. They seem to be done with creating amazing expansions and content. After 8 years with them, I just won't play SOE games any longer.
If another company picked it up and supported it, however, I'd definitely give it another try.
Dude they are still putting out expansions left and right and all the fancy items still drop from their bosses and raid fight etc etc cash shop just there for people willing too fork over more money hell great buisness tactic because well they are getting more money trust me im not really defending them i hate the dang cash shops myself
As much as I loved so much of what Vanguard was supposed to be and sincerely wished it had succeeded, I sadly voted No. Given the direction SOE has gone with EQ2 since implementing a cash shop, any renewed interest in Vanguard would just mean a higher focus in a cash shop. They seem to be done with creating amazing expansions and content. After 8 years with them, I just won't play SOE games any longer.
If another company picked it up and supported it, however, I'd definitely give it another try.
We just had an expansion last month in EQ2. In fact we had 3 expansions since the cash shop went into place. At least with eq2 cash shop is fluff items.
However I have to call you on your statement about not having expansions, as an all out falsehood. Lets see we had in EQ2 the following expansions The Shadow Odyssey, Sentinel's Fate, Destiny of Velious;All after the cash shop.
Now if your saying they have not had any expansions for Vanguard then you are right, perhaps you would reword your paragraph some so it made since what game you were referring too.
In regards to the poll I voted Yes, due to being sub'd to VG right now and planning on staying sub'd for a least a few months.
Now as to Garvon3's comments that peaked my curiosity...
Originally posted by Garvon3 SoE wants this game to die. First, with their several changes making it more similar to WoW that angered the player base, now with the lack of support. If this game became a success, where would the subs most likely come from? EQ and EQ2. It's a conflict of interests and SoE would just be losing money. So, they let it die, knowing it outshines their two main games.
I disagree. I have played EQ and EQ2 and I am now sub'd to Vanguard. I do not see *that* much of a similarity to be honest.... so I do not believe most of VG's Players are automatically EQ and EQ2 Players. You do bring up a good point... even though I don't see the similarities maybe SOE did...
The real issue of VG imho is that it appears to me that SOE was "forced" to acquire Sigil and Vanguard and put on the good politically correct face and said all the right things but never wanted Sigil in the first place... when I say "forced" I mean by economic circumstance or similar reason...
SO my question is this.... and can it be proven... just *why* did SOE acquire Sigil?
Was it just to acquire VG and put a lid on it so SOE wouldn't loose Players from EQ and EQ2?
If someone can answer this I would be truly grateful... and you can PM me with the answer if you wish. I REALLY want to know wtf SOE was up to when they bought Sigil.
Maybe if we all knew the real reason why SOE bought Sigil in the first place, then maybe it would answer the question "should we support VG?"
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!" ............... "I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. " __Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__ ...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
Although I hope VG holds its own, I had to vote not to give SOE a large cumulative amount of free money with no guarantee that any resulting support or improvements would happen for the game. Like others have stated, the money would likely go toward development of DCUO or more likely EQ Next anyway. Its a shame Sony has neglected VG because I really enjoyed the time I played it, but the lack of support or new content was what ultimately made me feel like I was investing time and money into a game only to watch it slowly disappear.
Even if I had time to play an MMO right now, it wouldn't be Vanguard. I don't see a reason to give Sony my hard earned cash on a 4 year old game that hasn't seen an update or any kind of developer involvement in over a year.
I wanted to like VG and played it in beta. I even gave it a chance at launch. Sigil screwed the pooch so badly and released such a bug ridden, lag infested mess that they killed their own game. Sony hasn't seen fit to put it out of its misery because the people paying for it are just free money padding the development coffers for everything else on the SOE roster.
Go ahead. Give them more cash to keep funding every other game except VG. I'll save my money for games that actually have developer support and which have a chance of some kind of real future,
i voted no, because even tho i love vanguard and think it is a great game, i refuse to support SOE's "lets just keep games with no support on station access, so more ppl pay for it" attitude.
if they were actively working on Vanguard, i would be back in a second
QFT... i'd add something else.. but.. you pretty much said it all
I like this thought, and I find it incredible rude and arrogant by the amount of people who want a game to die. Just because you don't like it, and you think its a complete failure, doesn't mean everyone else should think that way. What is the problem with a small amount of people enjoying the game and trying to keep it going? What many people here basically are saying - niche games shouldn't exist, which is just horrible. If anything you should admire the dedication, and it doesn't affect you in anyway if they try or not so why complain about it ?
I thought I had my last hoorah in vanguard, I have been thinking more and more of having another go, and this would be the perfect opportunity. So yes I'm in.
But I do understand a lot of the concerns and why many people are saying no, and I worry myself, but I'm naive and even if its highly unlikely this will have any affect, miracles do happen. And 15$ is not exactly a lot, and even with a low population I enjoy vanguard and could justify the 15$. Also I don't have this hatred for soe, but I still think they are doing much wrong though.
Oh what a dream it would be if a company like the ones who are owning istaria came along and was able to buy vanguard. That is my game dream, together with the old warhammer online would suddenly come alive again.
Maybe we should start a donation to buy vanguard instead ?
Vangaurd is on life support. has been for over a year. No updates since January of 2010. Come on folks it time to let this one die.
To be honest I am surprized that soe still has this in its lineup.
Well, tomorrow is the 15th...hopefully this catches on in the next day.
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!
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It's SOE's fault this game is dying. No updates in more than a year. I can't believe they are still charging $15 for this game even though they are not putting anything into it.
When I tried this game, it was so fun. I really liked it. I would've subbed for it and played it for longer if SOE didn't leave it to die. SOE are the worst MMO company. Even NCSoft deserve much more respect than SOE.
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Yeh...Smed made some comment about DCUO charging a monthly fee instead of the F2P model...and he said that by charging a fee, players can be assured of constant content updates and better customer service.
So yup....by charging players a fee in Vanguard we can all rest ssured that there will be updates in Free Realms, EQ, EQ2, and DCUO.
And really....not many players actually "wish" for a game to die...they just see the writing on the wall and wonder what SOE is trying to do here...besides ripping of the few players that pay for Vanguard.
It's unethical what SOE is doing.
WEll at least we still get updates in EQ2, this past year they ben few, and far in between. I cant speak for eq1 as I not played that game in over 5 years.
Vanguard does not even have one dev. The way I understand it the eq2 devs double up to help vanguard, however no updates in over a year for vanguard.
Smed made the statement saying as long as there are enough player paying, they will keep the server up, so they must be above the threshold for running the server. However they are not taking what they are erning to reinvest that into the game.
It is a true shame, but the truth of the mater is soe could care less about vanguard, and it looks like eq2 is headed that way now that smed put all his goodies in the duco basket.
As much as I loved so much of what Vanguard was supposed to be and sincerely wished it had succeeded, I sadly voted No. Given the direction SOE has gone with EQ2 since implementing a cash shop, any renewed interest in Vanguard would just mean a higher focus in a cash shop. They seem to be done with creating amazing expansions and content. After 8 years with them, I just won't play SOE games any longer.
If another company picked it up and supported it, however, I'd definitely give it another try.
This game is dieing not because of lack of update its the lack of players if more people suddenly started playing then soe would have a reason too start updating the game problem was so many bugs from the beginning and everyone got mad and left now most the game breaking bugs are gone and still nobody wants too give it a shot anymore so why should soe put resourses into a dieng game when they can keep there key games alive so i vote yes mainly because i think we need too give soe a reason too wake up again.
Dude they are still putting out expansions left and right and all the fancy items still drop from their bosses and raid fight etc etc cash shop just there for people willing too fork over more money hell great buisness tactic because well they are getting more money trust me im not really defending them i hate the dang cash shops myself
We just had an expansion last month in EQ2. In fact we had 3 expansions since the cash shop went into place. At least with eq2 cash shop is fluff items.
However I have to call you on your statement about not having expansions, as an all out falsehood. Lets see we had in EQ2 the following expansions The Shadow Odyssey, Sentinel's Fate, Destiny of Velious;All after the cash shop.
Now if your saying they have not had any expansions for Vanguard then you are right, perhaps you would reword your paragraph some so it made since what game you were referring too.
In regards to the poll I voted Yes, due to being sub'd to VG right now and planning on staying sub'd for a least a few months.
Now as to Garvon3's comments that peaked my curiosity...
I disagree. I have played EQ and EQ2 and I am now sub'd to Vanguard. I do not see *that* much of a similarity to be honest.... so I do not believe most of VG's Players are automatically EQ and EQ2 Players. You do bring up a good point... even though I don't see the similarities maybe SOE did...
The real issue of VG imho is that it appears to me that SOE was "forced" to acquire Sigil and Vanguard and put on the good politically correct face and said all the right things but never wanted Sigil in the first place... when I say "forced" I mean by economic circumstance or similar reason...
SO my question is this.... and can it be proven... just *why* did SOE acquire Sigil?
Was it just to acquire VG and put a lid on it so SOE wouldn't loose Players from EQ and EQ2?
If someone can answer this I would be truly grateful... and you can PM me with the answer if you wish. I REALLY want to know wtf SOE was up to when they bought Sigil.
Maybe if we all knew the real reason why SOE bought Sigil in the first place, then maybe it would answer the question "should we support VG?"
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!"
"I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. "
__Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__
...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
It's still March right? Not May...
We are the bunny.
Resistance is futile.
( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)
Although I hope VG holds its own, I had to vote not to give SOE a large cumulative amount of free money with no guarantee that any resulting support or improvements would happen for the game. Like others have stated, the money would likely go toward development of DCUO or more likely EQ Next anyway. Its a shame Sony has neglected VG because I really enjoyed the time I played it, but the lack of support or new content was what ultimately made me feel like I was investing time and money into a game only to watch it slowly disappear.
Well...now I'm embarrassed...
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!
My game channel on Youtube!
I voted no.
Even if I had time to play an MMO right now, it wouldn't be Vanguard. I don't see a reason to give Sony my hard earned cash on a 4 year old game that hasn't seen an update or any kind of developer involvement in over a year.
I wanted to like VG and played it in beta. I even gave it a chance at launch. Sigil screwed the pooch so badly and released such a bug ridden, lag infested mess that they killed their own game. Sony hasn't seen fit to put it out of its misery because the people paying for it are just free money padding the development coffers for everything else on the SOE roster.
Go ahead. Give them more cash to keep funding every other game except VG. I'll save my money for games that actually have developer support and which have a chance of some kind of real future,
i voted no, because even tho i love vanguard and think it is a great game, i refuse to support SOE's "lets just keep games with no support on station access, so more ppl pay for it" attitude.
if they were actively working on Vanguard, i would be back in a second
That game is big enough that it still could keep me busy for years.
Except if I wanted top notch raid equipment, I would need
1. A good guild
2. A good ping connection
With the whole Vanguard population apparently moved to the US, I stand no chance to get these two things.
Either I stay on Halgar, then theres no population and therefore no good raid guild.
Or I move to USA, then I have a bad ping.