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The odds and ends of SW: Tor and WoW


I know I'll get flamed for this but here goes. People talk about how they want something new and fresh in there MMO, how come when Blizz comes out with new expansions with "new Content" (New area with same old raptors of a different color and new combat level but same crappy attacks, same gather or kill XX amount of XX thing) no one says anything and they buy the game in record numbers? 


If we're not going to ask for truly new content from the top MMO (who BTW has the player base and money to do it) I mean look at there free content update, they gave an old Lev 60 raid the 5 man group treatment for Lev 85 Toon . Yet no one cried "rehash" Bio is doing there best to take what works mix in something that has not been done, they added story there are 3-5 ways a story line can go, what companion Toon you pick up are different based on this. Your end game is game is effected. They added the biggest innovation in MMO history they added a true "Cause and effect" system. If you grind to cap on 2 Toons of the same class and pick different story choices the missions are different, your out come is different and your standing with different factions is different. 


Blizz has stuck to what they think works (5,10,25) group size. This works and it doesn't one you need so many things in there game to even group now. Gear, Tanks, Healers, Cooking skills (buffs), Archeology (to fight extra bosses) People have the ability to group kick if your gear score or dps is low.  Getting 10 or 25 people together to do a raid at one time is a bit hard. 


Bio is going to be doing small group size (4 players) not sure if a larger group size is needed at endgame. This should make it easy to find and get a group. It's a soft trinity system meaning most classes have decent self heals and off tank ability. How this works is 2 fold. 1) if a smuggler sees a trooper is in need of healing he can draw aggro and force the enemy to attack him while he is in cover he has a defence bonus to the enemy and can survive till the trooper can heal up and come back in for max effect. 2) Makes people work more closely with each other cause a truly heroic feeling.  (BTW this is also a NEW way of doing things.)

I am in no way downing Blizz or Bio, they both do there own thing, I just believe Bio is taking steps to use what has worked and add what might work.

The Blizz way of adding new content:

Dev1: We need new content, it's been a year

Dev2: I got it we'll add a new area with new enemies

Dev1: We can always re skin old ones and call them something new

Dev2: Sweet, we'll sell millions

(WotLK =More Than 2.8 Million Copies Sold in Its First 24 Hours) 

(BC =nearly 1.2 million copies sold on the first day in North America) 

(Cat= According to internal Blizzard sales data, which includes digital purchases, Cataclysm has sold 4.7 million copies to customers worldwide since its launch on Dec. 7)

 No real new features, added new player class and area opened with no real new content same old rehash of quest models and gear grind. Yet no one cried out "No innovations" 


This is not a Blizz bashing but the facts of what we as gamers do, we can deal with a company saying "hey there dumb asses and will buy anything even if we don't change". We need to force the change and not wait for the companies to do it on there own. No changes or same old rehash = no sales. Just my MHO


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