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Watch out for this new MMOG!

skyceskyce Member Posts: 18

Post apocalyptic vehicular-based online game with a RPG element - sounds fantastic. Ever since Car Wars I've dreamt of a game like this.

Would love to be apart of the beta and help make this one change the very fabric of this genre!



  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    Looking forward to this, reminds me of the old Car Wars game I used to play back in the day on tabletops. Not too many of these types of games around except the Interstate series.

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    what mmorpg? I don't see any kind of roleplaying game here?
    Infact from the sound of the interview looks like another combat heavy game where the quests are just more combat.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • Phoenix22Phoenix22 Member Posts: 81
    Looks great, the rpg aspect of it is you customize your car, truck, semi, motorcycle or tank, choose a race and do missions to get weapon, armor and other upgrades; they even have instances. looking forward to playing hopefully beta

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  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Oh right... roleplaying is picking the color of your vehicle.. of course. I heavily suggest you do some research on what roleplaying is if you think thats it.. they really should stick with MMOG.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • Phoenix22Phoenix22 Member Posts: 81
    Its not just color you get to choose, im under the impression you get to pretty much build your own vehicle, plus you do get to choose/make and play as a char. Check out the website might give a little more insight but you could be totally right and  everyone else be wrong it might be just an MMOG but either way ill give it a try.image

    -Open your mind for a different view-

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  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Even customizing the whole vehicle doesnt' make it a roleplaying game...
    In order for this to be an actual roleplaying game you would have to be able to drive the story if you wanted to, and with instanced missions, and likely no long term effect other than your skills being raised a lil, thats not likely to happen in this game.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • jimothypetrojimothypetro Member Posts: 1,437

    Well.. if you want to get technical...

    Then it is roleplaying.. you are playing the role of a car.

    Besides, no MMORPGs have good RP.


    "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
    -- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977


    "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
    -- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Originally posted by jimothypetro
    Well.. if you want to get technical...Then it is roleplaying.. you are playing the role of a car.Besides, no MMORPGs have good RP.----------------------------------
    "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
    -- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977

    So its okay to label a game as an Roleplaying game because the rest of the suck too?
    how about label none of them roleplaying games.
    and 'playing the role of a car' isn't a roleplaying game..heck by that logic space invaders is a roleplaying game. Check my sig to see what a roleplaying game.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • skyceskyce Member Posts: 18

    Actually crossmr, the main site of Auto Assault even refers to its own game as a MMOG with RPG elements - not a MMORPG.

    It was my mistake for posting it as such.

    Auto Assault is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) that combines vehicular combat with role-playing elements. You explore a Post-Apocalyptic future in customizable cars, motorcycles, semis, and even tanks. 

  • XavonXavon Member Posts: 334

    The fact people are willing to argue about this conclusivly proves humanity is doomed.

    This post may have contained opinions.

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    and with that statement in mind, go visit my post in this forum labelled:
    RPG Elements?
    I made this earlier.
    Note to developers: a skill system and customization is not an RPG element....its a skill system and customization.

    as to humanity being doomed, I would hope it would prove the opposite. It would show there is someone out there who cares about the misinformation handed out by gaming companies.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • SenegornSenegorn Member Posts: 3


    You need to do some research. Roleplaying is about character development, and this game has a ton of character development. You have an avatar in addition to your vehicle, and that avatar has statistics and skills just like any other MMORPG. That avatar drives a vehicle, like a warrior might wear armor or ride a horse. In towns, you are in character not in vehicle. I am not saying AA is all about RPG elements, but it most definitely has them.

  • MrSquigglyMrSquiggly Member Posts: 1
    Everyone's going to have their own opinion of what exactly 'roleplaying' is. But if you check out the game, it looks to me me like Auto Assault has all the elements that any other roleplaying game has. You actually do have a character you play. In the cities in the game, you have a character that walks around. Outside, you have a vehicle. You go on quests, you have instanced zones, all that good stuff. Yeah, the game is weighted towards combat, but it's in a violent world.
  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Originally posted by Senegorn
    You need to do some research. Roleplaying is about character development, and this game has a ton of character development. You have an avatar in addition to your vehicle, and that avatar has statistics and skills just like any other MMORPG. That avatar drives a vehicle, like a warrior might wear armor or ride a horse. In towns, you are in character not in vehicle. I am not saying AA is all about RPG elements, but it most definitely has them.

    actually you need to.
    Roleplaying isn't about character development. Its about playing the role of a character. A roleplaying game is a game that allows you to do that AND allows you to make meaningful choices that effect the world in which you're playing.

    Any game (which if you look to the left is just about every one of those) that does not allow you to actual shape the world in which you play isn't a roleplaying game. You might be able to take on a personae, but there is big leap from there to an actual roleplaying game.

    Take a look at any PnP Roleplaying game out there. What is a common thread? You play a role, you change world in which you're playing in some way, and the change is permanent. That is it. That is the only thing they have in common. Statistical Character development is not common in all games.

    This is why none of these instanced, static games will ever be roleplaying games.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • SenegornSenegorn Member Posts: 3
    There was a huge industry wide survey done on roleplaying, and it was spearheaded by Gary Gygax (I hope you know who that is). The hands-down, #1 response on what makes roleplaying was character development. Nuff said. If you don't agree, then you must not be a part of the majority. I am not saying that other things like "staying in character", "immersive world rich in lore" and all those things don't matter, because they do. I am just saying that character development is a huge part of every RPG.
  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    There is a difference between statistical character development i.e a skill tree and developing a character through roleplaying. Character development done through roleplaying is building that characters personality and life experiences through playing in the game world and actually doing meaningful things. How much character development is done when the conversation goes like this:
    A: Hail Friend, how goes it?
    B: It goes well, what great adventures have you been up to?
    A: just a day ago I saved the princess
    B: Ah yes.. I did that 6 times last week..
    Character development is pointless if everyone has the same experiences over and over and over.

    Once again: Statistical character development is not roleplaying. Levelling up, skill trees, etc have NOTHING to do with roleplaying.
    The only reason people think it does is because awhile back some idiot in the industry thought a sword and a skill system made a roleplaying game. While it was a decent game, it had nothing to do with roleplaying but because it was popular thats what everyone thinks it is.
    Given society's inability to form an original thought as a whole and their inclination to impersonate sheep its no wonder its good name has been sullied.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • ParapsychoParapsycho Member UncommonPosts: 108

    I think the argument boils down to semantics. Most MMORPGs dont truely let the player drive the story, but rather have story arcs that players can follow. Auto Assault is no different. If you are expecting to drastically change the entire story line with each mission you do, then you are going to be dissapointed with every MMORPG out there. If everyone was able to change the story that easily, the game would slowly decend into chaos, and the story line would become moot. Changing the storyline with each action is good for single player games, but when you have thousands of people playing the game at once, it becomes overwhelming to try to take into account everyones actions, hence story arcs.
    That being said, roleplaying games are about playing a particular role in the world. If you want your character to be a fixer, you work on repair skills, then you fix things. That is a roleplaying element. You dont just show up and say "Ok, Im a fixer." Prove it to me. Fix things using your repair skills. Doing so is fulfilling your role in the world, and therefore is roleplaying. Not everyones vsion of playing a role is about altering the whole course of a game, so you shouldnt try to speak for everyone. Some people just want to fix things... ::::39::
    How much you actually get into the roleplaying is up to you. Its not up to the game company to hand all of the roleplaying to the gamers on a silver platter. There are games out there that have the chance to be fantastic roleplaying experiences, but the players are just there to lvl up their characters and for bragging rights. Thats a sad fact, but it does happen. So stop complaining about it, get off your arse, and go roleplay...

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  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Not everyone wants to drive the story, but until the game allows that it is not a roleplaying game. Even if the game allowed it, it doesn't mean everyone would participate in it.
    To follow the great logic, every game ever made is a roleplaying game because you're 'playing a role' obviously more is needed than that to be a roleplaying game.
    It also has nothing to do with semantics. It has to do with with the misuse of a term and it being a big 'selling point' right now when the game itself has nothing to do with the concept.
    Until a game is actually made that is a roleplaying game, they need to seriously leave it alone.
    just call yourself a MMOG or an MMOAG (adventure game).

    BUt hey if you still believe the game has roleplaying elements I got a great K-car I can sell you with ferrari elements, only $20,000 they both got doors and windows so they should be just like the same right?

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • SenegornSenegorn Member Posts: 3

    So I am really amazed at your stance on role-playing. I am one of the biggest roleplayers you will literally ever find in gaming. I have played dungeons and dragons since the late 70s, and every pen and paper RPG I could find since then. I have played live action role-playing where you literally have to practice theatre skills to role-play your character. I have played MMORPGs like Everquest and 6+ others. I have played Daggerfall/Morrowwind and every RPG computer game since Ultima I on the Apple II, and Wizardry. While all of these games are RPGs, none of them are really much alike.

    Truth is, role-playing has many different aspects, so for you to come across like you know spefically what an RPG is and that all these game should "drop the term RPG" is ridiculous. Just roleplay and have FUN. image

  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Originally posted by Senegorn
    So I am really amazed at your stance on role-playing. I am one of the biggest roleplayers you will literally ever find in gaming. I have played dungeons and dragons since the late 70s, and every pen and paper RPG I could find since then. I have played live action role-playing where you literally have to practice theatre skills to role-play your character. I have played MMORPGs like Everquest and 6+ others. I have played Daggerfall/Morrowwind and every RPG computer game since Ultima I on the Apple II, and Wizardry. While all of these games are RPGs, none of them are really much alike.
    Truth is, role-playing has many different aspects, so for you to come across like you know spefically what an RPG is and that all these game should "drop the term RPG" is ridiculous. Just roleplay and have FUN. image

    And yet amazingly with all that experience you think a video game with a backstory and statistical advancement is a Roleplaying game.
    A roleplaying game is only one thing, its only the video game industry that has tried to make it something else.
    Until you can play a game where you actually have the ability (if you want) to drive the story and make actual changes in the world... its not a roleplaying game. It doesn't mean you have to, you can still try and grind if you want, but the option exists.
    Without that option all the game is is a grindfest. You can't progress through roleplaying..all you can do is grind if you want to 'move up in the world'.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

  • ParapsychoParapsycho Member UncommonPosts: 108

    Ok. I was doing some thinking and trying to see things from your point of view, and now I think I see where you are coming from. And, I tend to agree.
    Yes, you are correct in saying that "Roleplaying" itself has nothing to do with statistics. Pure roleplaying is just that, acting out a role. Once you add the word 'game' onto the end, you need to have something objective to "keep score", which is where the statistics come in. But, yeah, statistics dont make it roleplaying, roleplaying makes it roleplaying.
    Its easy to see where people have gotten mixed up thrrough the years, saying "My wizard is level 82. I must be roleplaying!" I also agree that that needs to stop. As I said above, alot of that depends on the players.

    Where i begin to disagree is the scope in which one has to make a difference in the world. If my character spent years battling personal demons, does it really matter if anyone else notices? Not really. Does it matter to me? You bet it does! Is it any less meaningful than if my character was battling manifested demons in order to save the princess, and return order to the land? Not to me. Am I still roleplaying? I think so. One of the reasons I like Live Action roleplaying, is that alot of it can center around things that people find ordinary. You could put 5 people in a room full of feathers and say, "Ok. You all are terminally ill cancer patients. You each have 2 weeks to live. You have no idea why the room is filled with feathers" And have people come up with some fantastic examples of roleplaying. In that case, the 'world' is only as big as the room. Or, in the example I gave at the beginning, the world could be the player's mind and thoughts. Or maybe thats exactly what you mean...

    Sorry for rambling.... but, yes, I see where you are coming from, and I agree.
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  • MickieMMickieM Member Posts: 16

    im curious to know what games youd consider a true rpg crossmr since im playing AO right now and by youre discrition its not an rpg at all.

  • IgnisAerIgnisAer Member Posts: 51

    I agree Para. cross really seems to be turtling on his ideals of 'roleplaying'. this is a forum about a Game. games exist for people to have fun. unfortunately, the game industry has tacked RP- onto a whole genre, but thats just a name. I've heard Legend of Zelda referred to as a roleplaying game, and i'd agree with that. i just think cross needs to ease up a bit and be a little more tolerant of ideas.

  • ParapsychoParapsycho Member UncommonPosts: 108

    Yes, but I do agree that roleplaying is dependant on, well, roleplaying. The game isnt even in beta yet, so no one realy knows how well they are going to facilitate roleplaying. Just because they are (unfortunately) using an widely used misnomer, doesnt mean that I support the game any less. I still think its going to to be a great game. ::::28::

    Auto Assault Outpost

    The first Auto Assault Fan Site
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  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 79

    Yes as a game you do need a way to keep 'score' I suppose, but it doesn't always have to be with statistical advancement. Its not that I'm trying to remove that, I simply loathe the fact that to date no RPG has included any OTHER way to 'keep score'.
    Ideally in a roleplaying game, the game would encompass various methods of knowing where you stand. For those who want to grind away you could find ways to do that, for those who want the more social aspect of roleplaying it should exist in such a way that what you do actually makes a difference. That is when a game becomes a roleplaying game. When the players with ambition who want to make big changes in the world (become nobles, take over areas, political intrigue, etc) actually have an effect.
    Instead of being known as guy #3929339 who saved the princess last week, you're Lord Garvel who rules his land with an iron fist and executes serfs who speak ill of him.
    Your reputation and statuts in the game would have nothing to do with how long you stood around slaying small spiders.
    That is the key to a good roleplaying game. It offers choice of play style and makes each choice effective. If players cannot make any change on the world based on their more social use of roleplaying the roleplaying is in effect cancelled out because it has no impact on the game (and why its NOT a roleplaying game)
    Like I said almost every game ever made has let you play a role.. there is always a lil backstory as to what you're doing, who you are, etc. But its basically meaningless in 99% of the games out there.

    Roleplaying Game: A game in which you can effectively play the role of your character and make decisisions that have a meaningful and lasting effect on the world in which you play.

    Jeonsa - Korean video games for Foreigners

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