I had so much fun at launch, until I hit cap. Then once I hit cap I realised how hard it was to get into experts without a guild on some specific raiding schedule, and then the pvp got boring. I was sad to say that my sub was cancelled, but once they add more things to do at 50, other than expert dungeons and instanced pvp. The rifts are fun, but it was so damn hard to find a group that actually did high level rifts. I actually logged in one last time before giving up in peak hours, I didn't see one person talking in 50 chat. That was a very big dissapointment to me.
I'm in the same boat as you guys. I leveled two characters to 50. That game has turned into a snoozfest. That and the 1.1 and 1.2 patches have gotten me to the point where its time to move on.
Where will you move on to?
It's been bugging me!
I'm quitting online games. I have wasted enough time in MMOs. They all pretty much suck.
haha Blaad, If I didn't know better I'd think you were after a reaction, something like, 'please don't go'. But the truth is you are correct, the genre is dead, try Dragonage 2, that is fun.
LOL I can't believe some of you made it that far. I tried a free weekend and got as far as my first ore and looked over and the fake harvestable flower and ran and logged off......
I had so much fun at launch, until I hit cap. Then once I hit cap I realised how hard it was to get into experts without a guild on some specific raiding schedule, and then the pvp got boring. I was sad to say that my sub was cancelled, but once they add more things to do at 50, other than expert dungeons and instanced pvp. The rifts are fun, but it was so damn hard to find a group that actually did high level rifts. I actually logged in one last time before giving up in peak hours, I didn't see one person talking in 50 chat. That was a very big dissapointment to me.
I found the same thing to be true on most servers.
My views/experiences of Rift:
I started playing a few days after the official release and started on a "medium" pop server. It took me about a week to hit the level cap. I was forced to focus on questing/grinding only as the pop of the server was too poor to do dungeons (beyond Fae/IT - the first instances for all those folks that haven't played Rift) and the same was true with Warfronts (instanced pvp). At 50, I found myself struggling to get a run into any expert for about 3 weeks - only 1 guild ran end game dungeons and they didn't have the playerbase to do more than 1 run. Up to the end of April (about 2 months after launch) the server still had a poor population of willing 50s to participate in anything (25-28 50s, most of which wouldn't respond in lvl 50 chat), only 2 guilds actually doing experts, and it still was a struggle finding groups to do end-game content. I rerolled lvl 1s on various servers, finding the same situation or telling me not to reroll on their server due to overpopulation (and queues).
Other problems I seen with Rift include:
1.) Just enough quests to level 1-50. Your mileage may vary if you choose to do instances/pvp in your leveling process. If you choose to roll a second toon, you are forced to do the same quests.
2.) PvP in early levels and end game is solid (minus the queue times). Beyond that, don't expect to play much pvp between 20-49.
3.) There are only 10 dungeons, all of which are rehashed at level 50 as "experts." The expert versions have additional bosses, but they are usually tacked-on at the end of the instance. Trash pulls in the instances varies wildly between "yawn" and "zomg" for tanks and healers.
4.) Class balancing in PvE needs some serious tweakage. Don't expect Clerics to hold their own on single target DPS, Rogues to be comparable tanks to Warriors, etc. Most encounters seem to heavily favor a typical Warrior Tank/Cleric Healer/Mage DPS/Rogue DPS/Rogue Support setup. Cleric tanks can't handle magic damage, Mage healers can't burst heal well enough (and are reliant on doing damage to heal), etc.
5.) The additional content in 1.1 feels catered to a small % of the game population. Most servers are unable to clear the first raid instance but they decided to release a second so quickly after launch. 1.2 adds additional tools for everybody (LFG tool) but it is limited to sever-wide only - see the wallotxt above.
This game was fun (for me) for the first month. I tried to push through the "expert" grind, hoping to find more enjoyable content, but was handcuffed by a poor player base. I tried to reroll a different class/spec on a different server, but doing the exact same quests from 1-50 did not appeal to me. Trion did a great job on server stability, fixing exploits in security, and trying to add new features/events, but I feel its a bit too late for a large portion of the playerbase already tired of grind before they launched 1.1 and 1.2
I wouldn't be fooled by the 'additional content' Just like in all other MMOs that is just content they wanted done by release but didn't finish in time. So don't think that they chose not to do other things and instead made content for the top 1%, this is content they had mostly done before release.
RIft is a good game and it could have been a great home for me for a while... but there is just not enough content, period. I don't call content new itemization or a new boss added to the world.
Great points...
Soul system - in theory would make alt-ing so much fun
good visuals
Rift system and invasions.
Once you hit end game forget the soul system- its over.. You then find your optimal ( dps / heal / tank spec ) and grind THE SAME DUNGEONS YOU DID DURING LEVELING
This has to be the cheesiest (sp?) weakest attempt at end game content i have ever seen...
Greenscale you say ? The signature dungeon and end game raid, IS ONE ROOM.
ONE ROOM with a shifting maze..
everything about rift i have seen says they are content recycleers, same mobs repeated everywhere, short as hell leveling process, same dungeons repeated as your end game dungeons.
We have been hoodwinked, again....
And the sad part ? The sad part is the mobs that come from rifts are very cool and more interesting than the crap in the world. Raid rifts look pretty cool and are a decent amount of fun but... the world is just so "content limited" its a mini=themepark MMO with WoW endgame slapped on it.
I noticed this in beta but i still had some hopes that things were different when the game was released. So I dragged myself to 50 and got totally bored and disappointed, unsubbed and uninstalled the game.
About endgame gear grinding, it's not that I don't enjoy it but I have been doing it in other games for a long time. So I seriously don't feel like starting at the bottom of gear grinding again in this game, for the same thing that has been going well in other games (with much more contents/stuffs to grind).
So I'm back to the game that I was playing before Rift. (Lotro)
After participating in the beta I warned many of my friends that the game was just recycled ideas from previous MMOs that they were sick of. The developers merely tricked everyone into believeing it was this totally L337 new concept for a game they pulled out of thin air; hence all of the mindless hype. A month after playing, they all were bored of the game and told me they should have listened to me. =3
It wasn't that I was against them trying the game out; I try out games I'm not even remotely interested in all of the time, I just think people should invest a little time researching a game before they invest heavily into it, both emotionally and with their hard earned money.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
It happened to me as well. Lost interest from one day to the other. I hit 50 after levelling at a slow pace (2 months) while being in a very nice guild, and trying to enjoy every bit. I did all the cairns, puzzles etc.
I'm the adventuring-type of player who likes to wander around discovering new areas, hidden caves etc.,
Unfortunately I don't like how the world is built, i.e. you can't travel without having to dodge truckloads of mobs (even when following roads) who would dismount you and stick to your butt for 25 miles (even with lower-level mobs you can't avoid having to stop and kill them); and you can't be the artful dodger either since you're permanently surrounded by cliffs, walls, hills, trees, you can't go left, you can't go right, you can't go up... Sadly enough, the whole discovery experience has turned into a cumbersome and frustrating process.
After participating in the beta I warned many of my friends that the game was just recycled ideas from previous MMOs that they were sick of. The developers merely tricked everyone into believeing it was this totally L337 new concept for a game they pulled out of thin air; hence all of the mindless hype. A month after playing, they all were bored of the game and told me they should have listened to me. =3
It wasn't that I was against them trying the game out; I try out games I'm not even remotely interested in all of the time, I just think people should invest a little time researching a game before they invest heavily into it, both emotionally and with their hard earned money.
I agree with your sentiment here, though us beta testers were saying these things from the get go and we were ceremoniously laughed at and called trolls. People on the whole don't want to listen or do any research before they invest in a new game they just want the hype to be true so badly they ignore the real truth thats been staring them in the face all the time. But I suppose we all have to make our own mistakes or we will never learn........... well until the next hype machine swings into town that is.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
Unfortunately I don't like how the world is built, i.e. you can't travel without having to dodge truckloads of mobs (even when following roads) who would dismount you and stick to your butt for 25 miles (even with lower-level mobs you can't avoid having to stop and kill them); and you can't be the artful dodger either since you're permanently surrounded by cliffs, walls, hills, trees, you can't go left, you can't go right, you can't go up... Sadly enough, the whole discovery experience has turned into a cumbersome and frustrating process.
This is one of the main reasons that I got so disappointed with the game. It has turned a supposedly pleasant gaming experience into nothing but frustration.
Rift suffers from the same thing every other mmo of this type suffers from . Its not a bad game its just not that different . That said its far better than WoW is now but nowhere near as good as Vanilla WoW . I think gone are the days when you can expect to play a fantasy mmo for years . The push now is more towards the casual gamer and the rush to max level only to find that when a new game is out theres not as much content as game thats been out for years . Essentially if you don't like RIFT or are frustrated with WoWs watered down gameplay theres very little options left to you . Maybe try one of the freemium games like Lotro or try something different like EVE . Other than that its time to give up mmos untill they catch up with your overblown expectations but I think you'll be waiting a good 5-10 years before they are fullfilled to your satisfaction because I doubt th likes of GW2 ,StarWars the old republic or Tera will appease you .
I do understand and agre with some of the criticsms and I dont see them as trolling for the most part but what the point in keep playing a game genre that will never in the short term give you any satisfaction . For the time being almost every mmo will have some degree of end game grind untill something totally new and original comes along maybe with player created instances and battlegrounds . Massive servers of tens of thousands of people . 3d gaming is just around the corner too . These things in mmos will happen eventually as technology improves .
I had so much fun at launch, until I hit cap. Then once I hit cap I realised how hard it was to get into experts without a guild on some specific raiding schedule, and then the pvp got boring. I was sad to say that my sub was cancelled, but once they add more things to do at 50, other than expert dungeons and instanced pvp. The rifts are fun, but it was so damn hard to find a group that actually did high level rifts. I actually logged in one last time before giving up in peak hours, I didn't see one person talking in 50 chat. That was a very big dissapointment to me.
I'm quitting online games. I have wasted enough time in MMOs. They all pretty much suck.
haha Blaad, If I didn't know better I'd think you were after a reaction, something like, 'please don't go'. But the truth is you are correct, the genre is dead, try Dragonage 2, that is fun.
LOL I can't believe some of you made it that far. I tried a free weekend and got as far as my first ore and looked over and the fake harvestable flower and ran and logged off......
I found the same thing to be true on most servers.
My views/experiences of Rift:
I started playing a few days after the official release and started on a "medium" pop server. It took me about a week to hit the level cap. I was forced to focus on questing/grinding only as the pop of the server was too poor to do dungeons (beyond Fae/IT - the first instances for all those folks that haven't played Rift) and the same was true with Warfronts (instanced pvp). At 50, I found myself struggling to get a run into any expert for about 3 weeks - only 1 guild ran end game dungeons and they didn't have the playerbase to do more than 1 run. Up to the end of April (about 2 months after launch) the server still had a poor population of willing 50s to participate in anything (25-28 50s, most of which wouldn't respond in lvl 50 chat), only 2 guilds actually doing experts, and it still was a struggle finding groups to do end-game content. I rerolled lvl 1s on various servers, finding the same situation or telling me not to reroll on their server due to overpopulation (and queues).
Other problems I seen with Rift include:
1.) Just enough quests to level 1-50. Your mileage may vary if you choose to do instances/pvp in your leveling process. If you choose to roll a second toon, you are forced to do the same quests.
2.) PvP in early levels and end game is solid (minus the queue times). Beyond that, don't expect to play much pvp between 20-49.
3.) There are only 10 dungeons, all of which are rehashed at level 50 as "experts." The expert versions have additional bosses, but they are usually tacked-on at the end of the instance. Trash pulls in the instances varies wildly between "yawn" and "zomg" for tanks and healers.
4.) Class balancing in PvE needs some serious tweakage. Don't expect Clerics to hold their own on single target DPS, Rogues to be comparable tanks to Warriors, etc. Most encounters seem to heavily favor a typical Warrior Tank/Cleric Healer/Mage DPS/Rogue DPS/Rogue Support setup. Cleric tanks can't handle magic damage, Mage healers can't burst heal well enough (and are reliant on doing damage to heal), etc.
5.) The additional content in 1.1 feels catered to a small % of the game population. Most servers are unable to clear the first raid instance but they decided to release a second so quickly after launch. 1.2 adds additional tools for everybody (LFG tool) but it is limited to sever-wide only - see the wallotxt above.
This game was fun (for me) for the first month. I tried to push through the "expert" grind, hoping to find more enjoyable content, but was handcuffed by a poor player base. I tried to reroll a different class/spec on a different server, but doing the exact same quests from 1-50 did not appeal to me. Trion did a great job on server stability, fixing exploits in security, and trying to add new features/events, but I feel its a bit too late for a large portion of the playerbase already tired of grind before they launched 1.1 and 1.2
I wouldn't be fooled by the 'additional content' Just like in all other MMOs that is just content they wanted done by release but didn't finish in time. So don't think that they chose not to do other things and instead made content for the top 1%, this is content they had mostly done before release.
RIft is a good game and it could have been a great home for me for a while... but there is just not enough content, period. I don't call content new itemization or a new boss added to the world.
Great points...
Soul system - in theory would make alt-ing so much fun
good visuals
Rift system and invasions.
Once you hit end game forget the soul system- its over.. You then find your optimal ( dps / heal / tank spec ) and grind THE SAME DUNGEONS YOU DID DURING LEVELING
This has to be the cheesiest (sp?) weakest attempt at end game content i have ever seen...
Greenscale you say ? The signature dungeon and end game raid, IS ONE ROOM.
ONE ROOM with a shifting maze..
everything about rift i have seen says they are content recycleers, same mobs repeated everywhere, short as hell leveling process, same dungeons repeated as your end game dungeons.
We have been hoodwinked, again....
And the sad part ? The sad part is the mobs that come from rifts are very cool and more interesting than the crap in the world. Raid rifts look pretty cool and are a decent amount of fun but... the world is just so "content limited" its a mini=themepark MMO with WoW endgame slapped on it.
thats it.
I noticed this in beta but i still had some hopes that things were different when the game was released. So I dragged myself to 50 and got totally bored and disappointed, unsubbed and uninstalled the game.
About endgame gear grinding, it's not that I don't enjoy it but I have been doing it in other games for a long time. So I seriously don't feel like starting at the bottom of gear grinding again in this game, for the same thing that has been going well in other games (with much more contents/stuffs to grind).
So I'm back to the game that I was playing before Rift. (Lotro)
After participating in the beta I warned many of my friends that the game was just recycled ideas from previous MMOs that they were sick of. The developers merely tricked everyone into believeing it was this totally L337 new concept for a game they pulled out of thin air; hence all of the mindless hype. A month after playing, they all were bored of the game and told me they should have listened to me. =3
It wasn't that I was against them trying the game out; I try out games I'm not even remotely interested in all of the time, I just think people should invest a little time researching a game before they invest heavily into it, both emotionally and with their hard earned money.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
It happened to me as well. Lost interest from one day to the other. I hit 50 after levelling at a slow pace (2 months) while being in a very nice guild, and trying to enjoy every bit. I did all the cairns, puzzles etc.
I'm the adventuring-type of player who likes to wander around discovering new areas, hidden caves etc.,
Unfortunately I don't like how the world is built, i.e. you can't travel without having to dodge truckloads of mobs (even when following roads) who would dismount you and stick to your butt for 25 miles (even with lower-level mobs you can't avoid having to stop and kill them); and you can't be the artful dodger either since you're permanently surrounded by cliffs, walls, hills, trees, you can't go left, you can't go right, you can't go up... Sadly enough, the whole discovery experience has turned into a cumbersome and frustrating process.
Yeah the mobs are cheezy how they just change the name of the mobs , especially the black ghost things that are all over the place.
Even some of the bosses are just bigger versions of little mobs lol.
Also the rifts appear to be dupes.
However I have 5 lvl 50s so i guess i like this game even tho its like watching a bad rerun now
I agree with your sentiment here, though us beta testers were saying these things from the get go and we were ceremoniously laughed at and called trolls. People on the whole don't want to listen or do any research before they invest in a new game they just want the hype to be true so badly they ignore the real truth thats been staring them in the face all the time. But I suppose we all have to make our own mistakes or we will never learn........... well until the next hype machine swings into town that is.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
This is one of the main reasons that I got so disappointed with the game. It has turned a supposedly pleasant gaming experience into nothing but frustration.
Rift suffers from the same thing every other mmo of this type suffers from . Its not a bad game its just not that different . That said its far better than WoW is now but nowhere near as good as Vanilla WoW . I think gone are the days when you can expect to play a fantasy mmo for years . The push now is more towards the casual gamer and the rush to max level only to find that when a new game is out theres not as much content as game thats been out for years . Essentially if you don't like RIFT or are frustrated with WoWs watered down gameplay theres very little options left to you . Maybe try one of the freemium games like Lotro or try something different like EVE . Other than that its time to give up mmos untill they catch up with your overblown expectations but I think you'll be waiting a good 5-10 years before they are fullfilled to your satisfaction because I doubt th likes of GW2 ,StarWars the old republic or Tera will appease you .
I do understand and agre with some of the criticsms and I dont see them as trolling for the most part but what the point in keep playing a game genre that will never in the short term give you any satisfaction . For the time being almost every mmo will have some degree of end game grind untill something totally new and original comes along maybe with player created instances and battlegrounds . Massive servers of tens of thousands of people . 3d gaming is just around the corner too . These things in mmos will happen eventually as technology improves .
Essentially time to put up or give up .
For my part I'm trying EVE now because I'm bored with everything else .