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I was in the DCU beta however long ago, and from what I remember I really loved leveling. As a game that did not rely upon hotbar buttons I felt like I was more involved in the action. However I decided to not purchase it because after I hit the final level the game seemed to stop completely. I am not a grindfest person. Last time I played DCUO, the end game encounters were fun, but the tier armor was not only skewed in usefulness, but it was an extreme chore to get the tokens needed. I did hundreds of Duo quests that I could easily solo and it completely killed my appreciations of the game.
I enjoy Solo content because I can play on my own time schedule and leave when I desire. The lack of Solo end game content and the difficulty level in enemies in end game was a huge hurdle to get past.
PvP became rough with exploits running rampant and knockdowns/stuns being the only move used to win a fight.
I'd like to give the game another shot, but only if there was a reasonable change in the end game. Has the end game become dynamic and worth leveling towards, or is it still a complete grind with no real fun in sight?
The short answer is: No, endgame has not changed.
They have added a few new endgame instances (i.e. duos, raids, etc), but it's essentially just a little more of the same. The focus of the game has not changed, and they have not added any variety whatsoever to endgame. It's still an instance-based token and gear grind.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
It is true the endgame is a very different flavour to everything leading upto it - from a solo friendly immersive and involving story led game you move to generic mmo fodder of the kind everyone else is doing, enforced teaming and instanced isolation are overly dominant in the endgame.
The game is fun because the combat is varied and involving, the variety is certainly there, the IP is beautifully realised and there is lots to see and do but oddly the endgame doesn't exploit it or encourage you to get the most out of it (quite the contrary it isolates you from it if you don't take the initiative) this is a tremendous shame - fortunately I get a buzz out of the gameworld and casual pvp so I pretty much ignore the endgame, i am gradually earning the gear I want and never feel gimped or forced to move outside what I feel is fun .....the last patch stealthed a new story arc in there (best part of the patch imo and barely mentioned) so there is hope for more varied content ahead but the short term 'lets add another duo, alert, raid instance' mentality is one we need to knock on its head asap.
On a technical level the social UI is greatly improved and many exploits have bitten the dust - the game is improving across the board but as ever for an mmo there is more work to be done, and we players can't have it fast enough.
i dont think it has change... there still glitchers and exploiters.
its still so unbalance its ridiculious.
I rememebr being under the spell of this game at first but now I can assure you that end game.... and the whole game from start to end.... has not changed one bit. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't gone F2P. It sad when a 7 year old game like CoH can out do DCU in every single area (except graphics obviously).