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All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Buncha children, AQ = all the trash / guild hoppers in the game. THey showed up and tried to crash the party they shoulda started banning them. If they did it might help save their game.
This game sounds intresting must investigate.
"Sandbox" games just seem to draw in all the asshats. So I guess it's good for the rest of us, because it keeps them out of other games.
Since when did Sandbox mean = I can do whatever I want without consequence?
We live in a rl sandbox, right? And if get caught breaking rules or trying to ruin the fun of others, we get punished. Why should a game be any different?
I agree 100% It is a crying shame that a growing number of people you find on mmos are little more than space heaters that breathe.
I love this post, from the third thread:
"To me sounds more like a bunch of grown man crying like little girls because someone ruined their chances to ruin somebody else's event which have more chances to add something to the game than just being the "bad ass pk"."
In my short time in MO, I did not encounter many griefers, but I sure do read about them. It is unfrortunate that people think there is a difference between role playing a griefer and actually being one. They are essentially the same thing. People who act like that in real life are dealt with severely, and with MO's strive for realism, they should be dealth with harshly in game as well
If you know that alot of your enemies gonna meet up at the same place and theres nothing stoping you from killing them and what not, why not kill them and have some good times.
you think that gms supposed to have some experience, mostly their foult, imo that is.
Carebear convention?
From my understanding it was an Arena event, where people pvped in an arena for prizes. If I am mistaken, please correct me, but does that seem like a carebear convention? You use of the word carebear is a bit too liberal my friend.
thats why i edited it away, mostly bad planing by gms.
Maybe im slowly becoming a cold hearted jerk these days, but i laughed reading those posts.
the favorite part was this piece here:
{mod edit - was too large and breaking the thread. Please don't copy and paste large tables direct from other forums - use screenshot images under 600px wide if you want to show posts}
From the GM's to the guild leaders of the gank groups as well, gotta of love crappy communication and "Me" generation mentality.
hell, every side shares great comedy value:
the GM's with their lack of communication of what sort of event it was (RP) assumed and took into account that their playerbse was smart enough to use common sense to know such events, esspecially ones involving , i dont know, an EMPIRE, with GUARDS, with the GM(s) themselves RPING certain actions? im truely loving the misplacement of faith they have for their community to think that they wouldnt expect a certain group to come in and do whatever they wish, ignore the lack of communication of the lack of checking their surroundings.
the bystanders(RPer's) in the event, also expecting that such an event would go smoothly in a sandbox enviornment in this generation. more over to the ones that were entirely naive that a game like mortal online would even be a remotely stable game with a understanding community. Hell, thinking a wolf (gank-pvper) and a sheep (rper) would sit in the stands and get along socially without the wolf biting the sheeps head off for the lulz.
The Gank guild (AO) Loving their tears of them feeling unlawfully punished, whatever happened to the mantra of sucking it
up and moving on, nope not this, ignoring all the basic necessities of regular survival and aiming for a "good
laugh from the community". they aimed to kill as many unarmed players as possible in a EVENT, with GUARDS, and a GM, in a teleporting TOGGLED red flags on any of those.
THEN , they go to the forums and QQ about the injustice... a Gank guild QQing about not being able to crash a event due to GM supervision??? for both before and ahead of time? wait they magically and obliviously made to said event, if though the knew about the event but thought it would be cool to crash it, but MAGICALLY DIDNT know about the Gm's being their moderating said event, and Assumed with their infinite wisdom ( Its a Sandbox we do whatever we want), they can go in get free kills, gather all the qq hatetell rage, -of course naturally laugh about other people taking a game too seriously and posting it on the forums for the community to laugh at- and get away with it?..
Even with out the caption you get the idea.
Anyway, If this was something tragic, i missed it entirely, but all i can say is this is another text book example of RP and Sandbox dont mix in todays MMO world, EVEN with gm supervision.
Thanks for the laughs.
They do have a point though, when the GM's interfere in a player v player encounter in a so-called "sandbox" mmo there is something wrong.
As one fella said, if they wanted guards, they should have put in guards, if not, let the players play. Fact is they didn't organise the event well at all, some players figured out how to have some fun ganking those arriving, GM's realised they hadn't designed the event properly and interfered.
While i understand these muppets were trying to ruin others fun...the game ALLOWS for this type of behaviour and attracts these types of players. People pay to play a game knowing the rules. It just seems every new "sandbox" pvp game becomes more and more carebear to cater for the disorganised and solo pvers and punish gankers, the real way to counter gankers is gank back, thats how it should be done in a sandbox mmo, let players police players unless they are exploiting or bug abusing. THEN and only then the GM's should interfere.
I see the same thing on "pvp servers" in other games, people whinging about getting ganked....but they made a CHOICE to roll on a pvp server knowing this would be a just beggars belief.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Never thought I'd say this but... Why would anyone play MO when there is Darkfall?
I will definitely agree that rules should have been conveyed to players by the GM's beforehand. None of this would have happened if they had been. I think the GM's there might have a habit of just making up the rules on the spot perhaps, not the best way to run a game.
No, it's not the gm's fault that they have a crappy community. What you adn your guild obviously tried to do was ruin the event, and you quite clearly did. And you were punished for it by death. Welcome to a sandbox.
I love that aq is trying to pretend that it was some kind of war tactic, or roleplay griefing... well it might have been. But an extremely stupid one either way. Lets say their was some gladiator event happening, and you wanted to ambush your enemies during the event. Would your group walk into the arena with a bunch of gaurds(gms), spectators, ect start swinging and expect to get out?
No, if your guild was smart adn was trying to use it as a tactic or whatever, they would have stayed away from the arena and ambushed them wen they were coming or leaving. So don't blame the gm's.
edit: and the gm's shoud have knonw better too and stated rules though, i would think they know how griefing their community is by now.
Well the game also ALLOWS the GM's to step in and stop the asshats from ruining the fun for everyone else.
on a PVP standpoint: to try something different, then most likely go back due to the difference of quality/performance between the two games
on a RP standpoint: darkfall has 0 support for rp, of any kind, and is shun if anyone attempting to do it, mortal "supposedly" has some sort of community, with gm's with their attempts to make events around it.
for PVE: hell if i know..
Well mo aims for realism, has firstperson all the time, much better melle combat imo(neither is amazing though), it hasn't turned into harry potter online like darkfall, and no grinding compared to darkfall. Also Mo has a pretty big roleplay community from what i've seen.
Cause they don´t wanna grind a year to become someone that don´t get owned all the time?
I really don't get what they're trying to do there.
In 2003 I was joining "spectator" servers to watch ClanBase matches in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, back then it was fine and no problem; but seriously the event was players come to gate, get teleported randomly, GM's spawn some mobs in the pit, then when its all said and done they teleport players out? In a MMO, in 2011?
I can't remember the last MMO that required GM's to manually teleport player-by-player to the "event".
Duno about that, iirc, DF had some lore related events for players to participate in. From an outsiders POV, they looked more fun then random orcs raiding towns in MO. Thou I guess when it comes to the community, MOs is more active event wise.
I don't think that's a "Sandbox" thing as much as it's a MO thing. MO is a FFA PvP where you literally have nothing else to do. The game is a persistent, buggy FPS with no PvE content and few consequences or rules on top of that. People running around like monkeys on crack seems like a pretty standard thing.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Well MO is hardly suited to a long progression scale, given the fact it's servers are offline a vast amount of the time. Coupled with the fact that it is highly debatable as to whether the game will even exist in a years time.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
What? No it doesn't. If you are being griefed in the game then that is your problem. Calling to a GM to kill the offender shouldn't be a viable solution.
Sandbox games have the unfortunate side effect of letting players do whatever they want within the realm of the game rules. I remember when I played UO, and Lord British got in the game and people used the mechanics to kill him and ruin the event. It was hilarious, but it was something that was within the rules of the game. That said, they were punished for it too.
I think we have come a long way in understanding sandbox games, but obviously SV has not. You can't hold an event without the proper controls in place, and the unfortunate thing is that they don't have a grasp on their game good enough so that they can actually make those 'rules' a proper reality. Every event is going to be ruined by griefers because they just "can". Either way, they have held only a handful of events since launch, and I remember them saying that the top boss monsters will be controlled by GMs, and I've yet to see any movement in the direction of almost anything they've said. The game is as said above, a buggy mess, and I'd be very surprised if they get the 1500 subs they need to break even.
I'm not sure what the timelines are, but I think we are witnessing the beginning of the end of MO and SV. And I can't say I'm upset about it, given how much lying they have done to customers, how many unethical things they've done to keep a customer, that their demise is something I have had no problem in seeing happen.
hum.....not quite yet.
pretty much the only thing keeping MO alive is the fact that there are absolutely no good new mmos out right now. WoW is on the decline and nothing has been able to capture any sort of large audience yet. MO will survive probably untill SWTOR comes out just because there is nothing good to play out right now. i think quite a few games will risk dying once SWTOR comes out, and even WoW will feel the pain.
as for the event........nothing that SV has done to date has been flawless, or solid or even remotely intelligent. why should such and even be any different? it was thrown together with little thought and effort, just like 99% of what they do. there is no need to blame paying customers for trying to have their own fun.
I think every "Roleplay Griefer" needs banned from every MMO. They are trash. Pathetic whining brats who take to teh forums the moment that they get a taste of their own medicine. They should all be forced to play an MMO I'm designing for social incompetents called "Go Play In Traffic".
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"