The Iceland “summit” simply proved that one needs to watch what CCP does rather than what they say, in particular when they contradict themselves in text and code. Hilmar will never live down the leaked email or the CSM’s quote on it from the summit report.
CCP purposely did not clearly state what NEX will encompass. read their language carefully and you will see what i mean. they said whatever to buy time. but rest assured, you WILL soon see variations of ammo, ships and aesthetical tools in the NEX store.
True, they didn't save "never", but they did say that they "didn't have plans right now" for selling "gold ammo". That's good enough for me. To expect a company to say "never" in regards to an issue like this is severe naivete and shows a lack of any business sense whatsoever. EVE operates in an evolving market, and to prevent it from evolving, if needed, is game suicide.
And in the multiple developer podcasts that followed, they have shown great concern about not introducing any game-breaking items on the NEX (game breaking = things that mess with the player-run economy).
What you drama queens seem to not realize is that CCP actually *cares* about their game. Gasp! I know it's hard to fathom through all your bitter-vet-self-righteous-entitlement tears, but they know it's in their best interests not to sell non-vanity items in the store. They post more on their forums, and engage customers directly, more than any other game company their size. Kudos to them for conversing with the whiny masses.
I'm not worried about EVE's summer population numbers. They're typical for this time of year. Yes, the population increases after expansions have plateau'ed, and that has caused CCP some concern. Which is probably one of the reasons why they created Incarna. Instead of just internet spaceships, they're taking a step toward a more immervise Sci-Fi experience wih the hopes of retaining new players. More power to 'em.
If you've quit the game, just go. Don't look back. Don't post on forums. To do otherwise just shows that you can't let the game go. And guess what? The population is just fine. I log in every day, and the pop is usually between 40-45k. I'm happy with that, especially because it's summer. But if you want to believe that EVE is "dying", go right ahead, whatever makes you quit faster imo. Enjoy complaining about your next game.
Doh, I fell for your troll! <slaps myself>
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
Stopped reading after the blatant BS about devs saying the NEX would include game affecting items. They have clearly said the opposite. Go ahead and find where this supposed dev said that, don't worry I'll wait. I'm in fleets with a CSM regularly and while there was a period of time where it wasn't clear, after a trip to Iceland it was clear that they had no intention of doing that. That CCP scare is over, let it go.
this made me lol, im sorry. few things...
CCP purposely did not clearly state what NEX will encompass. read their language carefully and you will see what i mean. they said whatever to buy time. but rest assured, you WILL soon see variations of ammo, ships and aesthetical tools in the NEX store.
youre in fleets with a CSM? do you have any idea how little credibility and relevance CSM has? the entire emergency meeting just added fuel to the fire...CSM was put in its place by Zulu.
CCP scare is over...yes, in a way the drama is over. but youre probably just noticing the eerie silence of thousands who stopped giving a shit about the game and just left.
im sure many will return when useful features are implemented or reworked, but youre looking at late 2012 at best.
the saddest part of all? 2 years ago when Trinity was implemented, CCP was at the top. and they singlehandedly destroyed what EVE stood for during the years that followed: sandbox, pvp, niche. EVE no longer has a niche. most forms of pvp are a BORE at best, and spectacular failures at worst. there are AMAZING games coming out over the next 6 months or so, and EVE will soon be forgotten by most. people have better things to do. EVE reached its pinnacle about 2 years ago, and it's been nothing but a steady descent into mediocrity ever since. cocky delusional devs are cocky and delusional O.o
You have ZERO grounds for saying that we "WILL" see game changing items in the NEX. You sound like a guy ontop of a cardboard box in Time Square saying the world is going to end.
CSM has little credibility, but random bitter vet #2931292, you sir have credibility right?
The eerie silence of thousand who stopped playing? Maybe when the scare was real, but ever since the CSM summit I've not noticed anyone say anything about going inactive. I've seen no shortage of people to fly with and people to blow up. My Corp is recruiting at a steady pace and our alliance is gearing up for more fun campaigns. Stating baseless things as facts only makes you look petty man.
Amazing games coming out. Most of those you mentioned are single player games lol. You know you're trolling hard when you bring single player games and first person shooters into a discussion in an MMORPG and more specifically an EVE forum.
TOR is the only MMORPG there that has a chance of being released this year. TOR is a themepark and will do little to EVE. Archage is probably where EVE has competition, and even then there are plenty of people that will continue to play EVE because of the spaceship/military aspect.
cocky delusional guy calling out cocky delusional devs lol.
If you're so done with EVE then why are you here trolling it so hard?
I'm having fun with the sandbox, pvp, niche, and community. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't know what game you logged into, but the game I've been logging into has been filled with activity and action. The general mood over the game has been even more uplifted ever since they announced that they will be putting Supers in check. But no, CCP doesn't care about their game and has no idea what they are doing and the game is dying, right guy?
Another one has seen past the curtain, I see. Congratulation or my condolences whichever is appropriate. I still remember when I was naive and innocent. Games were all magical then. Now I'm just... weary and sceptical. I don't know wheter it is good or bad. Good in the sense that I see the treadmill and past the illusion. Bad that I fear I can't have the sense of wonder back.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been-Wayne Gretzky
Another one has seen past the curtain, I see. Congratulation or my condolences whichever is appropriate. I still remember when I was naive and innocent. Games were all magical then. Now I'm just... weary and sceptical. I don't know wheter it is good or bad. Good in the sense that I see the treadmill and past the illusion. Bad that I fear I can't have the sense of wonder back.
Not sure what you're point is. I've played many different MMOs, and I approached each one with a "sense of wonder". If you accept a game for what it is, there is no danger of, as you put so dramatically, "seeing the treadmill and past the illusion".
Sounds like you changed, not the game. You need to step away from MMOs. They might not be for you.
It's not an EVE thing. it's a *you* thing.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
Another one has seen past the curtain, I see. Congratulation or my condolences whichever is appropriate. I still remember when I was naive and innocent. Games were all magical then. Now I'm just... weary and sceptical. I don't know wheter it is good or bad. Good in the sense that I see the treadmill and past the illusion. Bad that I fear I can't have the sense of wonder back.
Originally posted by Quirhid Another one has seen past the curtain, I see. Congratulation or my condolences whichever is appropriate. I still remember when I was naive and innocent. Games were all magical then. Now I'm just... weary and sceptical. I don't know wheter it is good or bad. Good in the sense that I see the treadmill and past the illusion. Bad that I fear I can't have the sense of wonder back.
You'll need to learn to seek other joys to take from the genre other than the initial feeling of MMO-wonder Quirhid or I'm fairly sure you'll be seeing the treadmill for the rest of your gaming life, one cynic to another I empathise but just saying.
Everytime I see a video for EVE I'm always like, "Wow! That is so cool!" then i resubscribe and regret it 3 days later because I *never* see anything remotely as cool as those videos show. :P
Instead I'm travelign for 30 minutes each way to different systems while tabbed down surfing porn, checking my email, playing another game entirely, or even playing my PSP.
Kinda always seems pointless for me to play a game that encourages you to play other games or do other stuff while doing it. Yeah, such a deep enchanting experience. :P
Anymore if I get that itch to play EVE and I think to myself, "Hey, maybe this time it will be better." I just look at screenshots or videos of EVE and open up Excel 2007 and stare at spreadsheets until the moment passes.
Everytime I see a video for EVE I'm always like, "Wow! That is so cool!" then i resubscribe and regret it 3 days later because I *never* see anything remotely as cool as those videos show. :P
Instead I'm travelign for 30 minutes each way to different systems while tabbed down surfing porn, checking my email, playing another game entirely, or even playing my PSP.
Kinda always seems pointless for me to play a game that encourages you to play other games or do other stuff while doing it. Yeah, such a deep enchanting experience. :P
Anymore if I get that itch to play EVE and I think to myself, "Hey, maybe this time it will be better." I just look at screenshots or videos of EVE and open up Excel 2007 and stare at spreadsheets until the moment passes.
People who think that the "Wow! That is so cool" stuff will happen to them eventually if only they spend enough time endlessly grinding missions in hi-sec are invariably disappointed.
Are we all being honest about EVE? Or is it just dying hype born of unmet potential.... What do you think of the game right now, in truth?
Yes, it's dying hype born of unmet potential.
EVE is the sort of game you strenuously will it to be better than it really is. Lots of the design, the lore, the skill system, the economy, etc., and some of the genuine depth (especially in the build system) is absolutely fantastic.
But so much of the rest of the game is just half-baked.
I used to believe otherwise - I had faith in CCP and in the game's potential, but as a result of the recent events, the scales have fallen from my eyes.
I now think CCP management are just a bunch of cokeheads bumbling around. They don't really have a clue what they've got (in terms of potential) or what they're doing with it - if they ever had, it was a long time ago.
I mentioned this to the 50K people that are online right now, but they were too busy pew pewing to respond. If 50K+ concurrent users means that EVE is "dying" or that CCP doesn't have a "clue", I'm ok with that.
If you don't like EVE, or don't play it anymore, it's ok to move on and not think about it anymore. Or post. There are plenty of other games, and things to do, so there is no need to waste your time here. Just some advice.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
I mentioned this to the 50K people that are online right now, but they were too busy pew pewing to respond. If 50K+ concurrent users means that EVE is "dying" or that CCP doesn't have a "clue", I'm ok with that.
If you don't like EVE, or don't play it anymore, it's ok to move on and not think about it anymore. Or post. There are plenty of other games, and things to do, so there is no need to waste your time here. Just some advice.
What he said was that the ritualistic "yeah EVE's great" types of things we all say are DYING HYPE born of unmet potential.
i.e. you used to see EVE praised to the high heavens all over the interwebs. I think you'll see that less, especially since Monoclegate, neither CCP nor EVE are "cool" anymore, as it's obvious CCP don't care about the integrity of the sandbox anymore. They used to, a long time ago, and I used to think they did, right up until I saw the Fearless newsletter. Now it's obvious that they stopped caring some time ago, and have been much more interested in making a profit by monetizing the shit out of their game, than in making a profit by making it the best space sandbox it could possibly be.
I don't think EVE will die - what it will do is change the complexion of its playerbase. I'm not sure whether it will decline or increase in subs. Perhaps CCP are gambling on the latter; I'm more inclined to the former. At the moment it looks like a slight decline, though nothing to worry about too much, I guess. But if the current trend continues the types of people who play EVE will change over time, and the game will gradually fade away (but that was always predictable anyway, just it'll come sooner).
EVE will lose its "magic" and become ... just another MMO, with a cash shop. A mere arena PvP game with some mediocre PvE on the side, easy to get into, easy to drop. High churn rate of fickle customers.
But as the OP says, it might not matter so much by then, as CCP will be concentrating on other things.
For myself, as a Bartle "Explorer" who's into lore and immersion, the biggest warning sign was the way CCP ignored their own lore to make CQ (and therefore NeX) more in the customer's face. Especially after promising CQ would be an option from Hangar view, that was a terrible, terrible move. So, I'll probably carry on subbing until I fulfilled my last set of goals, but after that, I don't know. if I start seeing things like learning speed boosters and the ability to buy info on faction standings, that will be it for me - "gold ammo" and playable Jovians won't be far round the corner, and the game will have cheapened too much for my tastes. it's obvious CCP don't care about the integrity of the sandbox anymore...Now it's obvious that they stopped caring some time ago.
It's not obvious to me, not at all. How have they disrupted the sandbox? Last I checked, NEX is optional, and you can still be a pirate, missioner, explorer, manufacturer, trader, pvp'er, fleet commander, mercenary, miner, hauler, wormholer, researcher, ratter, etc. In fact, after the recent drama, CCP has indicated that they still certainly do care, very much, about the game and its sandbox.
Originally posted by gurugeorge
EVE will lose its "magic" and become ... just another MMO, with a cash shop. A mere arena PvP game with some mediocre PvE on the side, easy to get into, easy to drop.
If EVE loses its magic, it's not the game's fault, it's *you*. Players change way more than games ever do. And EVE is about as far from a "mere arena PvP" game as possible, and I can't imagine the severe angle of the slippery slope that you rode to believe that such a mechanism would happen in this game.
Originally posted by gurugeorge
Especially after promising CQ would be an option from Hangar view, that was a terrible, terrible move. So, I'll probably carry on subbing until I fulfilled my last set of goals, but after that, I don't know. if I start seeing things like learning speed boosters and the ability to buy info on faction standings, that will be it for me - "gold ammo" and playable Jovians won't be far round the corner, and the game will have cheapened too much for my tastes.
Agreed. I did not like that they removed the hangar view. It seemed completely unnecessary, at least from a player's perspective. The good news for us is that they will be bringing it back in some form, hopefully soon.
Originally posted by gurugeorge
if I start seeing things like learning speed boosters and the ability to buy info on faction standings, that will be it for me - "gold ammo" and playable Jovians won't be far round the corner, and the game will have cheapened too much for my tastes.
No worries then. If this is your criteria for staying in the game, I don't think you'll unsub for a very long time.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
The Iceland “summit” simply proved that one needs to watch what CCP does rather than what they say, in particular when they contradict themselves in text and code. Hilmar will never live down the leaked email or the CSM’s quote on it from the summit report.
True, they didn't save "never", but they did say that they "didn't have plans right now" for selling "gold ammo". That's good enough for me. To expect a company to say "never" in regards to an issue like this is severe naivete and shows a lack of any business sense whatsoever. EVE operates in an evolving market, and to prevent it from evolving, if needed, is game suicide.
And in the multiple developer podcasts that followed, they have shown great concern about not introducing any game-breaking items on the NEX (game breaking = things that mess with the player-run economy).
What you drama queens seem to not realize is that CCP actually *cares* about their game. Gasp! I know it's hard to fathom through all your bitter-vet-self-righteous-entitlement tears, but they know it's in their best interests not to sell non-vanity items in the store. They post more on their forums, and engage customers directly, more than any other game company their size. Kudos to them for conversing with the whiny masses.
I'm not worried about EVE's summer population numbers. They're typical for this time of year. Yes, the population increases after expansions have plateau'ed, and that has caused CCP some concern. Which is probably one of the reasons why they created Incarna. Instead of just internet spaceships, they're taking a step toward a more immervise Sci-Fi experience wih the hopes of retaining new players. More power to 'em.
If you've quit the game, just go. Don't look back. Don't post on forums. To do otherwise just shows that you can't let the game go. And guess what? The population is just fine. I log in every day, and the pop is usually between 40-45k. I'm happy with that, especially because it's summer. But if you want to believe that EVE is "dying", go right ahead, whatever makes you quit faster imo. Enjoy complaining about your next game.
Doh, I fell for your troll! <slaps myself>
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
You have ZERO grounds for saying that we "WILL" see game changing items in the NEX. You sound like a guy ontop of a cardboard box in Time Square saying the world is going to end.
CSM has little credibility, but random bitter vet #2931292, you sir have credibility right?
The eerie silence of thousand who stopped playing? Maybe when the scare was real, but ever since the CSM summit I've not noticed anyone say anything about going inactive. I've seen no shortage of people to fly with and people to blow up. My Corp is recruiting at a steady pace and our alliance is gearing up for more fun campaigns. Stating baseless things as facts only makes you look petty man.
Amazing games coming out. Most of those you mentioned are single player games lol. You know you're trolling hard when you bring single player games and first person shooters into a discussion in an MMORPG and more specifically an EVE forum.
TOR is the only MMORPG there that has a chance of being released this year. TOR is a themepark and will do little to EVE. Archage is probably where EVE has competition, and even then there are plenty of people that will continue to play EVE because of the spaceship/military aspect.
cocky delusional guy calling out cocky delusional devs lol.
If you're so done with EVE then why are you here trolling it so hard?
I'm having fun with the sandbox, pvp, niche, and community. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't know what game you logged into, but the game I've been logging into has been filled with activity and action. The general mood over the game has been even more uplifted ever since they announced that they will be putting Supers in check. But no, CCP doesn't care about their game and has no idea what they are doing and the game is dying, right guy?
At the end of the day if EVE aint your type of game, dont play it. How hard is that?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Another one has seen past the curtain, I see. Congratulation or my condolences whichever is appropriate. I still remember when I was naive and innocent. Games were all magical then. Now I'm just... weary and sceptical. I don't know wheter it is good or bad. Good in the sense that I see the treadmill and past the illusion. Bad that I fear I can't have the sense of wonder back.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Not sure what you're point is. I've played many different MMOs, and I approached each one with a "sense of wonder". If you accept a game for what it is, there is no danger of, as you put so dramatically, "seeing the treadmill and past the illusion".
Sounds like you changed, not the game. You need to step away from MMOs. They might not be for you.
It's not an EVE thing. it's a *you* thing.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
Talk about emo
Pick up a book, don't take games so seriously.
You'll need to learn to seek other joys to take from the genre other than the initial feeling of MMO-wonder Quirhid or I'm fairly sure you'll be seeing the treadmill for the rest of your gaming life, one cynic to another I empathise but just saying.
Everytime I see a video for EVE I'm always like, "Wow! That is so cool!" then i resubscribe and regret it 3 days later because I *never* see anything remotely as cool as those videos show. :P
Instead I'm travelign for 30 minutes each way to different systems while tabbed down surfing porn, checking my email, playing another game entirely, or even playing my PSP.
Kinda always seems pointless for me to play a game that encourages you to play other games or do other stuff while doing it. Yeah, such a deep enchanting experience. :P
Anymore if I get that itch to play EVE and I think to myself, "Hey, maybe this time it will be better." I just look at screenshots or videos of EVE and open up Excel 2007 and stare at spreadsheets until the moment passes.
People who think that the "Wow! That is so cool" stuff will happen to them eventually if only they spend enough time endlessly grinding missions in hi-sec are invariably disappointed.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Yes, it's dying hype born of unmet potential.
EVE is the sort of game you strenuously will it to be better than it really is. Lots of the design, the lore, the skill system, the economy, etc., and some of the genuine depth (especially in the build system) is absolutely fantastic.
But so much of the rest of the game is just half-baked.
I used to believe otherwise - I had faith in CCP and in the game's potential, but as a result of the recent events, the scales have fallen from my eyes.
I now think CCP management are just a bunch of cokeheads bumbling around. They don't really have a clue what they've got (in terms of potential) or what they're doing with it - if they ever had, it was a long time ago.
I mentioned this to the 50K people that are online right now, but they were too busy pew pewing to respond. If 50K+ concurrent users means that EVE is "dying" or that CCP doesn't have a "clue", I'm ok with that.
If you don't like EVE, or don't play it anymore, it's ok to move on and not think about it anymore. Or post. There are plenty of other games, and things to do, so there is no need to waste your time here. Just some advice.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
What he said was that the ritualistic "yeah EVE's great" types of things we all say are DYING HYPE born of unmet potential.
i.e. you used to see EVE praised to the high heavens all over the interwebs. I think you'll see that less, especially since Monoclegate, neither CCP nor EVE are "cool" anymore, as it's obvious CCP don't care about the integrity of the sandbox anymore. They used to, a long time ago, and I used to think they did, right up until I saw the Fearless newsletter. Now it's obvious that they stopped caring some time ago, and have been much more interested in making a profit by monetizing the shit out of their game, than in making a profit by making it the best space sandbox it could possibly be.
I don't think EVE will die - what it will do is change the complexion of its playerbase. I'm not sure whether it will decline or increase in subs. Perhaps CCP are gambling on the latter; I'm more inclined to the former. At the moment it looks like a slight decline, though nothing to worry about too much, I guess. But if the current trend continues the types of people who play EVE will change over time, and the game will gradually fade away (but that was always predictable anyway, just it'll come sooner).
EVE will lose its "magic" and become ... just another MMO, with a cash shop. A mere arena PvP game with some mediocre PvE on the side, easy to get into, easy to drop. High churn rate of fickle customers.
But as the OP says, it might not matter so much by then, as CCP will be concentrating on other things.
For myself, as a Bartle "Explorer" who's into lore and immersion, the biggest warning sign was the way CCP ignored their own lore to make CQ (and therefore NeX) more in the customer's face. Especially after promising CQ would be an option from Hangar view, that was a terrible, terrible move. So, I'll probably carry on subbing until I fulfilled my last set of goals, but after that, I don't know. if I start seeing things like learning speed boosters and the ability to buy info on faction standings, that will be it for me - "gold ammo" and playable Jovians won't be far round the corner, and the game will have cheapened too much for my tastes.
It's not obvious to me, not at all. How have they disrupted the sandbox? Last I checked, NEX is optional, and you can still be a pirate, missioner, explorer, manufacturer, trader, pvp'er, fleet commander, mercenary, miner, hauler, wormholer, researcher, ratter, etc. In fact, after the recent drama, CCP has indicated that they still certainly do care, very much, about the game and its sandbox.
If EVE loses its magic, it's not the game's fault, it's *you*. Players change way more than games ever do. And EVE is about as far from a "mere arena PvP" game as possible, and I can't imagine the severe angle of the slippery slope that you rode to believe that such a mechanism would happen in this game.
Agreed. I did not like that they removed the hangar view. It seemed completely unnecessary, at least from a player's perspective. The good news for us is that they will be bringing it back in some form, hopefully soon.
No worries then. If this is your criteria for staying in the game, I don't think you'll unsub for a very long time.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days