MO has a combination of features that other games simply don't have, making its gameplay experience rare to find in this day and age. In a genre filling with instances, dungeon finders, and non-existent consequences, MO is a game with a real virtual world feel. As has been stated numerous times, it's still not perfect, but it does provide a type of gameplay and world that is becoming increasingly rare in the space.
What are these features that other games do not have?
There are none, apart from perhaps forced 1st person view. The "combination of features" you describe are available in UO for example, and they actually work unlike MO's features.
How many features are still disabled after the Dawn launch? Is cooking still completely pointless? MO players say yes.
Pretty sure that we are talking about current MMO's UO is like 10 years old of course it has multiple features other games do not have but it also has like 12yrs of development. If mortal online is given the same amount of time to develop the game could be Amazing.
The only game out on the market with a close relation to MO is darkfall. Darkfall 2.0 might actually be worth playing.
Mortal online offers full loot, pet system, skill cap system to determine the type of character you play unlike darkfall single god character able to do it all. The world is great to look at and explore. MO has a great crafting system. Darkfalls pve is worse than MO. Having to use your mount to kick a mob to death kind of silly pve.
Sure MO has alot of features turned off so that they can be released properly. People are always saying MMO's should not be release until they are ready. Well they released features that they felt were ready to be put into place and the rest of them are still being developed properly.
Ok, OP. Ya got me. I am going to do the 14 day free trial. Although I am going to write a review that starts the minute I accept the trial. I look at everything that happens in my experience.Taking into account how long that the game has been live, its what the game is NOW versus what it USED TO BE.
I don't care about what's happened in the past, my focus is to make sure that the average consumer knows what its getting itself into.
I have a soft spot for indie devs and feel with the right moves they can have a succesful, long lasting franchise. They just need to listen to their fans and do the right thing with the resources they have. If they don't, then they are added to the growing list of games that "were" live.
Like I offered to the other guy, if you start in Meduli I will try to help you out if you pm your in-game name. I always see trial players sitting around town confused as to how to sinkg their teeth into anything, so I try to help them out often.
I don't know anything about MO or it's GM's, btu I can tell you one thing 100% for certain. The tribe that i was with in Xsyon, throughout the last couple months of beta and into launch, were publicly accused of having GM favoritism and "special support" by the devs, and it was completely false, at least from anything I saw as an officer in the tribe. i am so against GM favoritism and corruption, I'd be the first to blow the damn whistle if I had seen anything that even remotely could be classified as it.
With that said, maybe the stuff in MO is more evident and there's no question about it happening... if so I will be gone before I evben start. But i know first hand there's another side to a story like this, at least sometimes.
Personal experience, and a reasoned approach, often helps in separating the "truth" from extremist, usually uninformed chaff.
In a game like MO, these types of accusations are going to happen. They happen in EvE, Xsyon, and Perpetuum as well. People are quick to make snap judgments, while the consideration of the actual facts surrounding a situation are often seen as unneccesary in the heat of the moment. Agendas become pretty evident very quickly, both in-game as well as on forums.
In the mentioned recent cases, most players appear to agree that mistakes were made by the staff, and the staff has admitted to them. Certainly, mistakes made by GMs are bad for everyone involved. But, some intentionally label anything and everything they can, regardless of any facts, as corruption, as they pursue a particular agenda. That's also not good for anyone, in that it's deceitful.
As an example, the poster above stated that everyone attacking the keep was killed, which mirrors the initial, knee-jerk claims made by players. As is so often the case with forum posts, this was a complete exaggeration. In fact, there were only 2 players killed when they repeatedly refused to listen to the staff. It's hard to believe that people take posts on a forum at face value, but they do, no matter how often they are misleading, agenda-laden, or extremist.
This is not to say that favoritism or corruption cannot happen, in any game. We're dealing with people, after all. But, it's probably wise to consider all the evidence before making a determination.
People are going to argue from their perceptions, biases, and personal agendas. As with anything else, the truth is usually found in the middle.
No matter how great your concept is, when a FAN of your game has to write you a patcher because yours couldn't hack it, your programmers are incompetent and people do not need to try your garbage code.
I'm curious as to your thoughts on the GM corruption in this game. There was another event just recently where players walked right into a keep and were all killed by a GM and not reimbursed for their equipment/losses. Being new, I take it you are not involved in keep warfare yet?
I have not done any Keep warfare yet but i am excited to try. If someone has evidence that supports that there are GM's that are corrupt then they need to bring that info forward to someone who can take care of it. Just like anything in this world sometimes you have a bad guy who is corrupt and has an important role to play in the community like high up city officals. You cant take the actions of a few and blam the entire country.
lol, hey since your new maybe you can explain rusian's videos at you are telling us there isnt no proof? The devs kno that the gms are corrupt and what do they do ignore the playerbase? is game isnt gonna last long anyway I wouldnt get toooo attached to it. Plus the devs lied to there playerbase who knows how many times. Ill start playon again when they sell the game. Which looks like its coming soon
As an example, the poster above stated that everyone attacking the keep was killed, which mirrors the initial, knee-jerk claims made by players. As is so often the case with forum posts, this was a complete exaggeration. In fact, there were only 2 players killed when they repeatedly refused to listen to the staff. It's hard to believe that people take posts on a forum at face value, but they do, no matter how often they are misleading, agenda-laden, or extremist..
Speaking of which. Can you please show support for your claim that I highlighted above? I watched the video. The video was made by one of the two players insta-killed. I did not see ANYTHING on the screen to indicate that they "repeatedly refused to listen to the staff". Perhaps I missed it, so by all means just show me where that happens in the video...
I just rewatched it.. the first person dies at .59 with nothing showing on the screen of the video taker. You hear them talk about it in voicechat. They even think it's a bug and tell him to write down the time and PM GM_Discord. Then the guy taking the video is insta-killed around 1:09... again.. his screen shows NO dialog what-so-ever with the GM. So please feel free to share the information to support the "fact" you state above, as all evidence I have seen shows the people were insta-killed with no warning.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I don't know anything about MO or it's GM's, btu I can tell you one thing 100% for certain. The tribe that i was with in Xsyon, throughout the last couple months of beta and into launch, were publicly accused of having GM favoritism and "special support" by the devs, and it was completely false, at least from anything I saw as an officer in the tribe. i am so against GM favoritism and corruption, I'd be the first to blow the damn whistle if I had seen anything that even remotely could be classified as it. With that said, maybe the stuff in MO is more evident and there's no question about it happening... if so I will be gone before I evben start. But i know first hand there's another side to a story like this, at least sometimes.
Personal experience, and a reasoned approach, often helps in separating the "truth" from extremist, usually uninformed chaff.
In a game like MO, these types of accusations are going to happen. They happen in EvE, Xsyon, and Perpetuum as well. People are quick to make snap judgments, while the consideration of the actual facts surrounding a situation are often seen as unneccesary in the heat of the moment. Agendas become pretty evident very quickly, both in-game as well as on forums.
In the mentioned recent cases, most players appear to agree that mistakes were made by the staff, and the staff has admitted to them. Certainly, mistakes made by GMs are bad for everyone involved. But, some intentionally label anything and everything they can, regardless of any facts, as corruption, as they pursue a particular agenda. That's also not good for anyone, in that it's deceitful.
As an example, the poster above stated that everyone attacking the keep was killed, which mirrors the initial, knee-jerk claims made by players. As is so often the case with forum posts, this was a complete exaggeration. In fact, there were only 2 players killed when they repeatedly refused to listen to the staff. It's hard to believe that people take posts on a forum at face value, but they do, no matter how often they are misleading, agenda-laden, or extremist.
This is not to say that favoritism or corruption cannot happen, in any game. We're dealing with people, after all. But, it's probably wise to consider all the evidence before making a determination.
People are going to argue from their perceptions, biases, and personal agendas. As with anything else, the truth is usually found in the middle.
I love how you said that they died after they didnt listen to the staff lol that sir is a complete lie. Two people died with no warning or saying, the staff said they wouldnt interfear with raids anymore since gm favortism was in the past. And now we see them getting invloved once again a lie. How many lies must you hear.till you had enough
I'm curious as to your thoughts on the GM corruption in this game. There was another event just recently where players walked right into a keep and were all killed by a GM and not reimbursed for their equipment/losses. Being new, I take it you are not involved in keep warfare yet?
I have not done any Keep warfare yet but i am excited to try. If someone has evidence that supports that there are GM's that are corrupt then they need to bring that info forward to someone who can take care of it. Just like anything in this world sometimes you have a bad guy who is corrupt and has an important role to play in the community like high up city officals. You cant take the actions of a few and blam the entire country.
lol, hey since your new maybe you can explain rusian's videos at you are telling us there isnt no proof? The devs kno that the gms are corrupt and what do they do ignore the playerbase? is game isnt gonna last long anyway I wouldnt get toooo attached to it. Plus the devs lied to there playerbase who knows how many times. Ill start playon again when they sell the game. Which looks like its coming soon
Was not saying there is no evidence. How does trying to ruin a games reputation based on a few individuals actions make it right? send the proof to people who can solve the issues. If your boss sexually harassed you do you go on forums posting about it or do you inform someone who can put an end to it? How often do you think that someone higher up in the company goes trolling around in forums?
Was not saying there is no evidence. How does trying to ruin a games reputation based on a few individuals actions make it right? send the proof to people who can solve the issues. If your boss sexually harassed you do you go on forums posting about it or do you inform someone who can put an end to it?
I know you are new to the game (1 week played) so you probably are unaware of what has happened. In general I would agree with you... but this is not the first, nor second time there has been trouble with the GM team. One of the instances was so bad that the company put out a huge apology and promised that GMs would never again interfere in a siege situation. Even if they "had to" interefere this time... blatantly killing players with no warning AND no compensation is just wrong. So this falls into the category of continued repeat offender and they no longer get the benefit of the doubt.
Edit to add: Also some of the videos linked above aledge that the CEO was part of previous issues related to giving a "permabanned" player thousands of gold worth of items and books and telling him to stay under a new name so no one would know. So who do you appeal to when you believe the issue it at the top?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I know you are new to the game (1 week played) so you probably are unaware of what has happened. In general I would agree with you... but this is not the first, nor second time there has been trouble with the GM team. One of the instances was so bad that the company put out a huge apology and promised that GMs would never again interfere in a siege situation. Even if they "had to" interefere this time... blatantly killing players with no warning AND no compensation is just wrong. So this falls into the category of continued repeat offender and they no longer get the benefit of the doubt.
I totally agree if A specific GM has caused issues multiple times then something needs to be done. He should be replaced. If there is proof that the whole team is responsable for doing this multiple times then maybe a structure needs to be put into place that only specific gms have privileges to insta kill people or anything that can affect actual gameplay of a paying customer.
We are kinda getting off topic this is about Giving the game another chance if you have not tried it or if you tried it at release. Is the game worth the time to download and try again? Why and why not? What did you like about the game ? What could they improve or do to get your sub back?
guys seriously, enough with the GM interfering crap. this thread is about getting new players to try the game, not about old players bitching about their feuds with the GMs.
MO has a combination of features that other games simply don't have, making its gameplay experience rare to find in this day and age. In a genre filling with instances, dungeon finders, and non-existent consequences, MO is a game with a real virtual world feel. As has been stated numerous times, it's still not perfect, but it does provide a type of gameplay and world that is becoming increasingly rare in the space.
What are these features that other games do not have?
There are none, apart from perhaps forced 1st person view. The "combination of features" you describe are available in UO for example, and they actually work unlike MO's features.
How many features are still disabled after the Dawn launch? Is cooking still completely pointless? MO players say yes.
UO and MO do share a number of features, and support a similar playstyle, but they are not exactly the same. There are differences: the combat system and view, the presence or lack of fast travel, amount of safe area, genetic mount system, the mechanics of crafting, etc.
UO is probably the game that is the most similar to MO. Beyond that, very, very few have anything close to the same combination of features. That's the point: MO is attempting to provide gameplay that is undeniably rare in the MMO space today.
I'm not going to compare the two - Ultima Online is one of the best MMOs of all time (though it has changed over the years). Most games don't compare favorably with it. But, I will say that MO is trying to provide a similar overall type of gameplay, which is rare. The game has its problems, but it has also been slowly and steadily improving, and I find it to be a lot more fun that most of the MMOs that have come out in the last 6 or 7 years.
MO has a combination of features that other games simply don't have, making its gameplay experience rare to find in this day and age. In a genre filling with instances, dungeon finders, and non-existent consequences, MO is a game with a real virtual world feel. As has been stated numerous times, it's still not perfect, but it does provide a type of gameplay and world that is becoming increasingly rare in the space.
What are these features that other games do not have?
There are none, apart from perhaps forced 1st person view. The "combination of features" you describe are available in UO for example, and they actually work unlike MO's features.
How many features are still disabled after the Dawn launch? Is cooking still completely pointless? MO players say yes.
UO and MO do share a number of features, and support a similar playstyle, but they are not exactly the same. There are differences: the combat system and view, the presence or lack of fast travel, amount of safe area, genetic mount system, the mechanics of crafting, etc.
UO is probably the game that is the most similar to MO. Beyond that, very, very few have anything close to the same combination of features. That's the point: MO is attempting to provide gameplay that is undeniably rare in the MMO space today.
I'm not going to compare the two - Ultima Online is one of the best MMOs of all time (though it has changed over the years). Most games don't compare favorably with it. But, I will say that MO is trying to provide a similar overall type of gameplay, which is rare. The game has its problems, but it has also been slowly and steadily improving, and I find it to be a lot more fun that most of the MMOs that have come out in the last 6 or 7 years.
UO and MO are nothing like one another. The only thing there is that you can say is "PvP", and everything else is entirely different. Crafting is different, exploration, monsters, AI, housing, and more is a LOT better in UO than MO. Plus, MO is a first person view whereas UO is 3rd person isometric view. The games are simply not comparable in terms of quality or features.
I tried the 14-day free trial. I got about 10 minutes of gameplay. It constantly crashed over and over. I tried re-installing, the integrity check or whatever. I just wasn't meant to play Mortal Online.
I tried the 14-day free trial. I got about 10 minutes of gameplay. It constantly crashed over and over. I tried re-installing, the integrity check or whatever. I just wasn't meant to play Mortal Online.
If you didn't already, try reducing the graphics settings. Sometimes that helps.
I also recommend everyone to try it. It's one form of experience to try a game, that actually bills you as much as AAA games, and at the same time is probably the worst functioning game on this site.
Even trying this game lowers your expectation towards other games by 50%+!
I tried the 14-day free trial. I got about 10 minutes of gameplay. It constantly crashed over and over. I tried re-installing, the integrity check or whatever. I just wasn't meant to play Mortal Online.
If you didn't already, try reducing the graphics settings. Sometimes that helps.
No, I did. I would crash when logging into my character. I tried lots, spent a good week trying to get it to work.
I gave it a chance along with $60.00 in beta block D and learned I would have been better off giving that money to ANY charity rather than throw it away on MO.
i gave my money to SV in beta block E and have cosntantly played MO since through all the ups and downs. It also turns out to be the longest i have ever subscribed to an MMO in all my years of playing MMOs and i have played, UO,EVE,planetside,eq2,swg,aoc,ao, So that is saying something. It certainly agrees with what i want from a game except the bugs of course. But the truth is everyone hates on hernik but they dont diagree with his cision for the game, i think darkfall was the real loss here, it had a solid team a good engine and yet they still maanged to make a poor game with awful game mchanics i think if aventurine had henrik then they mgiht have made a game thats actually fun.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
i think if aventurine had henrik then they mgiht have made a game thats actually fun.
So wait. You're saying that if one failed game had a dev from another failed game, the first failed game wouldn't have failed? lol
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.- -And on the 8th day, man created God.-
Pretty sure that we are talking about current MMO's UO is like 10 years old of course it has multiple features other games do not have but it also has like 12yrs of development. If mortal online is given the same amount of time to develop the game could be Amazing.
The only game out on the market with a close relation to MO is darkfall. Darkfall 2.0 might actually be worth playing.
Mortal online offers full loot, pet system, skill cap system to determine the type of character you play unlike darkfall single god character able to do it all. The world is great to look at and explore. MO has a great crafting system. Darkfalls pve is worse than MO. Having to use your mount to kick a mob to death kind of silly pve.
Sure MO has alot of features turned off so that they can be released properly. People are always saying MMO's should not be release until they are ready. Well they released features that they felt were ready to be put into place and the rest of them are still being developed properly.
Like I offered to the other guy, if you start in Meduli I will try to help you out if you pm your in-game name. I always see trial players sitting around town confused as to how to sinkg their teeth into anything, so I try to help them out often.
Personal experience, and a reasoned approach, often helps in separating the "truth" from extremist, usually uninformed chaff.
In a game like MO, these types of accusations are going to happen. They happen in EvE, Xsyon, and Perpetuum as well. People are quick to make snap judgments, while the consideration of the actual facts surrounding a situation are often seen as unneccesary in the heat of the moment. Agendas become pretty evident very quickly, both in-game as well as on forums.
In the mentioned recent cases, most players appear to agree that mistakes were made by the staff, and the staff has admitted to them. Certainly, mistakes made by GMs are bad for everyone involved. But, some intentionally label anything and everything they can, regardless of any facts, as corruption, as they pursue a particular agenda. That's also not good for anyone, in that it's deceitful.
As an example, the poster above stated that everyone attacking the keep was killed, which mirrors the initial, knee-jerk claims made by players. As is so often the case with forum posts, this was a complete exaggeration. In fact, there were only 2 players killed when they repeatedly refused to listen to the staff. It's hard to believe that people take posts on a forum at face value, but they do, no matter how often they are misleading, agenda-laden, or extremist.
This is not to say that favoritism or corruption cannot happen, in any game. We're dealing with people, after all. But, it's probably wise to consider all the evidence before making a determination.
People are going to argue from their perceptions, biases, and personal agendas. As with anything else, the truth is usually found in the middle.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
No matter how great your concept is, when a FAN of your game has to write you a patcher because yours couldn't hack it, your programmers are incompetent and people do not need to try your garbage code.
If you are refering to
I have not done any Keep warfare yet but i am excited to try. If someone has evidence that supports that there are GM's that are corrupt then they need to bring that info forward to someone who can take care of it. Just like anything in this world sometimes you have a bad guy who is corrupt and has an important role to play in the community like high up city officals. You cant take the actions of a few and blam the entire country.
lol, hey since your new maybe you can explain rusian's videos at you are telling us there isnt no proof? The devs kno that the gms are corrupt and what do they do ignore the playerbase? is game isnt gonna last long anyway I wouldnt get toooo attached to it. Plus the devs lied to there playerbase who knows how many times. Ill start playon again when they sell the game. Which looks like its coming soon
Speaking of which. Can you please show support for your claim that I highlighted above? I watched the video. The video was made by one of the two players insta-killed. I did not see ANYTHING on the screen to indicate that they "repeatedly refused to listen to the staff". Perhaps I missed it, so by all means just show me where that happens in the video...
I just rewatched it.. the first person dies at .59 with nothing showing on the screen of the video taker. You hear them talk about it in voicechat. They even think it's a bug and tell him to write down the time and PM GM_Discord. Then the guy taking the video is insta-killed around 1:09... again.. his screen shows NO dialog what-so-ever with the GM. So please feel free to share the information to support the "fact" you state above, as all evidence I have seen shows the people were insta-killed with no warning.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Personal experience, and a reasoned approach, often helps in separating the "truth" from extremist, usually uninformed chaff.
In a game like MO, these types of accusations are going to happen. They happen in EvE, Xsyon, and Perpetuum as well. People are quick to make snap judgments, while the consideration of the actual facts surrounding a situation are often seen as unneccesary in the heat of the moment. Agendas become pretty evident very quickly, both in-game as well as on forums.
In the mentioned recent cases, most players appear to agree that mistakes were made by the staff, and the staff has admitted to them. Certainly, mistakes made by GMs are bad for everyone involved. But, some intentionally label anything and everything they can, regardless of any facts, as corruption, as they pursue a particular agenda. That's also not good for anyone, in that it's deceitful.
As an example, the poster above stated that everyone attacking the keep was killed, which mirrors the initial, knee-jerk claims made by players. As is so often the case with forum posts, this was a complete exaggeration. In fact, there were only 2 players killed when they repeatedly refused to listen to the staff. It's hard to believe that people take posts on a forum at face value, but they do, no matter how often they are misleading, agenda-laden, or extremist.
This is not to say that favoritism or corruption cannot happen, in any game. We're dealing with people, after all. But, it's probably wise to consider all the evidence before making a determination.
People are going to argue from their perceptions, biases, and personal agendas. As with anything else, the truth is usually found in the middle.
I love how you said that they died after they didnt listen to the staff lol that sir is a complete lie. Two people died with no warning or saying, the staff said they wouldnt interfear with raids anymore since gm favortism was in the past. And now we see them getting invloved once again a lie. How many lies must you hear.till you had enough
Was not saying there is no evidence. How does trying to ruin a games reputation based on a few individuals actions make it right? send the proof to people who can solve the issues. If your boss sexually harassed you do you go on forums posting about it or do you inform someone who can put an end to it? How often do you think that someone higher up in the company goes trolling around in forums?
I know you are new to the game (1 week played) so you probably are unaware of what has happened. In general I would agree with you... but this is not the first, nor second time there has been trouble with the GM team. One of the instances was so bad that the company put out a huge apology and promised that GMs would never again interfere in a siege situation. Even if they "had to" interefere this time... blatantly killing players with no warning AND no compensation is just wrong. So this falls into the category of continued repeat offender and they no longer get the benefit of the doubt.
Edit to add: Also some of the videos linked above aledge that the CEO was part of previous issues related to giving a "permabanned" player thousands of gold worth of items and books and telling him to stay under a new name so no one would know. So who do you appeal to when you believe the issue it at the top?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I totally agree if A specific GM has caused issues multiple times then something needs to be done. He should be replaced. If there is proof that the whole team is responsable for doing this multiple times then maybe a structure needs to be put into place that only specific gms have privileges to insta kill people or anything that can affect actual gameplay of a paying customer.
We are kinda getting off topic this is about Giving the game another chance if you have not tried it or if you tried it at release. Is the game worth the time to download and try again? Why and why not? What did you like about the game ? What could they improve or do to get your sub back?
guys seriously, enough with the GM interfering crap. this thread is about getting new players to try the game, not about old players bitching about their feuds with the GMs.
UO and MO do share a number of features, and support a similar playstyle, but they are not exactly the same. There are differences: the combat system and view, the presence or lack of fast travel, amount of safe area, genetic mount system, the mechanics of crafting, etc.
UO is probably the game that is the most similar to MO. Beyond that, very, very few have anything close to the same combination of features. That's the point: MO is attempting to provide gameplay that is undeniably rare in the MMO space today.
I'm not going to compare the two - Ultima Online is one of the best MMOs of all time (though it has changed over the years). Most games don't compare favorably with it. But, I will say that MO is trying to provide a similar overall type of gameplay, which is rare. The game has its problems, but it has also been slowly and steadily improving, and I find it to be a lot more fun that most of the MMOs that have come out in the last 6 or 7 years.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
UO and MO are nothing like one another. The only thing there is that you can say is "PvP", and everything else is entirely different. Crafting is different, exploration, monsters, AI, housing, and more is a LOT better in UO than MO. Plus, MO is a first person view whereas UO is 3rd person isometric view. The games are simply not comparable in terms of quality or features.
I tried the 14-day free trial. I got about 10 minutes of gameplay. It constantly crashed over and over. I tried re-installing, the integrity check or whatever. I just wasn't meant to play Mortal Online.
If you didn't already, try reducing the graphics settings. Sometimes that helps.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I also recommend everyone to try it. It's one form of experience to try a game, that actually bills you as much as AAA games, and at the same time is probably the worst functioning game on this site.
Even trying this game lowers your expectation towards other games by 50%+!
Darkfall is better than MO any day, and i unsubbed to darkfall. hmmmmmmm
No, I did. I would crash when logging into my character. I tried lots, spent a good week trying to get it to work.
Well I hate Mortal, but.. are you using WinXP? You need Win7 for Mortal. Even though they say otherwise.
All news about MO are about how they are trying to fix problems. Why would I waste time on game that is on big problem?
I gave it a chance along with $60.00 in beta block D and learned I would have been better off giving that money to ANY charity rather than throw it away on MO.
i gave my money to SV in beta block E and have cosntantly played MO since through all the ups and downs. It also turns out to be the longest i have ever subscribed to an MMO in all my years of playing MMOs and i have played, UO,EVE,planetside,eq2,swg,aoc,ao, So that is saying something. It certainly agrees with what i want from a game except the bugs of course. But the truth is everyone hates on hernik but they dont diagree with his cision for the game, i think darkfall was the real loss here, it had a solid team a good engine and yet they still maanged to make a poor game with awful game mchanics i think if aventurine had henrik then they mgiht have made a game thats actually fun.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
That's at least 20g for you, isn't it
So wait. You're saying that if one failed game had a dev from another failed game, the first failed game wouldn't have failed? lol
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-