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Good Day
-Login, and just so happens that there is an invasion taking place. Battle back the invasion, find the raid boss, kill him, get some nice loot.
-Find out that there are a couple of parties that need your class for an expert dungeon and are ready to go. join party.
-Discover that the people in your party are well-mannered and at the same time cooperate as a team. Get through the dungeon with 1-2 minor wipes. everyone in your party feels they work so well together they decide to do another dungeon or two. finally when its all over, everyone adds each other to friends list.
- join some warfronts, win about half of the games. you have a good time because someone decided to step up in the warfronts and coordinate the team efforts and because of this are able to win against a few premades.
-leave warfront, encounter a rift and join another person to help close it down. you guys realize you are a good time and decide to close the rest of the rifts in the area. get nice loots.
-its guild event night, and everyone gathers up to do the weekly raid bosses. everyone listens and coordinates and beats the bosses really quick and everyone has fun. retrieve weekly quest reward.
-discover that another invasion is taking place and your entire guild decides to help fight it back and beat the raid boss. you find some guardians at the raid boss but they decide to work towards a common goal and focus on taking down the boss instead of fighting the opposing faction.
Bad Day
- Login, no invasions taking place. go to another map, still no invasions taking place. you realize this is because all the servers are on pacific time and no one is on after you get home from work.
-Spam LFG in global chat for an expert dungeon. do this for 3 hrs straight b/c trion decides to not make an EST time server. Also, there are only 2 parties LFG at the time since your server is so small and both of them have been looking for a healer for the last spot for the past hour.
-Finally find a party, but find out that the healer is a jerk who puts down the tank if he messes up a little and has a parser running so he yells at the DPS for not using the FotM to maximize damage. Wipe once at the 2nd to last boss because stuff just happens sometimes. healer blames the tank and the rest of the party. healer leaves. try to find another healer for another hr, doesnt happen, party disbands.
-join a warfront to mix things up a little. lose the first game. lose another game. lose 5x times in a row because you are on defiant side and everyone is a rogue or mage but none of them want to heal even if they are losing repeatedly. play some more, lose 5 more times in a row. Discover that you are playing against the same premade decked out in pvp rank 5 gear over and over again. switch warfront, still fight against the same premade and lose because server clustering sucks.
-try to setup a premade yourself. doesnt work because your server doesnt really care for pvp much and have given up on winning warfronts.
-its an off night so no guild events. attempt to do some solo-rifting, but you cannot get any good loot because you cant get to bonus stages. somehow no one else is around to help you close rifts.
-attempt to finish off solo quests but realize there is no point because they are linear, boring, and dont give good rewards anyway. you can make more far more money by mat farming.
-go back to town and stand around auction house and flame people on global chat because there is nothing else you can do.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
You just described every MMO out there and every MMO to come. When dealing with a game that relies on other players, you're going to have a lot of hit and misses.
Would be fun to copy-paste your post in a notepad and replace each "Rift" with "WoW" and "warfront" with "battleground". Wonder if anybody on the wow forums would notice a difference...
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
I think the words invasions and rifts would be the giveaway.
Hehe just give Blizz a few months
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
If you are a DPS in WOW, the average wait is about 30 minutes.. if you are a healer, about 5 minutes, and tanks get instant queues. Because of the large pool of players, the éstimated´ wait is usually very accurate. In other words, when you join the tool and it says 30 minutes, you know that in less than 33 minutes you will be in a dungeon. In Rift....there is no top end.. you can sit there forever and ever, in wow, as the clock ticks down, you are getting closer to the front of the line. It also allows you to do things whle you wait. If I am dpsing, I know I can do my 5 daily quests and spend a few minutes browsing the AH. it is predicatable.
Horde battleground queues are about 9 minutes. Alliance queues are instant (less than a minute). If you join a rated battleground, the wait is usually less than a minute for either faction.
At this point in the expansion, a bad tank or a bad healer won´t doom your group. If the tank is bad, but the dps and healer are good, you can work your way through. The tank has to be exceptionally bad for things to fall apart. If you have a good tank and a very bad healer, you can still get through just fine. But in reality, at this point in the expansion, people know the content well enough that you don´t have problems doing even full PUG heroic dungeons. You still can get bad players, but they are rarely so bad that they prevent you from getting through the dungeon. Nobody ragequits groups anymore.
The queues are different on other servers, though predictable yes. On the server I played on DPS queue was actually more like 50 mins for a random heroic. I don't know what game you're playing as a bad healer or bad tank will most certainly screw a heroic group over. Everybody ragequits still. Seriously what game are you playing?
so basically, my main gripe with rift is that at end game, there is a lack of things to do if you dont have a premade group already. i remember in age of conan it was basically the same thing (except for open world pvp), where at end game you are forced to group with people in order to further progress your character. I'm not saying that I dont want to group- i love to group and do dungeons when i have a large block of free time like on the weekend or on a day off. However, the problem is that I want to be able to log on after work, play for like 30 min or an hour, then logoff to get back to the rest of my life. hell, even in asian grinders you have the option to solo grind for gear at max lvl to progress your character. in western mmo's(wow copies), they force you to group grind instead at max lvl. I dont understand why they force you to do this kind of thing.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
You have rep grind all over...there's dailies for crafting too.
It's not innovative and new. But it's there. Minor Rifts 48-50 can be done. Offers pretty good loot.
The Rift Events seem pretty populated on my server every night. Heck I see people anywhere I go during peak times.
For Dungeons you need a group. That simple, but dailies in Stillmoor and Shimmersand offer solo rewards and rep.
Plus the new patch that drops tomorrow is offering more dailies, new items and additional ways to gain gear through other reward system (the dailies mostly.)
But if you only have 30 minutes to an hour at level 50, not sure there's too much you can do in any MMO at end game.
Warfronts maybe? Crafting?
Rep grind is terrible. +2 rep per mob kill by yourself, but if you complete a dungeon you get several thousand. what?? solo dailies give terrible rewards and terrible amount of faction (at least in stillmoor). by making solo rewards so terrible compared to group dungeon rewards in every scenario possible, they are effectively ruling out soloing as an option during endgame and forcing people to group. I can solo rifts now, but i dont know how it will be after the nerfing patch. they are trying as hard as they can to make it so no one is strong enough to kill several mobs at once or even kill a single elite by kiting or blowing off all their cooldowns. i already addressed warfronts previously. in my server its hardly an option since defiants always lose unless you are in a premade(i actually counted 15 losses in a row one night).
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Small suggestion, come to nightbane as its the unofficial hangout for oceanic region therefore most times of day or night its very easy to find a group for something. Only problem is the queues to log into game at american peak times sometimes upto an hour but its definately worth it.
Now as for not much to do at 50 and not many to group with would be the fact most players are still levelling up and decided not to do a mad rush to 50.