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Imagine.......Its kinda long but i bet you will like it :)

First my opinion and why it's gonna fail. It's been stated before that it looks way to much like wow wrapped in 40k. Another reason it will fail is because developers have stated (and shot themselves in the foor) that if they have 100,000 paid subscribers it will be sucessful for them and they will be able to develope future content. Why Aim so low? Antother reason it will fail is you have two alliances with only a handful a of  factions per alliance. So  they are moving so far away from what 40k is and say all space marine lovers have to play Black Templars, all chaos lovers have to play is Khorne, all imperial guard have to play whoever they are...... they are limiting us way to much in a universe with unlimited potential. Now that ive said why it will fail Imagine........

I have developed this game for the past 11 years i have been playing 40k tabletop for 19 years. All ideas in this can be used by vigil to create my game just give me a call ive sent you about 300 emails to your company explaining these same ideas i will give you the game that will have 20 million steady paying gamers.

The games starts off as you chossing two factions. If you choose evil or good you go through the first 5 levels Trying out gameplay as all the different races. When you hit level 5 you choose your main race. Now imagine being opened up to a universe like EvE but with really 1 billion star systems. You fight over control of planets and systems which give your chapter or race a bonus such as forge worlds and aggriculturul world. The game must have access to some new technologies i have come up with but one is a system where it can generate at least 4 million different looking battle zones.

Now for combat. It will take place in either a first person view or third person view and will be controlled by a FPS kind of way. When attacking a enemy things come into play like level of charecter meaning accuracy and armor penetration strength of weapon and Range. Second things like bonuses from certain forge worlds will add in ammunition types and weapon quality and third whether the enemy is in cover what type offers them a cover save :)

Now what this game will have is a Ranking system within chapters or factions. As you level up you will have access to weapons your chapter has contol of and acces to(i will now use space marines to illustrate the awesomness of this game but if your not a space marine player thing of the simulairties to your race and they will be there) so you can draw from the armory. But within each chapter is a hieracrcy of 1000 players. If you play long enough and hard enough you could be chapter master and be a very potent player on the battle field with your invulnerableness the enemy will have to throw alot of stuff against you to hurt you. Same with company leaders. and squad commanders. Now these commander roles will also allow you on the fly to zoom back to the RTS(Real time strategy, like command and conquer or Warcraft 1,2,3) mode which will allow you to control the forces under your command set up objectives quickly and dish out orders which will be displayed and relayed to your army below you. And as they execute their orders they gain better experience and leader points so when a commander fails in battle the system will then choose who becomes the next leader. And every 10,000th marine that falls gets placed inside a dreadnaught. And level 50 nd above marines get thier terminater honours. Also how experience will work is you gain experience from completing quests on your homeworlds following orders and doing good in combat. You lose XP by dying in combat(maybe more than 3 times or something) not following orders and not doing good in combat. Now you wont lose massive amounts of xp uless you just dont do what your supposed to.Remember ranking system is in organizations only you can become a rouge trader if you like and stay by your self or join crews which have a easier and smaller ranking system.

So with this game you can lauch invasions on enemy worlds where they have delegated defense based on resources or you can assult enemy world controled by the computer in a instance like enviroment where you can find relics and special awesome weaponery and stuff to help your army take control of the stars. Cause in the future there is only war!!!! hahaha

Now of course my warhammer 40k game will go way more into depth. and i have it spelled out for alot of races that will stay true to the nature of the game and lore that has been written for over 30 years. Please tell me what you think and remember that this is a basic view of my game it would get way deeper than this and most likly you would have to choose a alliance and buy that potion of the game because of how large it would be. But you would beable to buy both sides and play both sides if that makes since. Please read and tell me what you think.


  • ConvarionConvarion Member Posts: 6

    I have alot more to the game if you want to know more or about anther race just ask. Id be happy to post about either or any other questions.

    In general though this game would pretty much be the table top game in 3d with glactic repracussions. Future patches would include Tyrinid invasions, Ork whaags, Imperial Crusades and other crazy event where the playing class has a nice advantge and it puts pretty much all other races on the defensive.

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