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I think a dungeon group finder could be good for Rift. Whether or not it is cross server wouldn't matter too much. The way I'm thinking is that each dungeon has a lock out timer anyway. Keep those lockout timers in place so that the game doesn't turn into a queue line. Don't get me wrong, I hated the dungeon finder in wow, it is the reason I stopped playing. It made the rest of the game so dull and empty.
I think just about anything would be an improvement over the /lfd channel, but I'm not sure if having cross server queues is a good idea. WoW's implementation is possibly a little too slick and easy. Even something that just had a list of people and the instances they wanted to run with their preferred and secondary roles would work.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Yeah, i suppose so, /lfd get's old pretty quick
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Yeah, I really don't want a queue to join to get into a dungeon, but some type of LFG tool woulld be welcome.
Lead Producer comments:
Jeremy: I know that it’s a work in progress, I’ve read the stuff on it. In your opinion, do you think [the LFD tool] will be server only or cross-server?
Scott: When we go out, whatever we do first is going to be server-only, you know; it’s going to be single-server, and we’ll see how it works. Here’s what I’d rather do: I’d rather launch something and try to keep it single-server – and again, I’m talking a real Looking For Group system, not only Looking For Dungeon. Like, “I want to find dude to help my with whatever-arbitrary-noun” whether that’s a dungeon, or a rift, or whatever – and so I’d rather we start with that and see how it works, because you can always add cross-server later, as opposed to going cross-server first and then having it take too long.
Source thread:
ahhh thanks for that.
Now he is talking about a "true lfg" tool. It would be like LFM [Insert Quest] and you would be able to apply for the group or LFM [random raid on Meridian] and you could apply.
There is a obvious difference between LFG and LFD