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First from Smedley himself concerning 'monthly' updates:
"After release you can expect patches from us with new content and all kinds of fun stuff on a monthly basis. We'll actually be doing some patches on a weekly basis if we spot any issues."
"The monthly subscription fee means players can expect a lot of new content from us. And I say a lot - I really mean that. This is something that we feel obligated to the players, because they are paying monthly sub fee."
And from Chris Cao's interview with MMORPG dated 21 March found here:
We have this:
"Chris kicked things off by giving us a rapid-fire rundown of the content update, which as you may have noticed, is no longer being referenced by month (e.g. last month’s February Update) due to the many variables involved in getting out a massive update to players."
Shocker, SOE can't keep up with pushing content update to players every month.
Shocker, Smedley flat out lied.
Shocker, SOE hasn't changed a bit. And they wonder why their game emptied sooooo fast. Gamers gave SOE their second chance and SOE performed as they always have.
True... i don't really like SOE, but hey i hope they don't/can't fuck SWTOR over. ,ever trusted DC universe in the first place.
umm SOE has nothing to do with SWTOR. Thats all EA and Bioware
So the updates are not monthly anymor?
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
oh yeah, sorry didn't sleep last night xD. i ment Planetside2
lol ah been there
you know soe is not bioware right?
It would be very hard almost imposible for sony to anything to a bioware game.
It would be very hard almost imposible for sony to anything to a bioware game.
yeah i already explained that... sorry again then :P.
hard to have updates every month when have to fix bigs to.. i think that hard for any mmo
O rly?
more like..hard to have updates every month when smedley is running things. Why oh why does SOE keep this idiot on payroll?
Sony, too busy sending money suing people, and not enough spending money developing.
soooooo...... how can they possibly justify the $15 a month sub fee? ridiculous, SOE can kiss my fat, white a$$. SOE is the reason I quit the game even though I was madly in love with the combat system.
Or not. I mean, helloooo? It's a Sony! What did ya expect? Teh.
You know, I expect of a company honesty. When something was done wrong, it the duty of a gentleman to admit it and stand for his error. Like it was done by the FF14 developers or by Stardock with their fiasco with "Elemental". I can respect a company then.
SOE always admitted their fiascos 2 years later, when everyone knew it already. That is not manly and I despise people who don't take responsibility for their doings. Everyone can err, that is human. And it is human to forgive. But when you stubbornly claim that all is alright, when everyone can see it is not, I have no understanding for that.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Now I know how Alaskans feel like when they look at their weather forecast. Eveyone and thier little sister knew that the promise of monthly updates wouldn't last even with subscriptions coming in. SOE has never been able to maintain this on any of their mmos and if you factor in PS3 quality control and such - it was either ignorance or a flat out lie. And like all things from SOE as of late, my money is on that it is a good bit of both.
Now, with subs dropping like flies and no real declarations of acknowledging the problem and thus how they intend to fix it - monthly, bi monthly, and quarterly may well slip to worse time frames.
I did not give them a second chance as they dont seem to deserve it. And I was right.
My gaming blog
They had 5 years to develop the tiny amount of content the game had as launch. The game not only lacked in quantity of content, but it also has very little variety in the content they did provide.
Of course they are not going to be able to publish substantial amounts of content in a month's time - at least nowhere near the amount of content the game needs to keep people entertained until the next update.
For all the hoopla surrounding the monthly content updates, if the last one is any indication, they will all likely be insufficient, in that the new content will be devoured in the first day. The new content will also probably be "more of the same", not helping the lack of variety, breadth, or depth the game suffers from.
The mind-numbing repetitiveness will start the day after the update's release.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I don't think "sad" is the right word. More like "typical" or "expected". SOE refuses to change and I simply don't get it. With all the large IP names they have, they should be the industries leader, not punch line.
DCUO's biggest hurdle was and still is SoE. Not that roughly monthly or even bi monthly would worry me, the core game & pvp side I find is still so much fun, but I do understand the concern this raises for others.
That will ALWAYS be the problem. Ask Vanguard (another $OE game title) players how much content they get for their $15/month subscription fee. I can't even begin to fathom how many potential players were put off just because DCUO is an $OE game. Other companies would be doing what they could to repair and improve a failing MMO that has only recently launched.....$OE just focuses on to the the next cash grab in development.
As TUX said, this is to be expected. It will only get worse as time marches on.
While I never played Vanguard I have about 5 or 6 guildies that played it & say it was one of the best mmo's they have ever played but due to SOE being slow on updates & basically fk'ing themselves the game is ruined. DCUO was my 1st SOE game & while everyone warned me beforehand about SOE I figured "Hey, I survived Mythic & Warhammer so how bad could SOE be". Oh dear lord was I wrong.... & the saddest part is that these games are generally GOOD, they're fun to play but the lack of support just destroys them. I loved DCUO, the combat was so intense & exciting. The skill level was through the roof, I was taking on 4 people in pvp at times. I had to pop potions & use all my self heals & what not but man... what a rush it was & then SOE just stopped caring.... You wanted to hack & exploit or afk out in arenas? Go ahead, SOE doesn't care. You want to use exploits to solo hard mode alerts or get your exploiting buddy to duo full out raids with? Feel free, SOE does not care.
well wait a minute, i dont play dcuo nor am i a sony fan but the way i read the article is just they are no longer calling them by the month. as in the february update was called the february update, and they didnt call the march update the march update but they still did do an update in march didnt they. i thought the article still said the update came out in march and if so then they have stuck to the monthly update cycle as of right now. i thought it was just a change in terminology but i could be mistaken. now this might mean that they will soon not be doing monthly updates idk and personally i play city of heroes so i dont care if this games does good bad or whatever, i think coh is a better game but seems to me people are jumping to some conclusions here that might not be true and cant be based just on that one comment as of right now because i do believe they have stuck to that promise as of right now, correct me if im wrong.
SOE doing a complete 180 from something old Smeghead Smedley said? Well there's a shocker. Once again we see SOE take a prime racing stalion and turn it into a gelding, yet still try to stud it out for breeding rights. Watching these guys in action is almost as entertaining as the Keystone Cops or the Three Stoodges.
As I said right before the game went live:
"His eyes seem so glazed
As he flies on the wings of a dream
Now he knows his father betrayed
Now his wings turn to ashes to ashes his grave"
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Might be me but I didn't see anything in there that said they were not doing monthly updates anymore, just not calling the updates by the month they are released. If anything it seemed to me they stopped using the names of a month mainly because the updates are adding such major things to the game, or whatever.
But hey, the sky is falling... SOE are the true Axis of Evil...blahblahblah...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I absolutely hate Smedley. I don't know if he is the scapegoat for promising one thing to ramp up hype and not delivering on it, but holy hell has he lied about SO many things. Take a look at Vanguard's past and compare it to this.
FYI this is most definitely going to die down like Vanguard if they don't change their ways now, lose ALL support, and just add value to Station Pass. They have done it once before, what is stopping them from doing it again?
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.