It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! has been given 5,000 codes that will allow you to take a test drive of Rift this weekend from April 15, 2011 at 10am PDT through April 18, 2011 at 10am PDT. If you have not played Rift yet get one of these free codes and check it out this weekend!
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
wow, again?
I tried it last week when they offered this and just couldnt get into it. Spent maybe 4 hours over the whole 4 days. The souls breakdown is like wow and everything else is like war. The mix and matching of the souls was interesting but i cant stand the "war"like quest and handholding railway.
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I was the same way. I tried to get into it, but after only 15 minutes of being logged on I would already be bored. I logged on about 5 or 6 times, and got to level 6 or 7 never playing for more than 20 minutes due to boredom.
No reason not to give it a try, though. I guess if your not put off by the whole instant gratification thing you may enjoy it.
I wonder if this is because numbers are going down or that last weekend was successful in bringing them up. Like a tootsie pop...the world may never know....
Yay! More people to race to the rifts and try to tap something before the Level 50s steamroll everything in sight!
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
theres only 1 reason to do a constant give away like in rift:
because the "Dynamic" way of rifts and invasions require people, from low lvl to highlvl.
i do like rift, even though the quests are boring, and i can only see this as a way to keep ppl making new chars, to make it all come together, because:
without constant player influx, you simply cant play this game as its meant to be played.
(for good or bad)
Yet people keep saying the lowbie zones are "packed" - I can see if people are trying the game but before any of these giveaways they were deadzones (Spitescar and Deepstrike - Used to be high/full pop servers too, oh well). Good luck to whoever tries it.
i tried this last weekend as well i mostly spent my time hoping from character to character trying to find a class that was fun to play.....guess ill have another weekend to try and find a new class
CurrentlyPlaying:League Of Draaaven.
"this site needs a graveyard forum for us to mourn."
I've always thought more games should do this kinda thing with free weekends and such, especially one with mechanics so heavily reliant on population. At the same time, it makes it look kinda bad because no other game does this.
When I played this, it was so basic. Was immediately bored about 15 minutes in. I've spent so much time leveling that I simply can't do it unless a game shows me promise from the start anymore. This game did not do that in the slightest.
No thank you.
Warhammer is the best PVP/RVR atm. No ofense, but I dont like to play bizarre WoW.
Go to hell!
TRION should just make the first 20 levels free to anyone that is interested in the game.
By then you should know if RIFT is the game for you anyways.
This will at least keep the lowbie zones packed with freebie accounts.
Just do what Warhammer has done, case solved.
they need too put a 7 day free trial or drop the price for digital download.
I was surprised to see the free gameplay weekends in the first place, especially considering that the game is in it's second month of life. But then again, I remembered that Trion's policy is to be frank with what they offer to their playerbase. A lot of people do not like what has been offered, but the majority of the players are there because they saw what the game was about and liked it. And even from the people that quit the game due to various reasons, most of them admitted that they enjoyed their (short) stay with the game.
I really enjoy the game. Im happy that they have a free weekend coming up. Maybe people who were on the fence can try the game and see if they like it or not.
People who said the tried the game for 15 minutes and hated it...its obviously not a game for them since you cant really tell in that short amount of time if you like a game or not other then by graphics or combat gameplay.
To know if you like the game you need to make it to roughly level 30+ after a few zones and dungeons...if by then you still dont like it.....its not for you because its more of the same all the way up.
I'm level 50 and ran greenscale twice so far (highest instance available) and I am still enjoying the game...PvE and PvP.
Im fairly certain if someone dislikes the combat or the graphics making it to 30+ is going to do very little to change there mind. Most people can go into a game an tell within the first few hours if they are going to enjoy what they see or not.
Oh, why not 10k keys again like it was last week? I guess to not again have the event look like barely anyone's interested with 6k keys left comes sunday evening ...
Reading the related mmo-forums i see that alot of people left or canceled, others complain about their ghost servers. This free weekend thing looks like Trion wants to keep their servers at "medium" 400-500 players and not to drop to "low" even on weekends.
"We've got to reach the 1mio accounts somehow, so keep pumping out 'em free keys"
How long until they make every weekend free in general? Tell me what you want about "free keys are nothing but a very smart marketing move!!" and such, but this desperate fishing doesn't look like a good to me for a 2 month old self-proclaimed "next gen" game. Instead i can think of games which couldn't offer free trials for a while after release - to rather not stress the already packed servers.
Amazon has the Digital Download for $35.
I gave this child of Wow and WAR a decent try last weekend. Got a few toons to the lvl 15 which was the max allowed and fairly enjoyed it. Maybe I'll have another go this weekend but otherwise I'll wait until they make it free to play rather than subscription. As having played both WoW and WAR, I simply didn't find anything in Rift to excite me. Still, I hope they manage to pull in some players from these trial weekends. Though it does speak to me of desperation and lower than forcasted recurring subscription numbers to be doing this so soon after launch.
Exactly the reason why I like it even more. Best game for long long years. And all this virtually bug free which is per se miracle considering mmo games in past decade.
So don't do the quests. I go out of my way NOT to do the quests.
One evening (and for some reason) the Rifts and invasions were not happening. It was very late so that could have had something to do with it. In any case, I looked at the little quest givers with their round green circles with the "!" in the center and logged out.
Tongiht I logged in to non-stop riftts and invasions and played for many hours.
Just got to find the things you like if you are inclined to try this game.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
An other free weekend? Boy, they must be desperate to get players into their game :-D
Actally with or without being in a public group system you still gain massive amounts of exp and items just by tagging an already tagged mob and completing each stage, on both my alts I just turn up to a rift hit a few mobs and gain exp just as fast as I were questing...
The issue with people with 'hating' Rift I think as they level they just stick to one thing (ie questing) or one soul build - the whole joy of the game is the freedom to mix it up a little, sure the quests are a little 'goto quest hub one then quest hub two' but unlike most games you aren't forced to quest OR pvp to level - grinding of mobs/rifts is actally a desent and fun option in this game
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
I'm having a blast playing Rift. As a level 40 warrior ( Reaver, Paladin, Beastmaster mix ) with hundreds of hours played, it just keeps getting better and better.
My favorite moments are when I'm just doing some Meh..questing and ore gathering only to have a dozen Rifts open up and hordes of undead dropped on my head while 20+ players rush, group, and play for an hour together trying to seal up all the rifts.
Things in Rift can go from meh...yawn, stretch to OMG ! real fast....instantly even! and with no warning!
I hope lots of people try the game this weekend, fall in love with the game and help us grow it into one of the best mmo's ever.
Keep in mind while you play...the true fun starts after lv 20. The first 20 levels are basically your training levels.
I'm sure people will enjoy it, but the game is no different post level 20 than it is before (other than more waterfronts and dungeons become available). In fact as you progress it becomes more generic, and the lack of design around quests and areas becomes more apparent. At level 50 the game plays the same as WotLK WoW, with just slightly harder dungeons. Also trying not to disappoint, but Reaver/Paladin/Beast Master isn't a feasible build for end game content. At level 50 one is forced into pigeon-holed builds, as many raiding guilds are insisting on ones they know work best. If you are a DPS warrior, there's only one feasible build, and rogues currently (sadly) are a waste of raid space.
Post the initial starting zone Rifts are mostly ignored, until an invasion happens. At end game they are totally ignored, unless a guild is low on planar essence to open up a raid rift.