The facts are that MMORPG's are no longer 3 or 4 titles and they don't encompass only a set ruleset anymore. You must change. I agree. Allow me to see what is out there in gaming. If I choose not to read it or try it, so be it. Knowing more is out there is always encouraging to a gamer.
Good news and good explanation of why have changed to follow the industry.
Sub genres are much needed, and though there will be discussions about whether a specific game belongs to one genre or another, it is much better than calling everything a mmorpg.
Learn and adapt, thumbs up.
On a side note, you could also consider putting attributes on games if it is possible.
Attributes that comes to mind: Item shop, monthly fee, free download, kiddie/adult, sci-fi/fantasi/historycal/etc, manga/western style, xp based/skill based, pvp/pve/limited pvp/etc, tradeskilling, lobby/themepark/world, browser/phone/pc/pad?, external options such as chatting without starting the game... (all of this is not thought through, just bstorming).
Actually it would be nice to have an overall list of games that has more categorization options. If the current list would get cleaned up in the process that would be even better. Here's the kind of list I'd like to be able to generate from a master list:
Equipment: PC (or Xbox, or Android, or Apple)
Online? Yes
Multiplayer? Yes
Meetup Areas: World (or Lobby, or Cities)
Character Persistent? Yes
Housing? Yes
Crafting? Yes
I'm sure others would like to know stuff such as Payment Model, PVP, and Setting (fantasy, space, etc.)
Basically as long as I have some way to filter out what I consider noise and not interesting I don't really care what gets covered. One caution though is that the year coming up is promising to be a very busy year MMO wise and you don't want to dilute that coverage.
HEAVY Agreement on the Crafting option especially. It's been nearly impossible to find games that have crafting. There are quite a few players that really would appreciate this being easier to find out about a game.
In general, sub-categories are fine by me. I would like to know which are TRUE MMO's vs flash based or other styles of online games etc. I appreciate all the games for what they are, but sometimes I am in the mood for something specific and really want an easier way to find them.
Just be SUPER clear on the style of game and the details and all is well.
Oh, and please...set up something to show games that are FORCED PVP. Nothing worse than jumping into a new game and getting ganked upon entry. Give some sort of description as to the type of PvP that is in the game. Forced PvP, Duels Only, Arena Only, Turn on/off etc would be very helpful.
The facts are that MMORPG's are no longer 3 or 4 titles and they don't encompass only a set ruleset anymore. You must change. I agree. Allow me to see what is out there in gaming. If I choose not to read it or try it, so be it. Knowing more is out there is always encouraging to a gamer.
Good news and good explanation of why have changed to follow the industry.
Sub genres are much needed, and though there will be discussions about whether a specific game belongs to one genre or another, it is much better than calling everything a mmorpg.
Learn and adapt, thumbs up.
On a side note, you could also consider putting attributes on games if it is possible.
Attributes that comes to mind: Item shop, monthly fee, free download, kiddie/adult, sci-fi/fantasi/historycal/etc, manga/western style, xp based/skill based, pvp/pve/limited pvp/etc, tradeskilling, lobby/themepark/world, browser/phone/pc/pad?, external options such as chatting without starting the game... (all of this is not thought through, just bstorming).
"I am my connectome"
HEAVY Agreement on the Crafting option especially. It's been nearly impossible to find games that have crafting. There are quite a few players that really would appreciate this being easier to find out about a game.
In general, sub-categories are fine by me. I would like to know which are TRUE MMO's vs flash based or other styles of online games etc. I appreciate all the games for what they are, but sometimes I am in the mood for something specific and really want an easier way to find them.
Just be SUPER clear on the style of game and the details and all is well.
Oh, and please...set up something to show games that are FORCED PVP. Nothing worse than jumping into a new game and getting ganked upon entry. Give some sort of description as to the type of PvP that is in the game. Forced PvP, Duels Only, Arena Only, Turn on/off etc would be very helpful.