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I was in a T2 dungeon today with my warrior, we had 2 rogues myself a mage and a cleric. For some reason my tank can't keep agro, the rogues pulled off the mobs. So we switch to rogue tanking, I switcvh to a DPS role and guess what we did fine. O did i mention that my warrior in DPS mode might as well not even be there? Trion gimped the DPS specs so bad i barely do more in DPS mode than i do in tank mode.
We got to one boss mob that was able to heal itself as fast as we could hit it. It seems that once again my DPS spec warrior just couldnt crank out the needed firepower to get it done. I was actually holding the group back.
I mean really rogues can do it all cant they? Tank, DPS, Heal, I mean why should any of us who have paid good money to play specs that really dont hold a candle to what rogues can do. We should rename rift to Rogue Rift cause it seems the rest of us are in the rogues way. Rogues have more ability in this game than anyone else dont they?
then just play a rogue, not seeing the issue here
Ahh the endless possibilities Rifts soul system has many varieties and options...
But how can this be?
rift is so innovative and cool. Were not in Azeroth anymore either. Or is it join our Horde? Rift isnt a WoWclone either. Expert dungeons. Quest hub leveling. Warfront PvP. Wow this game is so...
Im kidding its trash. Very boring game.
Well, it's been the patch of rogues really. Up to this point rogues were generally underwhelming. They are now competitive. PvP wise they are indeed in a better spot than warriors, although a warrior backed by a healer is a more powerful combination than a rogue backed by a healer.
How did your gear compare to those of the rogues in question?
i had no problem at all holding aggro with my warrior tank when i played rift.. so you must be doing something wrong
There's a lot of information the OP didn't provide.
What does his tank gear look like? What does his DPS gear look like? How about the rogue? DId she have tank gear or did she mix in DPS gear?
Multi-mob threat can be a pain if dps are doing things wrong (ok this is speaking in general for most games, I didn't have problems in RIFT), but if the OP could hold threat single-target, could he have switched back to tank for the last boss?
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
What's this, did they actually get around to fixing rogues?
All I remember was -
Warriors running around killing people in seconds with titan strike, spears, wind and reactive ability macros. Then they got nerfed.
Sabs killing people in so called "one shots" (even though it took 6 seconds to setup, and never killed anyone in one shot anyway that i saw). Then they got nerfed into oblivion.
Then it was the age of Pyros. Pyros chain stunning and killing groups of people in mere seconds (made sabs look like a joke), whilst sitting in their little ground of god circle. But the dev's didn't want to nerf pyros cause they didn't want to do "knee jerk reaction" nerfs (lol - tell that to warriors and sabs), infact, the devs went ahead and buffed mages, lmao.
As for Cleric's... well, we don't talk about them.
Glad to here it's finally rogues turn to shine though.
TLDR: game was BAD. But oh well, guess that's what happens when you put the WAR Brightwizard dev in charge of things! (again).
Well, things are more balanced than before patch 1.2, at least in terms of PvP. Rogues received plenty of love in this patch so they are shining (which means that not only the top players are performing well now). The big losers are all those specs that rely on buffs to play (dominators, chloromancers, wardens, justicars etc.) and due to the diminishing return on crowd control abilities the gap closers and silences can't be spammed like before.
I could give you the cleric perspective, since that's what I've been playing since launch, but it's irrelevant to the OP issue. In any case, the "bright-wizards" tower mode is totally negated in this patch, where every single buff can and is stripped in seconds from out of range Marksmen. They still do loads of damage if left unchecked, but now if you look at their direction (with the help of MM), they go down fast. And so do clerics, regardless of build using the same technique.
LOL... The OP said that Rogues can heal. Support heal maybe but never main heal. Heck, I've only played the game for a few days & so far I've only reached level 25 on my Cleric but I already know for certain that a Bard can't heal as well as any Cleric heal build.
I was under the impression that pyromancers? or something were top dog.
Only for PvP, due to high burst, this is not a very good soul for PvE. And they have their own predators now in patch 1.2.
Sounds like you need to rethink your spec and/or playing style before whining. You must be doing something awfull wrong. Dps warriors can do as much dps as a rogue, if not more.
...And btw rogues can't main heal, its a support soul and a damn boring one.
Im a Warrior/Reaver build and i hold aggro easily.. Even when other DPSers outlevel me.
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Rift + Starcraft II + Gears Of War 3 Beta
I don't get it. I play a rogue. I can pull mobs off tanks if I want to be an idiot and pick my own target. But to a well played Warrior tank, never can I pull agro, never an issue. Even cleric tanks can hold agro if played properly.
As for everybody being a rogue. Why would anybody want to do that? Cause what fun would it be if you can't get 2 shot by every warrior, 1 shot by every pyro mage and waste 10 minutes worth of cooldowns to take a cleric down 3% in health!?! HA!
In all seriousness, I hate to say it like this, but maybe figure out what you're doing wrong, learn to play as a tank, and try again.
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What I got from this post is Rift's soul system is great.
The group had a player that was bad at tanking, but didnt have to keep wiping till they quit because of it. They were able to have a rogue switch to a tanking stance and continue the dungeon. Seems good to me.
Bad warrior is bad?
Even if the rogue dps was terrible and just targeting anything and blasting away, you should still have threat on every mob in the pull if you are any type of half decent tank.
We've run with a Warrior tank exclusively all throughout T1 and T2 while gearing up, and now we're 3/5 in GSB with a Warrior MT. None of our dps ever pull aggro off of him.
Seems like a pretty clear cut case of L2P.
I believe you are exagerating to a ridiculous degree.
I would like to see what the responses would be if you posted this on the Warrior, Rogue or Cleric forums of RIFT.
My guess is, you would be ridiculed much more harshly than we are allowed to do here.