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Off-site Integration

PTEDPTED Member Posts: 464

With the rise in hugely popular games that simply do not belong on this site, I think it's time for a more eloquent solution.

You have FPSguru, RTSguru, presumably an RPGguru (unless is getting a rename) is on its way. Why not spend some time on integrating the three?

You have a Favourite Games list on, why not add this functionality to the other two websites? From there, you have a shared Favourites list. Then, on the homepage of every site where there is a "Lastest <name>.com News" you could have a tab "Latest Favourites News" that is populated with the latest news items for your Favourites list.

Bam, news that you care about.

From there, to raise awareness of the Network sites, you could occasionally add big news items from the Network sites to every other site in the Network. These items would be colour coded and link to the news articles on their respective website.

With that, you can keep future ActivisionBlizzard games and any other game that is going to have a large following in a place that makes sense.

Crummy paint mockup:


And now for a poll.

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