I have it downloading now and I am stoked. This is my favorite game of ALL time. I am serious. When I was a young boy, over a decade ago, I use to pwn at this game. I would do the side quests and breed and race Chocobos and I would just go crazy on this game. I cry when Aerith dies and everything.
I have beaten it a half dozen times and never get bored of it or the storyline. This game becomes an obsession and is def. my favorite out of all the Final Fantasy's made. 10 would be in second, but 7 , its just unbeatable.
Any of you also major fans? This is what got me into turned-base games or even genre RPG games.I have it downloading now and I am stoked. This is my favorite game of ALL time. I am serious. When I was a young boy, over a decade ago, I use to pwn at this game. I would do the side quests and breed and race Chocobos and I would just go crazy on this game. I cry when Aerith dies and everything.
I have beaten it a half dozen times and never get bored of it or the storyline. This game becomes an obsession and is def. my favorite out of all the Final Fantasy's made. 10 would be in second, but 7 , its just unbeatable.
Any of you also major fans? This is what got me into turned-base games or even genre RPG games.
I liked 12 the best O.o
LOVE that game. I'd buy a playstation if I could ever find FFVII for sale. For me, though, I was in my 20's.
I was pleasantly surprised when I went from Apprentice to full 5 star Elite in under 2 months. I was pleasantly surprised again when I went from Elite to just barely Hardcore in 2 weeks. Apprentice, here I come!
aren't they making a remake for the psp I love FF7 but i never was able to beat it every time i got to the 3rd disc my saved game would get messed up and i would have to start all over same thing would happen with FFX too.
Edit i forgot they make it for the PSN for 10 bucks so if you have PS3 or PSP you can play it or if you can find the old PC version
i think FF VII was the one that really got me into the whole FF thing.. i still have it for the PS2 and for the PC.. (never did get around to buying a PS3.. wasnt any games on it that i wanted..) but.. FF VII .. if they were to update the graphics for this one.. i'd just buy it all over again.. i still think it was the best FF game ever
I agree, they did a hell of a lot of things right with FF7 and introduced lots of good fun gameplay in it.
From what I understood they recruited a lot of the top talents in Japan for this title and FF7 is the hugely entertaining result of that joint venture and bundling of top creative talent.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Oh. I totally agree. The storyline/plot and concept is just amazing. It got me into the series too, I went onto play 8, I only really liked Squall(Leon) and after that became a major 10 and 12 fan. If it wasn't for FF7 , I probably wouldn't even be playing MMO's, maybe irrelevant , but true.
FF7 has one of the more special places in my heart. Be warned, friend. I downloaded it as well, and got it working. Until I got to the flashback caves w/ Sephiroth (spelling?) and was pretty much just stuck in one place with no way out. So don't let your hope soar too high, I have a feeling you might be on the same road I was.
That being said, that game is totally awesome!
The gem system pretty much revolutionized player customization and specialization for me. I enjoyed the gem map of X, but FF7 is the best one by far!
Good luck, have fun!
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
Somewhere I remember reading an article based on a fairly reliable source that there was going to be a remake for the PS3, to be released Q4 of 2012. But I'll be damned if I can find it again.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
There are multiple rumors to a remake for the Playstation 3. They have sent on two various teaser demos, both which were not followed up. I wish they had followed up on them sooner, it would of been a huge market boost for Sony.
I know tons and I mean tons of people who were addicted to the game and believe it or not, I still know people addicted to it.
The game is a prize from the leveling and skill system, to the chocobo breeding. They found such unique ways for their mini quests and the main quests.
Not to mention that the storyline is wonderful, but yet heart wrenching and can make you want to tear up. But the materia idea, thats just genius.
The game had alot of thought in it and when they do/if follow up with another release, I know it will be a success.
I'll go against the majority here and say it was what started the downhill quality of the FF series. By far FF IV and VI were the best in my book.
completely agree. 3 in the us or 6 in japan was the best of all time. ff7 is when they took a different path and ruined the series imo. if u thought 7 had good features play 3 and youll be amazed at how awesome it is. im sure there are a number of sites u can download the game for pc now. one thing i really hated about 7 was how easy and quick the game was. i pre ordered it and got it 2 weeks before the release date(ty toys r us) and had it beat before it was officially released. it took me ages to beat 3 although i may have been a little anal and wanted every single skill for gau and max level for my chars but the game was just awesome and had tons of content to mess around with for hours on end like the colloseum where u could literally spend hours gambling items to see what rewards they would give.
I didn't play those so I can't speak for that. But I loved the gem system in 7 and really hated that they pretty much did away with it in 8. The chaining of gems for multiple effects was fantastic. My understanding is that the Japanese version allowed for even more chaining combinations. Once I had the American version pretty much memorized I was on the lookout for the Japanese version so I could play around with it but never found it.
Anyway, I don't doubt that the other earlier games were great - but it was specifically the gem system in 7 and learning how different character / weapon / gem combinations could be successful in different phases of the game that had me riveted.
I was pleasantly surprised when I went from Apprentice to full 5 star Elite in under 2 months. I was pleasantly surprised again when I went from Elite to just barely Hardcore in 2 weeks. Apprentice, here I come!
I was looking more at the RPG aspect. Combat aspect yes FF7 prolly would beat them but FF& is when they started to get all techie too much.
Also FF Tactics is another true gem in the FF genre. Sadly they never added more to it.
Final Fantasy 1 was the best hands down. I thought 7 was ok, but it's completely overrated. If you like Final Fantasy 7 then you should definantly check out Legend of Dragoon. I've never been a Playstation fan, but I have to admit they get some of the best rpgs.
ff3 kinda started that with materia. depending on what u had equipped on your char at level up it would raise certain stats. if u leveled your chars with the proper materia u could get them hitting for 9999damage each hit and have max health mp and magic damage. there were also quite a few easter egg materia in the game like knights of the round table materai which if i remember correctly found its way into 7 also. but if u have a chance get an emulator and download 3 and if u can take the snes graphics i think youll love the gameplay.
Oooooooo Legend of the Dragoon
If I had to estimate, I'd say I've beaten (from beginning to end with varying degrees of sidequest completion) :
ff7 13 times
ff8 7 times
ff9 14 times
ff10 7 times
ff tactics 6 times
Those games represent the glory days of gaming for me and can definitely be creditted with getting me hooked on RPGs and, subsequently, MMORPGs. (Although I suppose pokemon blue was technically my RPG genesis.) I can (and frequently do) return to these games at any time and thoroughly enjoy them. In fact, I most recently played through 7, 8, 9 & 10 this past january-april.
I have played 12 through twice, once for the story experience and once to attain all the secrets, which were more than abundant. I really enjoyed the game, but find it hard to replay, I think mostly because gil is sparce and progression is generally difficult unless you take considerable time to grind in each new zone, whereas I'm more inclined at some points to just run past enemies given the choice.
I've played 13 once and will never play it again.
I've played 6 retroactively 2 times and was pleasantly surprised, especially considering it's generally hard to get into an old game when you're used to modern games. Progression in 6 was surprisingly fun and compelling, was were the stories.
I've played 4 retroactively once and probably won't play it again. General plot was good enough for the game's time i'm sure, but it just doesn't meet so many standards i've come to expect from ff7+.
I haven't made it all the way through 1 or 5. I find the job system compelling, but that seems to be the only reason to "push" through these games at this point.
Anyway, FF!
Oh, and Chrono Trigger is AMAZING
FF VI actually used magicite not materia, and although that mechanic was similar to FFVII's materia system it was still alittle different since the magecite was an all-in-one package allowing you to summon the esper/guardian/eidolon (Whatever you wanna refer to them as) and learn whatever spells they teach like the materia did after so many battles. Personally I love the magicite system better from FFVI.
I loved LOD Favorite RPG still. Hated Dart though, but I always hate main characters in RPGs.
I loved the Final Fantasy series too, 10 is my favorite, but 1,3 and 6 were great. 12 was ok in the beginning. 7 was ok. Never played 4,5,8or9. 2 and 12 weren't that great.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
Well, I never got to play 1. But , I think 7 is only over-rated because at one time it was the most played Final Fantasy game at the time. I played Legend Of Dragoon for PS, its pretty good. All RPGS fantasy based with a good solid story line always keeps me interested , they have taken FF7 to over-board though, with Advent and all that. They still try to sell it off, which isn't a bad thing but sometimes when you do things like that, you over-rate it and ruin it.
Final Fantasy 7 is the best RPG game ever made hands down! Its also what got me into RPGs i mean u can never make another Sephiroth the ultimate villain, he was such a bad-ass! I played all FF games 1-12 and all have there own unique traits. Also Legend Of Dragoon was awsome game wish they made a prequel! Other great games were Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross had amazing graphics for its time, Venguard Bandits, Brigandine and many other games i think those were the best times for RPGs for playstation 1, then they started going in dif direction. But I would love to see a remake of some of these games especially FF series 1-9
They went into a different direction because the advancement of computer animation. Once they could do more with graphics, they took advantage of it and down-graded the story role play part of games.
This is such a ridiculous statement it doesn't even warrant a refutation. You assert that a company can either pay attention to graphics OR story, and because FF7 had improved graphics, the company consciously down-graded the story? I know you don't really believe that (because it's ridiculous). Your post was really just a more elaborate way of saying you didn't like FF7 without giving a specific reason, while simultaneously outletting blame somewhere.
If you don't like the story of FF7 compared to previous FFs, it's for other reasons completely unrelated to the series' advancement to a machine with higher graphics potentential.
Honestly though, storytelling techniques have advanced tremendously within video games over the past 2 decades. It's not even a contest if you compare games like Mass Effect to FF4. Sure, old school RPGs had solid plots, but the dialogue and scenes through which the plot was gradually revealed was as if written by a 7th grader. Characters were universally flat and static. Motivations were weak. The list goes on. You can look at just once series, like FF, and very visibly see the advancements they've made in story presentation over the years.
When FF7 came out, I bought a PS1 just to be able to play it. FF7 was the pinnacle of the series, though there have been some gems since. FF4 was the first RPG that I was able to really get lost in, and it still holds a special place with me. And FF6? Masterpiece!
FF7 was the RPG that introduced the masses to RPGs (much like WoW with MMOs), and it seems as though that is where much of the flak that it takes comes from. I still don't understand that mindset.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Ummm, no their storytelling went down hill starting with FF7. Character depth, character developement, real story telling have been lost over the years as companies try to dazzle their audiance with cutscenes and "oooo shiney" effects. The older games solely relied on their story telling to enthrall their palyers.
Very few modern games hold my attention story wise unlike older games like Crono Cross, FFIV, FF VI, Legend of the Dragoon, Xenogears. Their story by far blows any modern game out of the water.