Think Rift had the right of it with how they released their game, teasing you with betas for months, working with and listening to the players, having a solid release date that guilds could work, recruit, and organize around... Giving you the information upfront, you knew what you were signing up for b/c any1 who wanted to try the game had tons of opportunities to do just that before release... It worked people into a frenzy and had the most successful launch I was ever a part of.
Not saying it was the greatest thing since sliced bread or anything, but I was in since cb1 and wasn't disappointed in the least when it came out because by the time feb. came around I had already come to trust Trion and see the game as being stable if not as innovative as I had hoped for...
I can just see Bioware annoucing a ship date w/ <1 month to go and no open beta and... yeah I'll buy it, but there won't be that build up or excitement for it that Rift had and I think launch day will suffer for it. BW has a good rep but... promises can only go so far and let's face it, we're a cynical bunch when it comes to these things and the Star Wars crowd has already been failed once. Also, what was with them at E3 and how it would "funny" to keep us in the dark - as if we're not already pissed off about them pushing back the release how many times now?
I would be VERY surprised if BioWare announced the ship date of this game only one month in advance. What I think you will see is something similar to what Rift did with an announced date and a two or three months window in which they give out beta keys to a specific number of people that only last for 2 or three days at a time. Maybe even a big event just before the launch. So far BioWare has shown itself pretty good at pushing the hype and EA is pretty well known for it's marketing, so I doubt they will drop the ball here.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
They (i think it was stephen) said quite a few times on the swtor forums (i know people don't visit it so i'm not expecting any person to know this.
That we will know the release date is coming long before it does. He keeps making reference to trains and you'll see it me flashback to EQ...*shakes out of it.
Anyway yeah i'm going with that and saying you'll know its coming long before it comes, well at least that the release date is coming, not neccessarly what the date is.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Bioware's anniversary for the release of kotor is July 25, this would be an auspicous day to announce a release date.
I agree, but I don't think that anniversary dates matter to BioWare all that much. That is more a "Star Wars Geek" thing that people like you and I pay attention to, not the Devs. It would be pretty cool though.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Gamestop has january 2012 as the release date. If you knwo anything about gamestop than you know that they are pretty acurate when it comes to picking there dates out of their a**. For Wrath of the Lich King Gamestop was off by 2 days of the release date and had the release date a year before it came out. Catacylsm they were off by 3 weeks and was out a year before release. Im pretty sure they ask the company when they think they will be done and unless somethign is pushed back then they pretty much hit the release date like told.
I won't be mad if they get the game out in 2012 since, from september, I already have to get :
Septermber 6 : Dead Island
September 20 : Gears of War 3
October 11 : Forza 4
October 18 : Batman Arkham City
October 25 : Battlefield 3
November 8 : Call of Duty MW3
... So yeah.. 2012 is pretty good with me..
I would be VERY surprised if BioWare announced the ship date of this game only one month in advance. What I think you will see is something similar to what Rift did with an announced date and a two or three months window in which they give out beta keys to a specific number of people that only last for 2 or three days at a time. Maybe even a big event just before the launch. So far BioWare has shown itself pretty good at pushing the hype and EA is pretty well known for it's marketing, so I doubt they will drop the ball here.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
They (i think it was stephen) said quite a few times on the swtor forums (i know people don't visit it so i'm not expecting any person to know this.
That we will know the release date is coming long before it does. He keeps making reference to trains and you'll see it me flashback to EQ...*shakes out of it.
Anyway yeah i'm going with that and saying you'll know its coming long before it comes, well at least that the release date is coming, not neccessarly what the date is.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Bioware's anniversary for the release of kotor is July 25, this would be an auspicous day to announce a release date.
I agree, but I don't think that anniversary dates matter to BioWare all that much. That is more a "Star Wars Geek" thing that people like you and I pay attention to, not the Devs. It would be pretty cool though.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I think if they are tieing this to anything, its the blu ray release of the SW movies. Thats september I think.
Pretty sure I've heard someone from Bioware during E3 saying they're aiming for a november 2011 release... Can't find that stupid link though..
Gamestop has january 2012 as the release date. If you knwo anything about gamestop than you know that they are pretty acurate when it comes to picking there dates out of their a**. For Wrath of the Lich King Gamestop was off by 2 days of the release date and had the release date a year before it came out. Catacylsm they were off by 3 weeks and was out a year before release. Im pretty sure they ask the company when they think they will be done and unless somethign is pushed back then they pretty much hit the release date like told.