You know, I am quite prepared to look 'silly' in your eyes at this point.
I have made myself look 'silly' in the eyes of many people over the past few years prior to the release of several MMOs.
PotBS? Champions Online? WAR? STO? just to name a few.
You can check my post history for what I said about those games prior to release.
In the case of TSW I am seeing not much substance. It started well.
Edit: The Kingsmouth teaser! Yes - that showed promise.
But then there were all the teaser trailers that don't show a lot - but probably instanced boss fights.
This teaser shows that maybe they have a good reseach department who have dug up a lot of old myths, superstitions, bogeymen. Great. But can they turn that into a game? More importantly can they turn that into a game that has more substance to it than just 'select weapon, load up, move out, boss fight!'?
I would like to say 'yes' but I am a realist. You can hang all your hopes on one guy (Ragnar Tornquist) if you like - but what I am seeing does not suggest any devine intervention here.
Bad choice in BETAs. Sorry they left a terrible, chalky taste in your oral oriface. Perhaps take a stroll to the TSW forums. Even if you never play the game, the community behind it is in and of itself a game, and a blast to commune with. Yup.
Bad choice in BETAs. Sorry they left a terrible, chalky taste in your oral oriface. Perhaps take a stroll to the TSW forums. Even if you never play the game, the community behind it is in and of itself a game, and a blast to commune with. Yup.