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Free month and prepaid cards

thantthant Member Posts: 7

Does anyone know if the prepaid cards are required to activate the free month that comes with the game? Basically I don't plan on having a prepaid card right when the game is mailed because I was planning on using the free month first and then later buying a prepaid card to balance out my spending.


  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239
    yes u do have to have a prepaid card upon account activation. but the game is well worth it because it combines all the great features of otehr successfull MMORPG's and improves on them.

    Vladamir the impaler


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • Maverick4136Maverick4136 Member Posts: 50
    A few days ago I thought its a free month why would i need a card to activate it ? then i find out that really you have to pay for a card or put in your credit card number to activate it. I decided to put in my cc # so i could cancel my account if i didn't like the first month. But so far i think i'll keep playing. I would reccommend usuing a credit card if possible.If not get a pre-paid card but if u hate the first month u wasted $30 for a card.

  • SibuSibu Member Posts: 18

    you dont need to have the prepaid cards for play the first "free" month
    you just need to register a valid address and a valid phone in the same area of USA
    and you need to put a valid Credit Card Number the wont charge u nothing there, just you need it,
    when you get the prepaid cards, you can change the method payment to prepaid and then they dont gonna charge your credit card

  • Silver.Silver. Member Posts: 368

    Well for those who don't have a creditcard and won't buy a prepaid card.
    Here is what you do!
    Use the 10 day free trail that you will get in your WoW box(originaly made for give-away to friends) that way you can try it without no prepaid-card or creditcard.
    Then you get +10 more days of free play, that is what I am giong to do::::02::

    Yeah deal with it, or else ::::15::
    Cheers! I'm out ::::28::


    Cheers! I'm out ::::28::::

  • thantthant Member Posts: 7

    i thought only the special edition gets the free trial coupon. that's a good idea though. thanks!

  • j-monsterj-monster Member Posts: 1,060

    Originally posted by thant

    Does anyone know if the prepaid cards are required to activate the free month that comes with the game? Basically I don't plan on having a prepaid card right when the game is mailed because I was planning on using the free month first and then later buying a prepaid card to balance out my spending.

    yeah dude get a pre paid card i dident buy one and i had WoW just sitting on my desk for a week until the game cards came out here.

    I suppose anyone who spends most of their time doing one thing has their head up their ass and if they do something that you enjoy but make money off it they must be evil.

    But i bet if i wrote a song about my bitches sippin on my 40 and how i like to grind them then beat'm i'd be your hero and you'd give me your money?


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