Its a free to play game and has millions of players. And your actually questioning why everyone isnt going to be all happy and jolly about the game. If you have ever played the game up to level 30 and ranked matches the game gets very competetive. Its just the nature of Ranked games.
I also pretty much quit because of the community; it's one of the worst I've ever seen. Bunch of screaming, whining, self-entitled brats. Don't get me wrong; I understand getting upset if someone who clearly doesn't know what they're doing enters a ranked match and starts screwing it up. But unranked matches are there for practice, and I think it's just absurd how bent out of shape people get over a match that doesn't even MATTER. But make just one mistake, and people (the 'vets' I suppose) jump all over you, screaming the word 'noob' combined with various insults and racial slurs to the point of ridiculousness.
To their credit, Riot Games does do their best to police the community, unlike some others *coughBlizzardcough*. Unfortunately, it's still just terrible. Which really sucks because the game is incredibly fun and well made. Maybe us folk who love the game but hate the people should make our own clan and just play that way... food for thought.
It typically isn't one mistake that gets you raged at. Nobody I know screams at people for going 0-1. People get yelled at for going 0-5 or 0-7.
Basically, as someone mentioned earlier, players expect others at level 30 to have a working knowledge of the game. They don't expect you to know exactly how much damage every ability does, but they do expect you to have an idea of how to play.
For example, if the minimap doesn't show any enemy heroes and you're pushing one of their towers, you're going to die. Plain and simple. People get mad when others make mistakes that are easily fixed.
Its a free to play game and has millions of players. And your actually questioning why everyone isnt going to be all happy and jolly about the game. If you have ever played the game up to level 30 and ranked matches the game gets very competetive. Its just the nature of Ranked games.
It typically isn't one mistake that gets you raged at. Nobody I know screams at people for going 0-1. People get yelled at for going 0-5 or 0-7.
Basically, as someone mentioned earlier, players expect others at level 30 to have a working knowledge of the game. They don't expect you to know exactly how much damage every ability does, but they do expect you to have an idea of how to play.
For example, if the minimap doesn't show any enemy heroes and you're pushing one of their towers, you're going to die. Plain and simple. People get mad when others make mistakes that are easily fixed.