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This write up was made by Nalfen And posted at :
Seeing as there is so much Warrior speculation/wrong information on this forum, i will list the skills, abilities, how it plays, performs and compares from my point of view as a lvl 58 Warrior on the Korean retail version of TERA.
-THINGS LEFT TO DO: Gear Selection, Glyph Setup, PvP Tactics and Crystal Setup
*EDIT : Revamped Skill Guide with all the Dark Awakening changes
*EDIT : Revamped Class description to reflect the current state of the game
*EDIT : Updated all skills with changes made since Feb 2011
*EDIT : Added more Videos
*EDIT : Formating
*EDIT : Added Video links
This is a question that's asked around on this forum more than anything: We are a tank class, our DPS is around 25% that of a what true DPS class can do; it is however above any non DPS class.
It mean we can kill at a decent rate and survive too. Warriors are also one of the few classes that can solo BAM's
The damage gap will start slowly, increasing with levels and gear until it reaches proportions of around 75% less damage than a comparable damage class.
The huge gap is caused mainly due to the Crystal system allowing Critical hit multiplications (up to 8x times with the proper conditions) this makes those 25k base hits into 200k! While we have skills that can deal 25k damage they do so with multiple hits (7 hit combo) meaning that only a small portion of the damage that gets multiplied every time we crit.
Should critical hit multiplication ever be capped to like 3 or 4x then Warrior DPS will be maybe 50-75% of a DPS class.
Outside of Crystals the other reason for our lower damage is that our weapons and skills have less power than the comparable options that DPS classes get. We also get slightly less attack as we level.
I have yet to fail at tanking any content the game has to offer. That said Lancers can do all of that and make it a lot easier on them and their party. So given a choice of a Warrior or Lancer of equal skill a party will almost always choose the Lancer. Lancers are also a lot easier to play well.
Are Warriors bad? Not entirely but they have some major flaws in the tanking department:
1 - Because we have to dodge in order to survive instead of blocking we keep the monsters moving all the time, this makes the DPS have to work harder to get their good back hits and makes it a lot riskier for everyone else too. Healers also have to work their ass off to keep up with your location to heal you.
2 - Lancers can hit their block and maintain it for as long as they want (yes, I know they would lose agro if they did it all the time but at least you can play it safe). For a Warrior you have to time your avoidance perfectly so when the timing of attacks shifts on a boss (let say enraged) you have to account for that on the fly; you cannot play it safe and anticipate, you have to react in a split second all the time. This can be fairly easy for a short period of time but try remaining super focused for a 20 minute boss fight. You also get a 5 sec cool down on your dodge compare to their 1 sec block cool down so you can’t recover from a failed dodge.
3 - Some bosses have attacks that a warrior cannot fully dodge due to their size or reach or repeated hits; a lancer can hold his block through the entire attack however the warrior has to run out preemptively or take a part of the damage.
Those 3 key differences are the main reason why Warriors are the least played class in the game. A positive side effect is that your gear is cheap because of the lack of competition!
Because of the above ideal party setup for a Lancer Warrior differs somewhat. this is of course a matter of preference and most setups will work anyway.
Warrior - 2 Healers and 2 range dps with high burst dmg
Lancer - 1 Healer and 3 melee dps
Last thing, at 58, Warriors have around the same HP as Lancers and a little less Defense, if you use Resolution of Steel you will have more def (even more with glyph).
So we are a subpar tank, we do mediocre DPS, you’d think we are bad at PvP… WRONG!
Warriors are walking nightmare for casters of all sorts, we bring 6 stuns to the table, a super fast attack rate, high mobility and a snare. Simply put if we drop on a caster he is locked down completely.
While this might not be enough to fully finish a class, with proper assisting a warrior can keep a target stationary long enough for any DPs class to line up devastating attacks. Also since we are a tank by design we are pretty hard to take down; this means most groups never go for the warrior first.
One vs One we do ok, you will usually lose to healers (most classes do) but all other classes are fair game. Slayers are probably our hardest “fair” fight, they have almost as much mobility and stuns as we do but they hit a lot harder than we do.
Conclusion: we are a proper grinding class, great PvP class and subpar tank.
We start the game with 2 skills and will gain an additional 19 skills over 58 levels. This is a bit on the low side for an MMO but on par with most classes in Tera (Most skills is Mystic with 26). We also get 45 Glyphs spread over all skills and 43 glyph point at lvl 58
Our skill distribution is as follow:
6 Damage Skills – Combo Attack, Blustering Strike, Venomous Blow, Strong Flurry, Tornado and Smash
3 Taunts - Dual Sword Dance, Courageous Blow and Stunning Roar
4 Evasion Skills - Soaring Strike, Elusive Strike Emergency Evasion and Counter Spin
2 Movement Skills - Charge Slash and Shadowstep
3 Toggle skills - Will of Iron, Will of Menace and Snap Joints
3 Utility skills – Shadow Clone, Deadly Will and Cut Slash
Color Codes:
Gold - Awesome Ability/Glyph
Green - Good Ability/Glyph
White - Average Ability/Glyph
Yellow - Poor Ability/Glyph
Red - Terrible Ability/Glyph
(x) Level - Skill Name - Description
[x] Glyph Cost - Effect - Description
(1) Combo Attack - On par with most melee classes it deals low damage slightly increasing over 4 swings (7 hits in total) but gives you mana back so you will be using this quite often. Our version of the basic attack has the advantage of a lot of hits so weapons with on hit effects get a high chance of going off.
[5] 5% more threat per hit - Useless, especially for 5 points
[3] 35% more mana back per hit - actually useful and for 3 points its a steal
[5] 5% chance per hit to stun for 3 sec - 5% seems low on paper but we attack very fast so this goes off a lot
(1) Emergency Evasion - Your main survival skill, this is a directional dodge, allowing you to avoid attacks and be invulnerable for .5sec every 5. Main issues with the skill is it doesn't dodge far enough vs very large bosses, meaning you have to time the .5 sec invulnerability with the attack or get hit anyway. It will also do nothing vs multiple attacks.
[4] 25% change to reset cool down - 25% means its very unreliable and no serious tank wants unreliable skills id much rather have a 25% reduced cooldown.
[4] 30% chance to increase Atk speed by 15% for 10 sec - Once again a weird choice for a tank evasion skill, it’s not bad Glyph but not very desirable either.
[4] Regain 3% of max HP if you combo into Venomous Blow –Venomous Blow sucks so if you want HP back on skill usage check Blustering strike it has a better option.
(2) Blustering Strike - This is our best and only non-situational damage move, a 7 hit attack combo with decent damage. Mana cost is high so keep that in mind while tanking, nothing worse than missing a dodge because you were out of mana. As a bonus you take 30% less damage while performing this skill.
[6] 25% Additional Damage - We do crap damage but this is our only decent damage move so if you're going to glyph for damage this is the skill to add it to.
[5] .5% life restored per hit - gives you 3.5% of your max hp back when you connect with all 7 hits of this skill. Won’t keep you alive while tanking but does wonders to compensate for the HP loss of Courageous Strike.
(4) Tornado - Only usable after a dodge this skill does medium-high damage all around you. It’s a decent damage skill but a newbie trap while tanking because it stops you in your tracks for a good 1.5 sec while you spin; usually a really bad idea after evading a hit.
[5] 25% Additional Damage – 25% adds a decent chunk of damage but for 5 point on a rather long cool down skill it’s hard to justify.
[4] 30% Chance to reset cool down – If you’re going for max DPS grab this along with the extra damage else don’t bother.
(6) Courageous Blow - A forward stab that cost you HP instead of MP to deal damage. It also taunts and adds a 15 sec 4.5% defense reduction. This is one of those skills that you get too early in the game to really appreciate. Under lvl 20 you will not really have to tank nor will a 4.5% armor debuff be noticeable and the HP loss will be very high for those levels. At high level this is a great way to maintain Threat while maintaining mana.
[3] 50% less Hp used - This should be your first Glyph and be included in any setup.
[3] 20% more damage to Strong Flurry for 8 sec - Gives your Battered spirit a little more Oomph, ok while grinding at higher level but useless otherwise.
[2] 50% longer duration on the debuff – Adds 7.5 secs to the 4.5% defense debuff; you use Courageous Strike so often that you do not need this.
[3] 35% more damage to Smash for 8 sec – If you group mainly with berserkers and slayers for your DPS then this can be a nice DPS boost, otherwise you on your own will almost never knockdowns targets.
(8) Strong Flurry - This 2 hit with an optional third hit ability deals damage and adds a little extra every 20% hp we are missing. This skill also makes you move around forward with every hit so with a little practice you can side step with the 1-2 and then 3rd hit at the back of the target. As a bonus you take 20% less damage while performing this move.
[5] 25% chance to reset cool down - not really worth it unless you're dps; you use this skill sparingly while tanking. While grinding or trash mobs farming it can be fine.
[5] 10% chance to reduce attack speed by 30% for 7 sec - Would this be 25% chance or higher then this would be a must have tanking ability but at 10% this is just too low and the duration too short.
(10) Will of Iron - When you get this skill it will be kinda bad. It starts as a toggle on/off 10% extra defense and 30% more threat that cost 15 mana per 2 sec. The problem lies with the fact that at low level 10% of your low defense is nothing. However, once you hit lvl 30 you get the 2nd rank of this skill giving 20% of your now considerable defense, add in the 20% glyph and you now have more def than a Lancer!
[6] 20% extra - If you are going to tank real content this should always be included. Quick warning; it also increases mana cost per 2 sec to 18
For the Will of Menace Icon check Will of Iron (Iron blue Menace Red) I had to post them both there due to a 20 image limit per post
(10) Will of Menace - A toggle skill that cost 10 mp/2 that gives 15% more strength and 30 Critical rating at the cost of and 15% less defense. Values at rank 2 are 20% str -20% def and 40 crit. This skill is the single highest damage boost they have given warriors.
[x] No Glyphs
(12) Soaring Strike - A Skill that everyone gets, this props you back up instantly when knocked down and deals some AoE damage.
[2] Reduce Smash MP use by 75 - This skill has our highest knockdown potential so it makes sense to link it with Smash but if you need 75 mana reduction you have other issues.
[4] 20% cool down reduction - If you are serious about tanking then use this; knock downs are the number one way you will die vs bosses so being able to get up more often might just save your life.
[3] 25% more damage - This is not a high damage skill makes this a waste of points
(14) Stunning Roar - AoE 3 sec Stun and Taunt on a 30 sec cool down; the 1.4 sec cast time can be a bitch but this is great for pvp and pve.
[4] 20% cool down reduction - for pvp it can help, for PvE tanking if you have leftover points go for it.
[2] 10% more chances of stun - this is not a great glyph but at 2 points its priced right; i use it often as a leftover point glyph.
[6] 50% faster cast speed - .7 sec instead of 1.4 makes a big difference; for PvP its a must have for PvE you have to weight in the massive 6 point cost.
[3] 20% more threat - This skill's threat is fine as is so you do not really need this.
(18) Shadow Clone - One of our good skills, this eats up some mana and 30% of your curent HP to spawn a shadow that will agro everything around and tank it for 20 sec (does almost no dmg). If you are doing mass AoE pulls this can really grab a lot of mobs in a pinch. Other uses are getting a boss of you long enough for a rez. Certain bosses will rip it apart in seconds so do use with caution.
** We also get 2 new skills along with the Clone, one is a Attack command the other is a Disengage command, those 2 skills let you direct the clone to attack specific targets or stop attacking.
[4] 20% cool down reduction - When this was on a 2 min CD this was decent but on a 50 sec CD, this is really not needed.
(18) Dual Sword Dance - Your general purpose AoE taunt, this slashes everything around you twice and generates a lot of threat. Mana cost is high so i would advise against spamming it unless needed. As a bonus you take 50% less damage while performing this move.
[6] 20% more Threat - If your weapon lacks +threat mods it might be wise to get this with a high damage party. It also help to compensate if you want to tank in DPS Stance.
[3] 88 less mana per use - Unless you have to spam this skill this is not really good and there is no situation where i ever had to spam it.
[6] 25% chance to root for 4 sec - Right now i think this might be bugged because i never got it to work but if its fixed its a great PvP Glyph but expensive.
(22) Venomous Blow - This skill is a frontal stab that adds a 10 sec dot every 2 sec for 5 ticks total to your target. If your gear blows the dot damage will seems nice but since all DoT's in the game do not scale at all this skill will get progressively worst as your gear improves. (max damage is ~1400 a tick)
[6] 15% more DoT damage - Max dot damage at 58 is ~1400/tick.. 6 points for 1050 damage is awful.
(24) Smash - All Melee Classes get this skill. Our version is slightly BUGGED (has serious hit box issues) if this is ever fixed this skill will become a good source of damage when grouped with Slayers and Berserker. This launches you in the air as you try to stab at your target. Damage is multiplied by 5 if the target is knocked down.
[5] 25% more damage - This is potentially our highest damage skill but since its bugged and we hardly knock down anyone, this glyph is pointless unless you are DPS with a Slayer/Berzerker.
(26) Elusive Strike - Jump attack strait up in the air evading every hit for 3 sec; our 2nd dodge comes in a bit late but helps complete our evasion toolkit. This skill is all about timing since it will jump strait up and lands you right where you left, so time it right and you can avoid most multi attacks.
[3] 30% cool down reduction - Must have Glyph and for 3 points this one is a steal.
[3] 50% chance to increase attack speed by 15% for 10 sec - Like the dodge glyph a weird choice for a tank evasion skill, its not bad Glyph and does stack with the one from Emergency Evasion for 30% total if you get lucky.
(30) Charge Slash - Finally, a charge skill; this move couldn't come sooner to help with mobility. This is a strait line dash followed by a single medium damage attack if you connect with a target. Its a great way to get to or away from enemies. As a bonus it generates some threat.
[3] 25% cool down reduction - Great for PvP to catch kiter's, for pve this is not a priority
[3] 50 mana saved on poison strike - This is crap, lower mana on a bad skill that is not very expensive to begin with.
[4] 20% more damage to Courageous Blow for 8 sec - Helps when you are grinding, outside of that not really useful.
(32) Snap Joints- A Toggle skill that cost 10 mana/sec that gives a 4 sec snare to the 4th attack in your auto attack chain. this skill could use some improvement but if you are grouped with a Mystic you will have mana to spare so activate that for the odd snare here and there.
[x] No Glyphs
(42) Shadowstep - a 30 sec cool down Teleport in the back of the target and attack + stun 4 sec; one of our best moves, too bad it comes this late in our carer. for PvE you can use it as a ghetto escape and in PvP this is your opener of choice vs anything.
[3] 50% longer stun - Must have; gives an extra 2 sec of stun vs just about everything but Bosses (very high resist).
[5] 25% cool down reduction - For PvE no, for PvP try to work it in your build it helps a lot.
(48) Deadly Will - For 20 sec every 2 minutes you get 36 more critical rating at the cost of 30 less critical resistance. this is not as bad as it used to be but the long cool down coupled with the weak effect + drawback makes this skill kinda bad.
[4] 25% lower cool down - This skill is not good enough to waste Glyph points on it.
(54) Counter Spin - A skill that is only triggered for 3 sec when we get hit; this does high damage, stuns for 3 sec and spins the target so his back is facing you. In short this is just plain awesome and helps stop boss attacks. 15 sec cool down.
[5] 50% longer stun - A great glyph but costly for the 1.5 sec extra stun time.
[4] 20% chance to reset cool down - Maybe its just me but i am not a fan of cool down resets, they are not reliable so you can't prepare for them and put them in your normal rotations.
[3] 25% more damage - this skill does some pretty good damage so if you are glyphing for damage this is not a bad choice.
(58) Cut Slash - This 30 sec cool down skill does medium to high damage and if you hit a target that is already stunned it will apply another 4 sec stun to every target it hits (it has a pretty wide arc too).
[3] 88 less mana on Blustering Strike - We do not need mana glyphs, plain and simple.
[4] 20% more damage to Blustering Strike for 8 sec - Well it adds damage to our highest damage attack but only once every 30 sec so this is not bad but its also not great.
[4] 88 less mana on use - Sometimes i think the developers lack imagination, once again we do not need mana reduction.
[4] 30% chance to reset cool down - Its unreliable and i do hate unreliable skills but in PvP a chance to re-stun someone is golden (i have kept people stunlocked entire fights with this at times).
I will try to post some more Warrior videos when i get some time.
Tanking Videos:
20 Basilisk -
20 Dungeon Part 1 -
20 Dungeon Part 2 -
38 Tail -
50 Medusa -
50 Solo Crab -
56 Drake -
56 Frost Giant -
55 Eyeball -
52 Demon Beast of Destruction -
56 Dark Reaper -
59 Dungeon Terror Laboratory Boss 2 -
59 Dungeon Terror Laboratory Boss 3 -
59 Dungeon Terror Laboratory End Boss -
60 Dragon -
DPS Videos:
57 Drake
59 Black Tower DPS Warrior Boss 2 -
59 Black Tower DPS Warrior Boss 3 -
59 Black Tower DPS Warrior Boss 4 -
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
EDIT: 8/8/2011
New skills added to the warrior class
Instant | MP - 250 | Cooldown - 10 sec | Power - 889
(22) Bite - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011 This is a leap attack with a short range and medium damage but if you follow it up with Stab or Blustering Strike it will greatly speed up the attack. As a bonus this move snares the enemy for 4 sec (50% movement speed reduction) The skill is ok; it adds a little mobility because of the leap and it is pretty much a requirement to use it before Stab. Than snare is just gravy
Instant | MP - 300 | Cooldown - 11 sec | Power - 242
(28) Stab - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011. This low damage attack stabs 3 times for low damage and adds a .8% defense debuff to the enemy for 5 sec(stacks with itself) However if you precede that move with (22)Bite it will stab a whooping 13 times! The debuff itself fully stacked (13 times) is a nice 10.4% armor reduction and it stacks with The 4.5 from Courageous Blow.
Instant | MP - 320 | Cooldown - 11 sec | Power - 1979
(28) Split - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011. This is our new highest damage attack. A forward 2 hit attack that deals strait forward damage. If preceded by Stab the move will be executed twice as fast.
[4] 25% more damage - Our new high damage skill, if you want damage there it is.
[2] 80 less mana used - Another worthless Glyph but at least its cheap.
New skills in action:
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Thanks so much for this guide. I actually picked Warrior and loved it. I was able to get to level 25 and play a little bit with the Glyph system. This really helped me understand all those skills I was picking up! It is a shame that open beta for J-TERA was so short, I even enjoyed playing Berserker as well. Maybe this should get stickied for future use since it has so much useful information.
Update: How to solo BAM videos.
K-Retail 58 Warrior - BAM Solo 1 of 10 - Basilisk
Begining shows Crystal & Glyph setup:
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I've found Nalfen to be one of the best warriors in Tera. Even better than most Koreans. When he main tanks he never gets hit and always maintains arrgo. Even though he always complains of bad If only more Warriors were like him, then the Warrior class wouldn't have such a bad rep as it is.
Bah !
I wanted to watch those videos but all of them were lag.I was really only ever interested in TERA for it's combat system,i was hoping to one day try it out. I have never had a combat system intrigue me after playing FFXi's combat system,so i am always on the lookout for a new game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
my warrior guide:
dont roll one.
healers will hate you because you're always dodging out of their heals.
dps will hate you because you're always dodging in front of their line of fire.
mobs will hate you because you're always dodging out of their attacks.
NPCs will hate you because look so damn good with your twin swords.
you will hate yourself for being hated so much by everybody.
just be nice and roll a damn lancer .
Yeah Nalfen is one of the best, hands down. And I fear we are going to get stuck with a bunch of bad warriors in NA because people are going to play them just for the duel swords.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
RIP Orc Choppa
Slayer is a good choice, it's a well rounded class. Good in pve and king in pvp. Zerkers are on the low end when it comes to pvp, at least untill they get there aoe slow skill at lvl58 then it kinda evens the odds at 1v1 pvp.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
The main complaint with Warriors is that you have to dodge to avoid damage which causes positioning problems.
Why dont they just replace dodge with something else? like a Parry ability
Parry would be an active sustained defense tool like block but wouldnt mitigate as much damage. However successful parries would allow for follow up attacks.
I know Blue Hole is pushing new content as fast as possible but they really need to take a minute and stop and figure what classes are working and which are not.
I think the biggest problem is everyone sees this bad ass class and thinks it's a DD class. Well it's not, and so you end up with tons of bad warriors.
In Japan 60% of the players went Warrior because they all thought it was a DD class that could dual
A great warrior tank never has to move the mob very much, and isn't dumb enough to get in the way of other players. Man I can already see the massive amount of QQ that is gonna happen when this game comes out in the west.
Its not the class that is the problem, its the players that play them that are the real problem. People want "easy mode" so they can get through the content with the least amount of effort. The Warrior class does exactly what it is suppose to do but it takes a lot of concentration & reaction, things that are lacking in most gamers these days.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Blaming the gamer for people not liking a part of a game or all of the game is a joke. Something only ignorant designers would say like the creator of Heavy Rain. Just because people don't appreciate a feature in a game doesn't mean that people are stupid or lazy. Sometimes it just sucks and was a bad idea from the start.
If FF14 has shown us anything is to not expect the gamer to change for your game. You change the game to fit the gamer. Designers can deal with it if they expect to be AAA. Which I know TERA wont be after a month into release.
No I'm not joking. I have seen enough warriors in Ktera and you can tell the skilled players from the non-skilled players. Like I said its not the class. I would be quite disappointed if the devs dumbed down the class just too appease the non-skilled.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I can understand where your coming from, sometimes a class is just too hard to play because of how the devs made it, and BHS is listening, they have already made 2 major overhauls of the warrior class and will do a third in the next coming weeks.
But you got to have a happy medium here. You can't just keep making changes for the sake of making changes every month (see Rift) just because certain players wine the class is to hard to play.
TERA has a different kind of combat and will require some skill. You can't macro all your skills into 1 button in this game and then go to sleep. If the Devs start nerfing everything then the game itself will just become a bore and people will leave.
The masses are hard to please. Even if they went through changes for the class and make it a DPS class that is on par with Archer or Sorc and the 9th class added would be a true tank worth playing it still wouldn't be enough. As far as skill goes, the fact that people keep mentioning it annoys me. TERAs "skill" level isn't much, it makes trash fights longer and gets boring quite easily. Someone like me who plays fighting games for fun finds TERAs combat not skillfull. To me it's slow and time consuming which most of the time I stop dodging completely just to kill the mobs faster which takes the whole skill out of the equation.
If they sped the combat up to like Vindictus speed then it would be less boring but if I wanted TERA like combat then I can play Monster Hunter/Hunter Blade for free. =P
Have you even played at higher lvl? the combat speed is not an issue. From what you are saying it appears you don't know what your talking about.
These are only lvl 50 players:
As you can see it's not slow at all, esp for a mmorpg.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Ive seen highly skilled Enhancement Shamans tank heroics in WoW. Does that mean Shamans are viable tanks? No, it doesnt.
Warriors dont need to be "dumbed down" to be viable tanks they just need their mitigation skill redesigned.
Blue Hole could be stubborn and think that dodge is not the issue and redesign everything about Warriors except dodge but then Warriors would never be viable tanks compared to Lancers.
Basing your opinion on a zerg video of a bunch of people spamming abilities ... ok, if you judge others opinion based on something like this then you need to stop posting. Seriously, this is your best offer? find something decent if you want to prove your point. God, they aren't even aiming at anything ... they are just running around spamming moves.
These are only lvl 50 players:
As you can see it's not slow at all, esp for a mmorpg.
Basing your opinion on a zerg video of a bunch of people spamming abilities ... ok, if you judge others opinion based on something like this then you need to stop posting. Seriously, this is your best offer? find something decent if you want to prove your point. God, they aren't even aiming at anything ... they are just running around spamming moves.
When did you become such a Tera fan...:P
Here are 4 warriors bouncing hate off each other doing Kesla.
Update: How to solo BAM videos.
K-Retail 58 Warrior - BAM Solo 2 of 10 - Frost Giant
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I'm pretty sure that I've been following TERA longer then you so don't bother with an attitude like that. Even at max level, the combat is slow in comparison to other action based MMOs. Most people who have played action based games either single player or multiplayer may find the combat to be slow and boring. I know I do and to say that it's not and issue and throw the problem under the rug is stupid. It's fine to like a game and to enjoy it but a true fan is someone who can see problems with it and suggest for them to be changed or tweaked not someone who will ignore it and hope for the best. Then people will wonder, "Why are people still playing tab targetting games over TERA? TERA's system is so good." While it maybe true, that doesn't make it perfect and that it doesn't need to be improved on.
In a world of MMOs that we are in now where everyone and there brother has an MMO coming out in an over saturated market MMOs will have to stand out more. Ever since day 1 I played TERA I have said the same thing over and over again. TERA's combat is decent but it needs more to be sucessful. I will say that now and forever whether I play the game or not but GW2 looks more interesting to me for many factors even if TERA has slightly more interesting combat.
[quote]Originally posted by Otakun
I'm just joking, man it's clear you don't like the
So you play Tera huh? What race and class are yea? and what server and guild your in ? maybe we have meet before.
Basing my opinion on a pvp But I did show you the video in order to show you how fast the combat is.
My opinions are a direct result from me playing Tera in Korea for a few months now. Take it however you like because I really don't care at this point.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
If it's clear to you that I don't like TERA then you didn't understand anything I wrote there.
I stopped playing on the Korean servers after the first month of release due to lack of funds. Though I played an Elin Archer and a Human Warrior.