c'mon guys, lets be realistic. Its not the fact that ppl around here hate RIft, or are mostly sandbox players. This is a site that praises GW2, SWTOR, Tera...ect. These aren't sandbox games nor do they really defer that much from Rift and mainstream MMO's. What is very "trendy" in this site is to love the yet to be released MMO's and "hate" released MMO's.
Actually, a ton of games have been hated in the past pre launch, some epicly so (Darkfall and Vanguard anyone? Those boards would would have made a Rift fan cry in their day), and a few are even generally loved and respected post launch (EvE comes to mind), so I don't think this reasoning holds up either.
Like I say, people just 'hate'on Rift because it's boring. Lets stop for looking for themes and higher reasons. A lot of people just find it a dull and insepid little game.
We shouldn't glorify games that haven't come any further in seven years--and even longer since WoW didn't create a lot of things--than better graphics (and there are those who whould say WoW has better graphics but they are probably fanboys of WoW).
Even worse, practically noone writes negative reviews of RIFT. If the review sites are with the players, they'd pass along the idea that a large portion of the playerbase wants change. Even if the companies can't think of new things, there are more sources than warcraft even if they aren't billion dollar ventures.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug. 12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
While I somewhat agree on SWTOR, but referring GW2 as a Themepark MMO makes me wonder if you are one of those clueless that only watch a demo and automatically assume it's gonna be another Themepark MMO. GW2 is providing plenty of innovating features that it won't be part of the Themepark genre. While it does hold the fantasy similarities, about every aspect of the game mechanics is different. While it's no sandbox, it's no way in hell a Themepark MMO.
Ummm I did a lot of research on GW2 after hearing so many different things about it a few months ago. I watched the keynote that was an hour long. I watched the boring videos of people running around playing the game.
GW2 is most certainly a themepark. That does not mean the game will be bad. But it is most certainly a themepark game. They will have chosen to do a hidden PQ system which will cycle in different phases that will trigger new PQs. Eventually the chain will reset and go back to the first PQ again. The difference between GW2 themepark and others is thus,
They will eliminate (although not entirely for the personal story) the hunt and fetch traditional quest system. You'll now log on and go do a quest somewhere randomly with some dude hanging out in the world to point you in the general direction of where to go (that guy is called a scout.) You'll do the PQ and then go find another guy to give you karma, that you'll use as basicallly a currency system to level up your character. You also could hold off and just do more PQs in the area triggering further chained events along the PQ line. You'll still kill 10x Rats quests, but they hide this requirement by moving the amount of creatures you need to kill into something called a morale level. As you kill rats, the morale level goes lower and eventually they'll run away and PQ completes. Pretty interesting idea actually, as it remains more thematic.
In short, Yes, GW2 will be a Themepark MMO.
It is not a fetch n kill quest system. Events spawn and players react to em and depending upon their reaction will determin the next stage. While it has similarities to Themepark MMO quest system it does have a whole seperate mechanics to it as they will almost always be different, equating to a different experience.
There are many other features that makes GW2 a non Themepark MMO. Personal quest story line, combat mechanics, no rush to lvl cap just to do an endless gear grinding cycle to name a few.
Themepark MMOs is that linear questing progression to lvl cap just to start that endless gear grinding cycle is what I consider Themepark MMOs which is something that isn't GW2.
Simply put, much of what you are saying won't keep players around, it may keep a certain TYPE of player around, but there WERE games with features similar and there WILL be games coming out shortly with many of those features, but ultimately even if a game had all of those features many players still wouldn't be happy with it.
Really now? Some of the things I mentioned can be found in games like Farmville. Whether you wish to believe it or not but some of the game play elements in Farmville have managed to keep people playing since the game was released and Farmville has more players than WoW ever did and they continue to play it to this day. Imagine that.
Give players more opportunities and ways to play a game and they will play it --- especially if it is easy to learn but hard to master.
Farmville? Really? You really want to bring social networking games into this? Farmville isn't built for the core gamer, its built for the most casual of gamers, and if those elements are what you're looking for then you have them squared away in a nice little social networking package for you.
What Farmville has isn't something I would spend any serious amount of time on, and while that style of gaming may be more widespread due to the demographic being larger -- people on social networks through a browser or cell phone, as opposed to people with core gaming PCs or Consoles, its not exactly a model I'd like to see MMORPGs take note of.
These games keep people not because they are exceptional, but that they are easily accessible and simplistic with specific timesinks. If you're trying to say MMOs need to be more like farmville then I fear your priorities are very skewed.
... the game must be really popular. Not only popular but the game must be quite good. The mmorpg.com boards do not lie. Rift bashing might still be second fiddle to WoW bashing on these forums (using WoW to bash Rift if my personal favorite), but it seems to be a trend with good games. And the "crap" games tend to get the VIP treatment.
The more you bash Rift mmorpg.com forums... the more you secure its place as a high quality, good game.
Saying that Rift is boring is not bashing, it is telling the truth, since everyone that do not like it seems to indicate that as a reason, so there must be something truthful in it.
It is a common theme.
Darkfall was a proper bashing, any reason was good to beat the game on the head.
Yet it didn't became the next WoW..............
So if you want to be delusional keep doing that.
The fact that after one month Rift is the only MMO that offered free trials and a lot of buddy keys should tell you that the game is starting to lose its momentum already
I am not surprised and I can predict a huge amount of server mergers within 2 months.
Wanna bet?
Am I saying that because I hate Trion or Rift?
No, I am saying that because I believe the game is boring and players will quit the game because of that.
MMORPG.COM has larger than average amount of sandbox fans and jaded MMO vets who dislike themepark games.
They don't want themepark MMO's to be popular or seen as thriving, healthy and likeable MMO's because it will detract from the type of games that they do like to see made and thriving, so that's why there'll be a larger than average amount of bashing themepark styled MMO's on sites like this one.
Rift is far from perfect however I think the above has a lot to do with the amounts of negativity surrounding the game. I was dumbfounded with the amount of people at this site ripping Rift apart every chance they got, and then seeing the same people in the Xsyon forum hyping that game! WHAT??? So you hate the finished, polished, customer support friendly game, but love the unfinished, never going to be finished, rollbacking, nothing to do but craft game? Yeah right, whatever.
As a casual player, I am really enjoying playing around in Rift. It's a very clean game that entertains. Groundbreaking? No. It's like WoW 2.0 in my eyes.
I'm personally waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and then I will be done with Rift. I refuse to bash it though. Most people who do spent way too much time in WoW, and it's just not different enough for them.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
I just find it amusing how the forums here could almost be used as a litmus test of an MMO's success. Surely Rift has "recently" been released so its still fresh in people's minds. I just hope SWTOR gets bashed more than WoW if you catch my drift
Honestly, it IS getting bashed as much as/if not more than WoW and it's not even out yet. Just read the forums. Sooooo many rants about the game, how it looks, how the combat feels, etc. all over a game yet to see gold status. Cracks me up.
On the Rift note, it is just the "newest" MMO and they all fall into this bash window post release. It will fade over time and when other bigger and better games come along. I enjoyed my 2 months in Rift. I just don't see myself playing it for a long time until they add a whole new leveling path or more upper end content that doesn't have a dungeon or Invasion in it's title.
Why wasnt this closed for baiting?? anyways people on mmorpg.com bash anything good or bad.
I am a little afraid though that people who play Rift are all moving to GW2 it seems :S i really dont like the Rift community.
Playing: PO, EVE Waiting for: WoD Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
1. I am not a themepark hater. Check out my fave games here even... plenty of themepark there. I love the sub genre if it is done well. I am playing EQ right now and having a blast.
And you're speaking for every other poster that they're exactly the same as you? That's as much wrong as you claim my statements are.
No, but you you use blanket generalisations that by definition refer to me, as a non Rift fan, you make no exceptions or acknowledge any other PoV then the one you continously espouse.
I was making my own case as an example as to why your blanket generalisation is wrong.
I make the point that such a generalisation is a pathetic attempt to devlaue others views without actually addressing them, prefering to impose your verison of others motivations for what they post on to them (no matter what they tell you).
If people give you real and valid reasons that they don't like a game, maybe listen and build their views into yours, rather then ignore them and carry on calling them 'haters' and 'jaded gamers' all the time.
In other words, you would do better to listen as well as talk sometimes.
3. A lot of people obviously don't like Rift because of what it is- derivative, limited, unimaginative, and bland. It has nothing to do with their hate of themeparks or them being jaded. They tried it and just find it boring, and thats valid.
It's so cheap to keep attempting to diminiish others views on a game in the way that you do. You stubbornly refuse to recognise that people don't like Rift because they, y'know, don't like Rift.
As a casual player, I am really enjoying playing around in Rift. It's a very clean game that entertains. Groundbreaking? No. It's like WoW 2.0 in my eyes.
I'm personally waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and then I will be done with Rift. I refuse to bash it though. Most people who do spent way too much time in WoW, and it's just not different enough for them.
There you go.
That's the Rift current player base.
This is the same player base that jump from Warhammer to AoC, to STO to DC Universe.
Rift cannot attract the "other" type of player base unfortunately, the one that actually stick with a game for more than a couple of months and the one that actually pay a subscription
That's why I predict lots of server mergers in the next couple of months.
PS: Mindtrigger I took you as an example, it wasn't personal at all, you just rappresent the majority of current MMO players that developers are desperatly trying to please but they will never be able to keep for more than few months.
... the game must be really popular. Not only popular but the game must be quite good. The mmorpg.com boards do not lie. Rift bashing might still be second fiddle to WoW bashing on these forums (using WoW to bash Rift if my personal favorite), but it seems to be a trend with good games. And the "crap" games tend to get the VIP treatment.
The more you bash Rift mmorpg.com forums... the more you secure its place as a high quality, good game.
You made me laugh and your logic is at the very least somewhat solid. However, in general chat channels WoW is sitll the topic in most MMO's. Which is why I turn them off because I get so sick of playing a game to constantly hear about a game we aren't even playing.
Beyond that depends on how you want to define "good game".
Is a game good becuase you enjoy it? Or is it good because it was a made for profit product that actually met the companies expectations....
I'll use TOR as an example. Say the game launches you play it and think its the greatest game ever. Yet just for an example let's say after 3 months it could only retain 100,000 subscribers.
Would it be a good game because you love it so much... or would it be a bad game because they wanted at least 500,000 subscribers and only held 100,000.
I use this example because the desired numbers were mentioned by the CEO of EA so its an easy to use one. I also think it would be nice to have some real definition of what makes a game.. good or bad.
Or could we just call that personal opinion versus corporate fact? Like how I loved Earth and Beyond but it closed.. or how the few shows on TV I ever like get canceled right off... and replaced by total crap.
It just goes to show, the only opinion that matters when it comes to play or not to play is your own. Now I'll get taken to the concentration camp where all the people that find out the truth. You can read all the reviews you want from mmorpg.com, and the numerous other sites/mags. Nothing competes with getting your hands dirty.
As for being old and jaded, I don't know if old has anything to do about it. Been playing MMOs for ~20 years since Neverwinter Nights came out on AOL...ah the memories...yeah you're right, all new games stink now. Bring back Neverwinter Nights, Rogue, and numerous MUDs I used to play back in the day. I'm so jaded
As a casual player, I am really enjoying playing around in Rift. It's a very clean game that entertains. Groundbreaking? No. It's like WoW 2.0 in my eyes.
I'm personally waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and then I will be done with Rift. I refuse to bash it though. Most people who do spent way too much time in WoW, and it's just not different enough for them.
There you go.
That's the Rift current player base.
This is the same player base that jump from Warhammer to AoC, to STO to DC Universe.
Rift cannot attract the "other" type of player base unfortunately, the one that actually stick with a game for more than a couple of months and the one that actually pay a subscription
That's why I predict lots of server mergers in the next couple of months.
PS: Mindtrigger I took you as an example, it wasn't personal at all, you just rappresent the majority of current MMO players that developers are desperatly trying to please but they will never be able to keep for more than few months.
100% Spot on!
I admit I'm in the same boat with MindTrigger. I subbed for 6 months because I knew there was no way I'd play the game longer than that. Now I'm a little upset I subbed for so long because I can't see myself playing for more than 3-4 months now that I've had a genuine taste of the game.
I think you have misplaced notion that many veteran and jaded gamers that visit these forum boards hate themeparks. I could be wrong, and I do not mean to speak for others, but for me it is a lack of creative end game that is, in my opinion, hurting themeparks. I am more than willing to play a themepark based game if they would do away with the current model that makes their end games so grindy and boring.
My idea of that a lot of many veteran and jaded gamers that visit these forum boards hate themeparks is because a number of them have said it literally themselves literally they hate/dislike/despise/are burnt out on themepark oriented MMO's. Also, the number of people posting on MMORPG.com that favor sandbox MMO's above WoW-styled/themepark MMO's is higher than average, just like the number of people posting here that say that they've quitted with MMO's and said their goodbyes to MMO's or who don't play MMO's at the moment because they can't find any that are to their taste and preferences or that they enjoy.
Ask any MMO gamer and as good as everyone will want more features and depth and complexity and variety to MMO's, no matter if they're having fun with the MMO they're playing or not. That's not the issue, everyone will always wish for more in the games they play, to a lesser or larger degree.
The difference lies in that a number of posters here on mmorpg.com, more than what's average seen on a site, not only wish for more in MMO's but that this is also paired with an inability to enjoy current MMO's and a strong antipathy and dislike for current (themepark) MMO's that can't offer them that MMO fix. Since this site has more than its fair share of sandbox fans, themepark 'haters'/dislikers and jaded, burnt out MMO vets, this 'lament of the disgruntled' is also seen more in the continuous bashing of MMO's, rants in which the core of criticism in them is often nothing more than that the major flaw of the targeted MMO isn't of the kind that those people like.
The OP wasn't about what posters are wishing for in their MMO's, but the amount of continuous bashing that happens towards Rift - and in my post, I extended it towards all themepark oriented MMO's.
And why are themepark MMO's relatively so much more bashed here on mmorpg.com than for example non-themepark MMO's like Xsyon or Earthrise? For the simple reason that those MMO's are more high profile and that the majority of dissatisfied, embittered posters are sandbox or oldschool MMO fans and those who've gotten burnt out on (themepark) MMO's over the years. Those MMO gamers who're still enjoying their (themepark) MMO's, most of them don't care enough to bash or rant about an MMO that isn't their type like for example a Xsyon. After all, they're having fun anyway.
But the disgruntled sandbox/oldschool MMO fans starving for an MMO they can enjoy, they do care. After all they're the ones who've been neglected the most by the MMO industry. And they care enough to keep bashing those current (themepark) MMO's that in their eyes don't deserve to get the attention, praise or success they get, and they'll keep doing it until they find something, an MMO, that gives them that MMO fix or high again.
In my opinion, of course
I wasn't responding to the OP I was responding to your comment. I think the OP was trolling and baiting myself and this thread should be locked. As for you trying to refute my comment I think as I stated you presume that a large portion of players that visit this site are jaded or veteran players that outright hate themeparks. I think you would include me in that lot. I hate the current iteration of games being released because they follow the same paradigm as we have seen over the last few years. That does not mean I hate all themeparks. I said I think they can be made better. I said what I thought was their biggest failings and I suspect that others feel(many others) as I do and would like to see a little more effort put into providing a better end game.
Even as I write this the biggest complaint from many players is discovering that the Warhammers, Aion's and Rift's are just rehashed versions of games all ready on the market that follow the same model of game design we've seen done to death. Go back and read my initial post. I clearly state what is wrong with this model and as long as designers think that this is enough their games will continue to slip into the abyss of poorly designed and implemented games. They can join the Warhammers, the Aion's and the Rift's.
No, but you you use blanket generalisations that by definition refer to me, as a non Rift fan, you make no exceptions or acknowledge any other PoV then the one you continously espouse.
I was making my own case as an example as to why your blanket generalisation is wrong.
I make the point that such a generalisation is a pathetic attempt to devlaue others views without actually addressing them, prefering to impose your verison of others motivations for what they post on to them (no matter what they tell you).
If people give you real and valid reasons that they don't like a game, maybe listen and build their views into yours, rather then ignore them and carry on calling them 'haters' and 'jaded gamers' all the time.
In other words, you would do better to listen as well as talk sometimes.
If I were you, I'd start listening to your own advice: in the post I quoted I never stated that all Rift bashers were themepark haters, I said that mmorpg.com has a larger than average amount of sandbox fans and burnt out themepark haters, and that this will lead to more bashing of such MMO's than you'll see on other sites that don't have a above-proportional amount of that kind of people.
If you want to interpret that as meaning that ALL Rift bashers are sandbox fans or themepark haters, then that's your choice. I certainly never will make that claim, it'd be foolish to believe that all Rift bashers and critics would be that, and unreasonable. The rest of your arguments are based upon that wrong interpretation of my words, so I'm not going there.
Originally posted by Teala
I wasn't responding to the OP I was responding to your comment.
Even as I right this the biggest complaint from many players is discovering that the Warhammers, Aion's and Rift's are just rehashed versions of games all ready on the market that follow the same model of game design we've seen done to death. Go back and read my initial post. I clearly state what is wrong with this model and as long as designers think that this is enough their games will continue to slip into the abyss of poorly designed and implemented games. They can join the Warhammers, the Aion's and the Rift's.
But my own comment that you replied upon was in response to the OP and to what he said.
As for you arguments of wanting better MMO's, I don't disagree with those arguments.
I disagree however with your notion that WoW-styled themepark MMO's are a failure and the reasons you give for that. For example, an Aion for example still has about 80-100 servers worldwide - yes, the world is bigger than the US, or Europe - and still generates 200+ million dollar revenue.
But however interesting as a discussion topic, that wasn't what this thread's OP was about, it wasn't about wishing for other MMO design features but about bashing Rift, and the amount it happens in.
I gave my opinion about 1 of the reasons for that. But that was about the amount of bashing, and the reason I gave doesn't exclude other reasons that people bash Rift.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
No, but you you use blanket generalisations that by definition refer to me, as a non Rift fan, you make no exceptions or acknowledge any other PoV then the one you continously espouse.
I was making my own case as an example as to why your blanket generalisation is wrong.
I make the point that such a generalisation is a pathetic attempt to devlaue others views without actually addressing them, prefering to impose your verison of others motivations for what they post on to them (no matter what they tell you).
If people give you real and valid reasons that they don't like a game, maybe listen and build their views into yours, rather then ignore them and carry on calling them 'haters' and 'jaded gamers' all the time.
In other words, you would do better to listen as well as talk sometimes.
If I were you, I'd start listening to your own advice: in the post I quoted I never stated that all Rift bashers were themepark haters, I said that mmorpg.com has a larger than average amount of sandbox fans and burnt out themepark haters, and that this will lead to more bashing of such MMO's than you'll see on other sites that don't have a above-proportional amount of that kind of people.
If you want to interpret that as meaning that ALL Rift bashers are sandbox fans or themepark haters, then that's your fault or judgement error. I certainly never will make that claim, it'd be foolish to believe that all Rift bashers and critics would be that, and unreasonable. The rest of your arguments are based upon that wrong interpretation of my words, so I'm not going there.
What is there to interprete? What you constantly call bashing, some of us call criticism. You always use the same keywords, bash and hate. Why use such strong language when many of us post criticism in very constructive manners. It is, saddly, people like you that make people like me, and others, appear to be more than what we are - critics of the current crop of games. This is forum and as such we should be able to critic games as we deem necessary. In the past few years, we've had plenty of games to criticize unfortunately. Vesavius is right, you do like to generalize.
As a casual player, I am really enjoying playing around in Rift. It's a very clean game that entertains. Groundbreaking? No. It's like WoW 2.0 in my eyes.
I'm personally waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and then I will be done with Rift. I refuse to bash it though. Most people who do spent way too much time in WoW, and it's just not different enough for them.
There you go.
That's the Rift current player base.
This is the same player base that jump from Warhammer to AoC, to STO to DC Universe.
Rift cannot attract the "other" type of player base unfortunately, the one that actually stick with a game for more than a couple of months and the one that actually pay a subscription
That's why I predict lots of server mergers in the next couple of months.
PS: Mindtrigger I took you as an example, it wasn't personal at all, you just rappresent the majority of current MMO players that developers are desperatly trying to please but they will never be able to keep for more than few months.
100% Spot on!
I admit I'm in the same boat with MindTrigger. I subbed for 6 months because I knew there was no way I'd play the game longer than that. Now I'm a little upset I subbed for so long because I can't see myself playing for more than 3-4 months now that I've had a genuine taste of the game.
You are on the boat as many MMO players because the majority of MMO players nowadays are like you (there is nothing wrong with it)
The only problem is that althogh this category is the biggest (which means lots of boxes sold) they are the ones that have the shortest subscription rate.
I find it funny that developers still do not understand that, and they they are always puzzled by the fact they lose 70% of subscription after few months.
... the game must be really popular. Not only popular but the game must be quite good. The mmorpg.com boards do not lie. Rift bashing might still be second fiddle to WoW bashing on these forums (using WoW to bash Rift if my personal favorite), but it seems to be a trend with good games. And the "crap" games tend to get the VIP treatment.
The more you bash Rift mmorpg.com forums... the more you secure its place as a high quality, good game.
I have no idea what you are talking about OP. MMORPG.com has always been the pinnacle of online maturity and optimism in gaming. The quality of reviews on this site only mirror the epic quality, time, and resources put in to such recent successes as Warhammer Online, Star Trek Online, and one of my favorite launches of all time; Anarchy Online. It's really a shame when you have such financial disasters as World of Warcraft inspire developers to make a game just as bad, like in the case of Rift. What were the developers thinking anyway? Any game company that tries to implement popular mmorpg features with only millions of subscribers each month are obviously crazy. Time for me to go spread the word about how bad Rift really is, just right after I get this quest done. My warden/druid/justicar (<--- really fun combo FYI) is almost level 40! (<--- proof that I've played the game enough to hate it).
What is there to interprete? What you constantly call bashing, some of us call criticism. You always use the same keywords, bash and hate. Why use such strong language when many of us post criticism in very constructive manners. It is, saddly, people like you that make people like me, and others, appear to be more than what we are - critics of the current crop of games. This is forum and as such we should be able to critic games as we deem necessary. In the past few years, we've had plenty of games to criticize unfortunately. Vesavius is right, you do like to generalize.
Lol. Yeah, I can understand why you'd agree with Vesavius, I mean, it's not as if you share the same viewpoint, right?
As for the abandoning of potential flamebait words - hater, troll, fanboi, WoW clone etc - I'm totally for that, I can fully agree with words like that not be used anymore in discussions by anyone, I wouldn't mind if they were completely banned.
But your argument goes both ways, if people present solid arguments why a (themepark) MMO is enjoyable or good, then their words should be treated as serious and valid as critics want their arguments to be treated. In reality though, you see that people among proponents as well as opponents have no regard or respect/understanding for the viewpoints of the other side. There's little 'live and let live' or 'to each their own game and fun' to be found in a lot of the debates on mmorpg.com.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Actually, a ton of games have been hated in the past pre launch, some epicly so (Darkfall and Vanguard anyone? Those boards would would have made a Rift fan cry in their day), and a few are even generally loved and respected post launch (EvE comes to mind), so I don't think this reasoning holds up either.
Like I say, people just 'hate'on Rift because it's boring. Lets stop for looking for themes and higher reasons. A lot of people just find it a dull and insepid little game.
With all these anti theme-parkers about, you'd think they would be away playing Eartrise or Mortal Online *snicker*
I've said it before and will say it again:
We shouldn't glorify games that haven't come any further in seven years--and even longer since WoW didn't create a lot of things--than better graphics (and there are those who whould say WoW has better graphics but they are probably fanboys of WoW).
Even worse, practically noone writes negative reviews of RIFT. If the review sites are with the players, they'd pass along the idea that a large portion of the playerbase wants change. Even if the companies can't think of new things, there are more sources than warcraft even if they aren't billion dollar ventures.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
It is not a fetch n kill quest system. Events spawn and players react to em and depending upon their reaction will determin the next stage. While it has similarities to Themepark MMO quest system it does have a whole seperate mechanics to it as they will almost always be different, equating to a different experience.
There are many other features that makes GW2 a non Themepark MMO. Personal quest story line, combat mechanics, no rush to lvl cap just to do an endless gear grinding cycle to name a few.
Themepark MMOs is that linear questing progression to lvl cap just to start that endless gear grinding cycle is what I consider Themepark MMOs which is something that isn't GW2.
Farmville? Really? You really want to bring social networking games into this? Farmville isn't built for the core gamer, its built for the most casual of gamers, and if those elements are what you're looking for then you have them squared away in a nice little social networking package for you.
What Farmville has isn't something I would spend any serious amount of time on, and while that style of gaming may be more widespread due to the demographic being larger -- people on social networks through a browser or cell phone, as opposed to people with core gaming PCs or Consoles, its not exactly a model I'd like to see MMORPGs take note of.
These games keep people not because they are exceptional, but that they are easily accessible and simplistic with specific timesinks. If you're trying to say MMOs need to be more like farmville then I fear your priorities are very skewed.
Saying that Rift is boring is not bashing, it is telling the truth, since everyone that do not like it seems to indicate that as a reason, so there must be something truthful in it.
It is a common theme.
Darkfall was a proper bashing, any reason was good to beat the game on the head.
Yet it didn't became the next WoW..............
So if you want to be delusional keep doing that.
The fact that after one month Rift is the only MMO that offered free trials and a lot of buddy keys should tell you that the game is starting to lose its momentum already
I am not surprised and I can predict a huge amount of server mergers within 2 months.
Wanna bet?
Am I saying that because I hate Trion or Rift?
No, I am saying that because I believe the game is boring and players will quit the game because of that.
It is a prediction, not a wish..............
Rift is far from perfect however I think the above has a lot to do with the amounts of negativity surrounding the game. I was dumbfounded with the amount of people at this site ripping Rift apart every chance they got, and then seeing the same people in the Xsyon forum hyping that game! WHAT??? So you hate the finished, polished, customer support friendly game, but love the unfinished, never going to be finished, rollbacking, nothing to do but craft game? Yeah right, whatever.
Alot are just disappointed and do not know how to express their feelings without being angry.
As a casual player, I am really enjoying playing around in Rift. It's a very clean game that entertains. Groundbreaking? No. It's like WoW 2.0 in my eyes.
I'm personally waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out, and then I will be done with Rift. I refuse to bash it though. Most people who do spent way too much time in WoW, and it's just not different enough for them.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Honestly, it IS getting bashed as much as/if not more than WoW and it's not even out yet. Just read the forums. Sooooo many rants about the game, how it looks, how the combat feels, etc. all over a game yet to see gold status. Cracks me up.
On the Rift note, it is just the "newest" MMO and they all fall into this bash window post release. It will fade over time and when other bigger and better games come along. I enjoyed my 2 months in Rift. I just don't see myself playing it for a long time until they add a whole new leveling path or more upper end content that doesn't have a dungeon or Invasion in it's title.
Why wasnt this closed for baiting?? anyways people on mmorpg.com bash anything good or bad.
I am a little afraid though that people who play Rift are all moving to GW2 it seems :S i really dont like the Rift community.
Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
There you go.
That's the Rift current player base.
This is the same player base that jump from Warhammer to AoC, to STO to DC Universe.
Rift cannot attract the "other" type of player base unfortunately, the one that actually stick with a game for more than a couple of months and the one that actually pay a subscription
That's why I predict lots of server mergers in the next couple of months.
PS: Mindtrigger I took you as an example, it wasn't personal at all, you just rappresent the majority of current MMO players that developers are desperatly trying to please but they will never be able to keep for more than few months.
You made me laugh and your logic is at the very least somewhat solid. However, in general chat channels WoW is sitll the topic in most MMO's. Which is why I turn them off because I get so sick of playing a game to constantly hear about a game we aren't even playing.
Beyond that depends on how you want to define "good game".
Is a game good becuase you enjoy it? Or is it good because it was a made for profit product that actually met the companies expectations....
I'll use TOR as an example. Say the game launches you play it and think its the greatest game ever. Yet just for an example let's say after 3 months it could only retain 100,000 subscribers.
Would it be a good game because you love it so much... or would it be a bad game because they wanted at least 500,000 subscribers and only held 100,000.
I use this example because the desired numbers were mentioned by the CEO of EA so its an easy to use one. I also think it would be nice to have some real definition of what makes a game.. good or bad.
Or could we just call that personal opinion versus corporate fact? Like how I loved Earth and Beyond but it closed.. or how the few shows on TV I ever like get canceled right off... and replaced by total crap.
It just goes to show, the only opinion that matters when it comes to play or not to play is your own. Now I'll get taken to the concentration camp where all the people that find out the truth. You can read all the reviews you want from mmorpg.com, and the numerous other sites/mags. Nothing competes with getting your hands dirty.
As for being old and jaded, I don't know if old has anything to do about it. Been playing MMOs for ~20 years since Neverwinter Nights came out on AOL...ah the memories...yeah you're right, all new games stink now. Bring back Neverwinter Nights, Rogue, and numerous MUDs I used to play back in the day. I'm so jaded
100% Spot on!
I admit I'm in the same boat with MindTrigger. I subbed for 6 months because I knew there was no way I'd play the game longer than that. Now I'm a little upset I subbed for so long because I can't see myself playing for more than 3-4 months now that I've had a genuine taste of the game.
I wasn't responding to the OP I was responding to your comment. I think the OP was trolling and baiting myself and this thread should be locked. As for you trying to refute my comment I think as I stated you presume that a large portion of players that visit this site are jaded or veteran players that outright hate themeparks. I think you would include me in that lot. I hate the current iteration of games being released because they follow the same paradigm as we have seen over the last few years. That does not mean I hate all themeparks. I said I think they can be made better. I said what I thought was their biggest failings and I suspect that others feel(many others) as I do and would like to see a little more effort put into providing a better end game.
Even as I write this the biggest complaint from many players is discovering that the Warhammers, Aion's and Rift's are just rehashed versions of games all ready on the market that follow the same model of game design we've seen done to death. Go back and read my initial post. I clearly state what is wrong with this model and as long as designers think that this is enough their games will continue to slip into the abyss of poorly designed and implemented games. They can join the Warhammers, the Aion's and the Rift's.
If I were you, I'd start listening to your own advice: in the post I quoted I never stated that all Rift bashers were themepark haters, I said that mmorpg.com has a larger than average amount of sandbox fans and burnt out themepark haters, and that this will lead to more bashing of such MMO's than you'll see on other sites that don't have a above-proportional amount of that kind of people.
If you want to interpret that as meaning that ALL Rift bashers are sandbox fans or themepark haters, then that's your choice. I certainly never will make that claim, it'd be foolish to believe that all Rift bashers and critics would be that, and unreasonable. The rest of your arguments are based upon that wrong interpretation of my words, so I'm not going there.
But my own comment that you replied upon was in response to the OP and to what he said.
As for you arguments of wanting better MMO's, I don't disagree with those arguments.
I disagree however with your notion that WoW-styled themepark MMO's are a failure and the reasons you give for that. For example, an Aion for example still has about 80-100 servers worldwide - yes, the world is bigger than the US, or Europe - and still generates 200+ million dollar revenue.
But however interesting as a discussion topic, that wasn't what this thread's OP was about, it wasn't about wishing for other MMO design features but about bashing Rift, and the amount it happens in.
I gave my opinion about 1 of the reasons for that. But that was about the amount of bashing, and the reason I gave doesn't exclude other reasons that people bash Rift.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
What is there to interprete? What you constantly call bashing, some of us call criticism. You always use the same keywords, bash and hate. Why use such strong language when many of us post criticism in very constructive manners. It is, saddly, people like you that make people like me, and others, appear to be more than what we are - critics of the current crop of games. This is forum and as such we should be able to critic games as we deem necessary. In the past few years, we've had plenty of games to criticize unfortunately. Vesavius is right, you do like to generalize.
You are on the boat as many MMO players because the majority of MMO players nowadays are like you (there is nothing wrong with it)
The only problem is that althogh this category is the biggest (which means lots of boxes sold) they are the ones that have the shortest subscription rate.
I find it funny that developers still do not understand that, and they they are always puzzled by the fact they lose 70% of subscription after few months.
I though it was clear by now...............
I have no idea what you are talking about OP. MMORPG.com has always been the pinnacle of online maturity and optimism in gaming. The quality of reviews on this site only mirror the epic quality, time, and resources put in to such recent successes as Warhammer Online, Star Trek Online, and one of my favorite launches of all time; Anarchy Online. It's really a shame when you have such financial disasters as World of Warcraft inspire developers to make a game just as bad, like in the case of Rift. What were the developers thinking anyway? Any game company that tries to implement popular mmorpg features with only millions of subscribers each month are obviously crazy. Time for me to go spread the word about how bad Rift really is, just right after I get this quest done. My warden/druid/justicar (<--- really fun combo FYI) is almost level 40! (<--- proof that I've played the game enough to hate it).
Lol. Yeah, I can understand why you'd agree with Vesavius, I mean, it's not as if you share the same viewpoint, right?
As for the abandoning of potential flamebait words - hater, troll, fanboi, WoW clone etc - I'm totally for that, I can fully agree with words like that not be used anymore in discussions by anyone, I wouldn't mind if they were completely banned.
But your argument goes both ways, if people present solid arguments why a (themepark) MMO is enjoyable or good, then their words should be treated as serious and valid as critics want their arguments to be treated. In reality though, you see that people among proponents as well as opponents have no regard or respect/understanding for the viewpoints of the other side. There's little 'live and let live' or 'to each their own game and fun' to be found in a lot of the debates on mmorpg.com.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Okay, at this point, the thread has become a back and forth over posters and semantics. Locking it.
To give feedback on moderation, contact mikeb@mmorpg.com