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I'm seaching for an MMO that has good graphics,nice quests,nice mobs,good pve,decent (not obligatory) pvp,and is f2p.
Also,i want the game to be really free. I don't have money to invest in games,so i would like the potential things you need to buy to be just an extra option.So if i wouldn't waste a penny,i wouldn't be dominated by the ones who pay.Also,to have full access to every feature.
I tried RoM,but it is way too dependent on the CASH SHOP,deleted it after i level to 4. The game seemed really really nice,but i don't want to get to love a game and than have to pay,because i just can't do that.
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try aika global and not Gpotato version.
pretty much the game is fully free with free specs anytime and CS only selling cosmetic items.
Mabinogi, Vindictus, Dungeon Fighter Online, Dungeon&Dragon Online, Lord Of The Ring Online, Dragon Saga.
Lord of the Rings Online is the game for you
It really does sound like LoTRO would be a good fit OP. Really pretty game.
LOTRO for sure
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
The concepts of "good" and truly "f2p" in an MMO just are NOT out there. LOTRO and DDO are good MMO's but if you try to play them for free for long you will get bored to tears in short order. Pretty much the same can be said for the others as well. Nothing in life is free (as the saying goes) and that includes "good" MMO's.
Let's party like it is 1863!
LoTRO is what you are looking for.
Great game and IMO the best FTP out there. If you dont have any money to spend then you can actually grind quests and deeds with several characters to build up turbine points to buy the quest packs and what not. Or if you have a little money to throw at it every now and then you can catch stuff on sale in the store and get the quest packs/ zones for very cheap.
Its a great game for people looking to play a quality MMO for free or almost free. At least in my opinion.
You should try A Mystical Land! Its a F2P 3D browser mmo. Which I haven't heard to many of.
So I decided to check it out and now im addictied. lol
You left RoM at level 4 because of cash shop?
You can do some achievements in Lotro for 5-20 points each. The Moria-expansion does cost 2495 points.
Everquest 2 extended if you dont mind your character being less powerfull, the content is all for free.
i left RoM before i lost all my money.... lvl 54 $520 dollars spent. Friend is 62/62, $980+ spent for him....