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Jonathan Sharp continues to unveil new PVP info for Guild Wars 2, and on the official blog this morning he details the inner workings of the first announced map: The Battle of Khylo.
Both teams will fight to control the 3 capture points:
The Windmill in the north
The Clocktower in the middle
The Mansion in the southEvery two seconds, each team will be awarded one point for every capture point under their control. By keeping control of these areas—and preventing your opponents from taking them—you will increase your score while denying the other team points. The game will end when a team reaches 500 points.
Read all about The Battle of Khylo at the ArenaNet Blog.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
I wish I could be going to PAX!
So it's Arathi Basin...
In Bioware we trust!
With destructable environments and siege weapons.
A stationary weapon is not really what I would call siege weapons, it's just one and it is stationary.
In Bioware we trust!
I believe siege weapons weren't moved around all that often during sieges.
Edit: Romanator, nice one there.
But still, a trebuchet is a siege weapon.
Okay so 1 type of siege weapon that can hit anywhere on the map on an arathi basin style game. Not really impressive.
In Bioware we trust!
You forgot the destructible environments.
Still not impressed since WOW and other games have had this for awhile.
In Bioware we trust!
WoW had destructible environments? That's news to me.
Sure. Well in the pvp "open" area in the Lich King Expansion.
In Bioware we trust!
Looks nice, but i had a 'deja vu' when i saw this map
Actually it's Capture Point not Arathi Basin. But who cares if the game makes fun.
Yeah! because competetive e-sport games are all about the new stuff! Right starcraft II and League of legends?
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Espeacially CS , Halo , etc. It's all about balancing.
I have never said SWTOR is being innovative.
In Bioware we trust!
No it didn't, they were simply destruction animations and damaged states of a hand full of buildings in one zone of the game. A lot of the debris didn't even have collision.
The most interessting reveal is the "F - Finish Them!"-Feature. Sounds like a lot of fun. Reminds me of my good old MK days.
I also got a swtor signature along with GW2..any snarky comments for me? i bet even if he had any other MMO in signature you would have said the same.
Off topic: Oh my god the Irony of a TOR fan saying they are not impressed by a game because WoW did it first. I might fall over dead from laughing before I can go into work today. Oh my god please can I get more TOR fans to say this please it is too funny!
And if you do not know why this is humorous watch this (the blind bias of fans is so funny at times):
On Topic: I like the idea of being able to open up new path ways by destroying terrain; it is a great feature for PVP maps. I can remember when they first did it in FPS games, and I am glad it is coming to MMOs now.
Umm sorry but this has nothing to do with being a TOR fan. Only because someone has TOR signature doesn't make them a fanboy or their opinion any less important. .Just like i have both in my signature and i still consider myself fan of none. But it is a classic way to divert attention from on going topic to who is fanboy of what game and how he or she should be laughed upon and ridiculed. Sorry but both GW2 fans and TOR fans are equally ridiculous. I am getting sick of these personal attacks because people have different opinions.
As I've said before. It's been done before. It's just how it's presented and updated.
Meh, looks okay so far. Be better to try it. Where are the damn beta weekends like gw1?
Again, I have never stated SWTOR was innovative. There are design decisions I disagree with in SWTOR, swimming, space on rails etc.
In Bioware we trust!
I have to agree Nazgol's malcontent seems to be either biased or unsound. While he may not be impressed what arenanet is doing is indeed different. Offering siege type pvp in an instanced battle zone isn't exactly something that's been done a million times. Sure other games have had sieges but they've almost always been in the open world environment. Also very few MMO's offer destructable environments in general(Vindictus comes to mind). So I think you should hold your tongue and see what A-net plans to do with that feature. If they just let you break a few walls and not intelligently intergrate it then i will be sorely disappointed in them, but form what we have seen thus far i think we can expect great things from this. Also Guild Wars combat in general has always been exciting, even in the original game. The way that they have this organized is also not set in stone. If you notice they've chagned quite a few features of the game itself since it was first demo'd nearly a year ago. So it can be expected that they will make several changes to the pvp system before throwing it to the wolves.
Also....*sniff sniff* do i smell WoW fanboi? juuuuuust kidding...
But seriously, I think we should let the gameplay videos do the talking. Then you can say wether or not you are impressed...Guild Wars 2 is innovating. You may not like it, but it is. You seem like someone who is set in his old ways, and GW2 is threatening the way that you do things...
get over it. It's coming (that's what she said) wether you like it or not. 99.999% of everyone else in the world except you will love it.
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
OK backup and step off your high horse, nowhere in there did I say his opinion was invalid or he could not express it. He can express anything he wants to, I could care less my game buying decisions do not rest on what he thinks or says! I was expressing the irony of a statement because of how it applies to his choice to support TOR, and I am sorry if you cannot see the irony in someone that likes TOR saying a game is unimpressive because it has things like WoW. To me that statement has so much irony that it is dripping out of its every pour. Now with that said I have nothing against Nazgol or his opinion, my statement was not a personal attack! So excuse me if I decide to make a casual joke about a statement from someone (Nazgol) that I have never seen make a positive statement about GW2. That joke does not mean his point is invalid or should be ignored, it is just a bit of sarcasm directed at someone I see posting on this site a lot.
Do I really need to write a disclaimer when I find something funny and want to point it out from now on?