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Overview: Mellow Company is a casual, family-friendly Republic guild welcoming all classes and play styles, including light, optional RP.
Who it’s for: Mellow Company is designed primary for adults, particularly parents and busy working people with limited play time. We have several parents, a few couples and even a dad who plans to play alongside his daughter. There is no formal age requirement, but younger people looking to join the guild will have to demonstrate an unusual amount of maturity and respect and patience for the old goats talking about their kids and other icky grown up stuff. Again.
What we’re looking for: Character is the number one criteria. It’s also numbers two through 37. Character traits we’re looking for include: easygoing, humorous, irreverent, friendly, helpful and grounded. In a word, mellow. We’re more interested in people who view this game as small part of their recreational diet, not the full meal, who like to read books, spend time on the floor playing with their kids, leading a life outside of gaming. If you want to have casual fun in the company of good people, get a few quests or a flashpoint done and then go to bed, Mellow Company is for you
What we’re not looking for: People who gain validation through gaming, who believe that being able to mash buttons in a particular order or memorize the AI paths of bosses is a sign of superiority in anything but the narrow categories of button mashing and AI memorization prowess. We’re not looking for people who look for ways to cheat, who ignore their kids so they can spend more time online or who don’t play well with others. And if you want to ravage everything you see, grind relentlessly and pursue server-first and endgame domination … you’re probably going to be sorely disappointed with this group.
History: The guild is being formed around the core of the successful Outland Hunters guild from Star Wars Galaxies, and we are bringing some of the same traditions and irreverent attitudes from that game into this community. But this is a brand new guild, welcoming to friends both old and new.
Structure: Mellow Company is built around a simple premise: adults should not be told how to spend their recreation time. Consequently, you won’t find “Lord Supreme Commanders” or generals here. Once complete, the guild will have a very flat structure, with a council of coordinators who will volunteer their time and enthusiasm to organize events, moderate forums and act as a resource point for players.
Server type: RP-PvE
Atmosphere: Light and relaxed … Mellow. Active guild chat is encouraged. We will have a Vent server. All open channels are 100 percent PG-13 due to the possible presence of minors.
Activities: To be announced, but the plan is to offer a full slate of guild activities, from quest parties to raid events to roleplaying events to social nights in cantinas across the galaxy.
The RP Backstory: (still a work in progress … subject to substantial change)Mellow Company is the nickname for the 635th Casual Company, a Republic military unit created for the express purpose of providing a parking place for misfit troopers and Jedi who were unable to adapt to the demands of other units. Over time, the unit has been sent troopers who were frequently late for raids and Jedi who chafed at the conformist demands of the Jedi Council, among other reasons. Largely forgotten by the command and left to their own devices, some of the soldiers assigned to the unit have gone native and adopted a smuggling lifestyle, attracting other smugglers who have allied themselves to what has grown to be an unconventional and unpredictable force.
The recruitment process: Mellow Company is not an exclusive guild seeking only high-caliber players or players with specific skill sets. Anyone who meets our character expectations, at least anyone who plans on playing a Republic class, is welcome to join by filling out an application on our website and registering with the Mellow Company on the Bioware site as well. PLEASE READ OUR RECRUITING PROCESS MESSAGE LOCATED ON THE GUILD INFORMATION FORUM AND BROWSE THROUGH THE OTHER FORUMS FIRST BEFORE FILLING OUT YOUR APPLICATION! Please take your application seriously. That doesn’t mean you have to take a serious tone in your app … it is just for a guild, after all. But please provide meaningful answers. It’s our introduction to you and will set the tone for our relationship. If you are not clearly a troll, you will be approved for a one-week trial membership allowing you limited access to our forums.
During that week, you will be asked to be active on the guild forums to provide both the guild and the applicant the chance to get to know each other and make sure this is a good fit. Once the game is live, applicants will be asked to spend time playing in game with guild members so we can further ensure we’re a good match for each other. This is the one time you will be obligated to any sort of activity as part of your guild membership. If after one week we still seem like a good fit, you’ll be approved for full membership.
For more information: If you’d like to know more about Mellow Company, please visit our website at You can also PM Zowm or any member of the guild for more information on the SWTOR forums, or just email
I've updated the post to reflect that we will be playing on an RP-PvE server at launch. Also, this just in:
SOMEWHERE ON THE OUTER RIM--The Mellow Way was formally amended Tuesday to include new language enshrining "More Cowbell" as a defining standard in the "uncode of conduct' of Mellow Company, a ragtag band of Republic loyalists surviving on cracker crumbs and small beetles deep within the confines of their Luxurious Inner Sanctum until something more interesting happens.
The amendment, the first in the history of the document, formally urges Mellow Company members to "bang the hell out of that cowbell" and to "really explore the space" in doing so, said Wookiee-in-Chief Kallajibuseb, a member of the guild's self-styled ruling junta.
"Aoacwo scwoananoooh ohraro ahc aoacwo wawowwahwhahwhrr waoooahuscwowhao wwoorc oohurc rrhuahanwa," he said. "Ohahaoac aoacahc rawawaahaoahoowh ooww scoorcwo oaooohrhwoanan, ohwo acrahowo oawoscwowhaowowa ra rhrcahrracao wwhuaohurcwo wwoorc huc rawhwa oohurc akrcoorrwowhro, ohwoanan ahwhaooo aoacwo waahcaorawhao wwhuaohurcwo."
Famous rock producer Bruce Dickinson was delighted with the changes, so much so that he decided to join the guild.
"Before we're done here we'll all be wearing gold-plated diapers," Dickinson said.
We've had several new recruits this month. A warm welcome to Kelvorr, Weasel, Sylesstra, Jilla, Surtal, and of course TheBruceDickinson. You guys are all awesome!
We've also expanded our council with the addition of Catrine, our new Social Coordinator. Should any members be found not having any fun, Catrine will step in and set things right.
As always, if you have any questions about the guild please feel free to contact any member of the council, either via our website or the forums:
Zowm, Guild Leader
Kallajibuseb, Officer
Wightlight, Officer
Catrine, Officer
And for those of you who who simply will not join any guild without first knowing something about their pumpkin carving abilities, you may find our guild jack-o-lantern thread of use.