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Memory leak



  • First off:

    AMD X2 5200+
    3G RAM
    Vista 64

    Its an older system ... but with the MB I have its easily upgradeable. Until then this is what I have to work with.

    After playing most of the weekend, I didn't have a memory leak problem or any other problems come to think of it. Actually, using the same settings I had before the frame-rate is higher and many of the old graphics issues I had like clipping, etc, are all gone. Keep in mind that I live in Linux for the most part and my dual boot setup is for gaming only. This means that I only have the minimal setup needed to run games and nothing else. In many ways its a very clean system.

    When you see a sticky on the official forums and replies of "we are working on it" from the dev's, I guess it tends to make you a little uneasy about what to expect from your system. Add in some bad press and some community angst and you might get the picture that all is not well in Conan land. The game however plays well even on my old system and 'm having a blast.

    All in all, the game has improved in performance as well as content. I will probably hang for a while and see how things go. The game is more than playable and very fun. Not much else you can ask for in a game.

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