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So I came across this. My guess is this German guy spends most of his online time in mmo's trying to find ways into secret zones. He has some WoW vids to that are pretty cool.
His Rift vids are crazy. He found out how to get into Planetouched Wilds on a LIVE server....Ember Isle on a LIVE SERVER...He has vids that show how to leave each of the start zones lol...He has a vid that shows how to actually leave River of Souls and Runic Decent.
Go have fun with this because I am sure there will be a hotfix soon lol
Updated 8/9/2011:
More vids have popped up
I can swear that one building looks like the Jedi temple lol...Place is just epic in size no joke
This zone is hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Question, where is Ember Isle suppose to be located, and what it suppose to be?
Is in a Load Screen Zone like Outland is to WoW?
Or is it a new zone added to the map currently?
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Secret zone is the key word lol. I do not have the first idea what that place is, but it looks epic.
What about it looks epic? I don't see anything that does.
this PvP zone?
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
It just does. I like it.
@Exposed No idea
Edited: See first post